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Developing Self-Regulation through the Somatic Dialogue | USABP Spotlight Event

  • 18 Sep 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • Members don't pay
  • Special rate for member invited guests that enter their given code.

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This Spotlight Series Event is brought to you in partnership with Somatic Training - an official member of the USABP Educator Alliance.

Presented by Dieter Rehberg

Founder, Somatic Training

This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event.

This course will not include CEs.

This event will include our special Overtime! 

Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends. 


In this workshop, taught by the founder of the method Physio-Mental Development (PME), participants will delve into both the theory and practice of the ‘Somatic Dialogue’. The workshop offers a balanced approach to cognitive and experiential learning, engaging participants in activities that involve sensing their own bodies, moving, reflecting, and sharing experiences. This holistic process aims to enhance self-awareness and self-regulation through a deepened connection between mind and body.

The participants will discover the main keystone of PME, the ‘Somatic Dialogue’ and its requirements, principles, and processes. The workshop's first part will explore three core disciplines of PME: ‘Somatic Movement’, ‘Anatomical Embodiment’, and ‘Somatic Coaching’. In the second part, participants will be guided through advanced practices such as ‘Cellular Breathing’, ‘Cellular Gravitation’, and ‘Cellular Self-Regulation’. These techniques are designed to cultivate a profound and deep sense of bodily awareness and promote helpful and healing overall Self-Regulation

General Agenda

  • Helpful and healing development through mindful and compassionate sensing and moving
  • Quality of Perception as defined by Buddhist Psychology 
  • The Law of Action and the Sensory-Motor Loop 
  • Physiological Unwinding into Expressive Movement  
  • The Relationship of the Basic Mental Needs with Cellular Self-Regulation 
  • Constructivist Learning and Healing through Open-Ended Process

Learning Objectives

Participants will gain first embodied understanding / realization / insight into

  • the somatic and experiential process of self-regulation
  • emotional regulation through physiological self-regulation
  • the possibility of philosophical and spiritual realizations through physiological self-regulation

Participants will learn:

  • Basic theory of PME / the somatic Dialogue / physiological self-regulation
  • Prerequisites and framework conditions of physiological self-regulation
Presenter Information

Dieter Rehberg, MA, BA, MSMT/E

Dieter Rehberg is Psychological Counselor (LSB), Master of Somatic Movement Therapy and Education(ISMETA), Somatic Dance Educator , Massage Therapist and Performance Artist. Rehberg is Trager-Practitioner and certified in Idiolektics and has extensive experience and knowledge in Release Technique, Contact Improvisation, Creative Dance, Alexander Technique and Body-Mind Centering. He developed his method integrating these different dance, bodywork and counseling techniques from his 35 years of professional experience as somatic therapist and performance artist combining it with his insights into buddhist theory and practice. He is the director of the "Institut und Akademie für Physio-Mentale Entwicklung" and founder of THE SOMATIC TRAINING. Rehberg holds a Bachelor of Arts from the European Dance Development Center / NL, the Trauma Certificate from Laurier University / CAN and a Master of Arts in Somatic Studies from Middlesex University / UK. For 25 years he worked in his private practice in Vienna / Austria and teaches nationally, internationally and online.

Somatic Training uses somatic movement, dance, bodywork and coaching mindfuly and compassionately to develop your body and mind in a helpful and healing way. This mindful perception starts the somatic dialog that leads to the expression of self-regulation and balance of your whole self. READ MORE


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Please cancel prior to 24 hours before the course starts. For questions or concerns, phone 202-466-1619.

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1) Register first on the USABP website (click the register button on this page), and then

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.

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Houston, TX 77055


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