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Somatic Training is your opportunity for health, freedom and happiness

Somatic Training uses somatic movement, dance, bodywork and coaching mindfuly and compassionately to develop your body and mind in a helpful and healing way. This mindful perception starts the somatic dialog that leads to the expression of self-regulation and balance of your whole self.

For You

Somatic Training is for you!
Somatic Training is for your development of health, freedom and happiness.
Somatic Training is for you to become a professional guide to help others to develop their health, freedom and happiness

Somatic Trainining is for you if

  • you want to live your full potential
  • you want to find your physical wisdom and creativity
  • you want to become who you are
  • you want to ease physical pain and remain from suffering
  • you think that talking is not enough for your development
  • you love movement, bodywork, dance, yoga or martial arts
  • you work already professionally with people and want broaden your approach to communicate with others in a helpful and healing way
  • want to become a "Somatic Movement Therapist", a "Somatic Movement Educator" or a "Somatic Dance Educator"

We Offer

Somatic Training offers


Somatic Training is international with students from all over the world.
Somatic Training is taught in english (with german translation possibility)
All offers are hybrid/online.


Somatic Training is taught in the somatic
method "Physio-Mentale Entwicklung" (PME)
as it was developed by its founder Dieter Rehberg.
PME has its roots in different somatic methods, dance, massage, counseling, coaching and buddhist psychology.
Somatic Training is only taught in small live groups, where the presence of the students plays a key role in the learning process.
Dialogue and individual attention support the students in their personal and professional development.

Somatic Training applies the code of ethics and standards of practice of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA)
Somatic Training is an ISMETA Associate Organisation

Somatic Training is active member and accredited somatic training institute of USABP


"The teacher is brilliant! :) Very passionate and knowledgeable on the topic, conveying precise and easy to understand knowledge, experience  and enthusiasm along the course. Very friendly, approachable and generous in his support and feedback."

"Absolutely excellent and very unique. The training offers real insight into movement. Beyond categorized terms – and is also a space for personal growth and development. Very recommendable to all kinds of movement teachers."

"With its simplicity this training really enables one to focus and understand what "mindful" realy means. And by constantly emphasizing and explaining its importance it creates the safe space for it to be embodied."

"Personally, this has been an amazing and rich journey, connecting more to my body, physically and sensory, becoming curious and explorative, being more friendly and compassionate with my body and its processes. This course offered the space to go through a wide range of sensing, feelings, thoughts- from I feel nothing, I am not sure what is there... to overwhelming, humbling realizations about my self (mind, body, spirit)"

"Fun, collaborative, awe-inducing, educational, challenging, focused, and transformative. This is what comes to mind when I remember this module. I’m writing this feedback nearly 12 months after I tool the module. This week planted the seed for an awakening process for my awareness. The only thing that exists is right here right now and that’s true for everything everywhere."

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USABP purpose

We believe that integration of the body and mind is essential to effective psychotherapeutic health. To that end, we develop and advance the art, science, and practice of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology in a professional, ethical, and caring manner in order to support our membership as they promote the health and welfare of their clients.”

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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No part of this Web site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy. 

USABP is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to developing and advancing the art, science, and practice of Body Psychotherapy.

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