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The IBPJ Community Invites You to Participate

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A Call to Authors and Peer Reviewers

The IBPJ Editorial Team feels that now, more than ever, our field must bring forward body-centered methodologies that foster diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.

Validated by neuroscience, the field of somatic psychology continues to gain recognition. As we evolve and our influence expands, we invite submissions of original theory, qualitative and quantitative research, experiential data, and case studies, as well as comparative and secondary analysis from clinicians and researchers who practice in somatic and body-inclusive fields.

We also hope that if you have an area of expertise, you will consider joining our team of peer reviewers. Please write to or consult the IBPJ website for more information.

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somatic ideas, 
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  • International visibility for your work
  • A targeted specialized audience
  • An international reach and acknowledgment for your book, school, training program, or clinical approach
  • Networking in the field of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology
  • The opportunity to contribute to the ongoing expansion and outreach of IBPJ as the voice of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology

IBPJ is exclusively financed by USABP, EABP, subscriptions, advertisements, and donations.

See Our Media Kit

Steeped in tradition, the IBPJ paves the way for future generations

Our publication evolved from the original United States Association for Body Psychotherapy Journal founded by Dr. Jacqueline Carleton in 2001. Dr. Carleton’s expertise guided the journal for ten years, from its inception to its 10th anniversary in 2011. At that point, the European Body Psychotherapy Association took over its publication and the Journal transitioned to become the International Body Psychotherapy Journal.

In 2018, the EABP and USABP joined forces to co-publish with a collaborative international editorial committee.

The driving force toward creating a joint venture between American and European colleagues was a desire to respond to the worldwide growing interest and expansive growth in the fields of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology.

It is the Journal's goal to educate the upcoming generations of therapists about the wealth of somatic creative clinical innovations. The Journal also supports new somatic therapists in taking their first steps as published authors.


The IBPJ is exclusively financed by USABP, EABP, 
subscriptions, advertisements, and donations


The IBPJ Editorial Committee

The IBPJ is managed by an Editorial Board of members from both American and European associations and receives valuable support from an International Advisory Board of consulting editors and peer reviewers.


Peer Reviewers

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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