This Spotlight Series event is brought to you in partnership with The Somatic Therapy Center.

Presented by Joe Weldon
Co-founder of the Somatic Therapy Center
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event.
This course will not include CEs.
This event will include our special Overtime!
Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends.
Full Series Title:
A Somatic Paradigm Shift For Transformative Touch: A three part series on somatically informed interventions essential for trauma treatment.
This is Series Event Part Two:
“You have an issue with …”, “I have an issue with…”
Check out the series Part One Event
*Members get access to part one free
In the worlds of exploring the human experience of trauma, the word “Issue” has taken a permanent, dubious place in the vernacular. Therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, body workers, doctors, and lawyers arrange their practices based on the idea of identifying the trauma as an issue and then helping to resolve that issue. This has been the protocol for the treatment of trauma for many years now. Treatment, at some point, involves the practitioner saying to a client “You have an issue with…” , or, the client saying “I have an issue with…” An “issue” by definition is a concern, a problem, a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties. To treat the issue is to focus on the problem, the dispute, the “What’s Wrong”.
For a traumatized body—-a traumatized client, that approach and focus frustrates it’s natural ability to share an injury. An injury, by definition is a harm suffered by a person due to some act or omission done by another person. An injury to a client consists of many facets of pain, which always presents in the sequence of the harming. Sometimes the body is harmed first, the mind second, the emotions third, the soul fourth. Other times these positions are shifted—the feelings get hurt first, then the body ETC.. Each client presents their own unique sequence. Traumatized bodies are always presenting injuries, not issues. When we treat a client as suffering from an injury, we are clearly making the client’s body essential to devising a treatment protocol.
When we treat the client as having an injury rather than having an issue, we help the client to know the sequence and syntax of what was done to, or omitted from, their bodies and their lives. When we mis-identify a client’s injury as an issue, we focus ours, and our clients’attention on the consequences—the chaos that crackles in the mind .When we call an injury an issue, we rob it of it’s integrity, it’s integral nature. Once this happens, the client will be lost in the “MIND” field always trying to solve a problem rather than putting salve on the wound.
Join us as we explore, and, recognize how identifying and treating your clients’ injuries restores movement and integrity to a client’s body. Experience how restoring integrity and movement to a client’s body animates, rejuvenates, and resources the wisdom of the client. Learn how this” paradigm shift “from “Issue” to “Injury” changes the landscape of healing trauma.
This workshop will use didactic and experiential exercises with attendees (and volunteers) to elucidate the body’s ability to discern holding on from being held onto
The Main Points of this Workshop
- Shifting to a somatic paradigm of "Injury" rather than "Issue"
- Treating traumatized clients bodies as expressing injury
- Restoring integrity and movement to a body.
- Rejuvenating and resourcing the wisdom of the client
- Assisting a client's body to be back in sequence
Participants will Learn
- How using the paradigm of injury to treat a traumatized client engages and encourages a client’s body to come back into sequence and balance.
- How using the paradigm of injury to treat a traumatized client aids in developing a treatment plan that is essential to maintaining the health of a client.
- How identifying and treating your clients’ injuries restores movement and integrity to a client’s body
General Agenda
- Welcoming and introduction( 5 minutes)
- Didactic presentation with case examples ( 30 minutes)
- Personal experience exercise- whole group ( 20 minutes)
- Short demo with one member of group ( 10 minutes)
- Professional experience exercise—breakout rooms ( 20 minutes
- Sharing learnings from the exercise ( 10 minutes)
- Questions (10 minutes)
- Closing ( 5 minutes)
- Overtime questions ( 10-20 minutes)
Presenter Information
Joe Weldon:
Joe Weldon, Co-founder of the Somatic Therapy Center, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Master Somatic Therapist with over 40 years of teaching people worldwide to become somatic practitioners. Having given over 70,000 individual sessions, he is an experienced guide in the art of Transformative Touch. Joe has taught at the School of Social Work at the University of Pennsylvania and Villanova University. Joe presented at the first USABP conference in Beverly, MA, and continues to support the USABP mission strongly. He truly believes in the innate wisdom of the whole being and the healing power of humor.

We at The Somatic Therapy Center hold the conviction that the BODY is the Keeper of Truth, the Holder of Wisdom and the Way-shower to Wholeness and Health. For over 40 years, the founders Joe Weldon and Noël Wight, have been touching people and transforming lives. Their work, Transformative Touch, is the touch of gentle, gracious guidance. It is an approach that combines touching with their hands, touching with their hearts, and touching with their words. Transformative Touch is a conversation that fosters and forges a healing dialogue in which the client fully participates- body, mind, heart and soul. READ MORE

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.