This Spotlight Series Event is brought to you in partnership with Official USABP Educator The Realization Process.
Event Description:
Judith will teach the main attunement practices of the Realization Process for deeply inhabiting one’s body and uncovering an undivided fundamental dimension of consciousness pervading one’s body and environment as a unity. She will also teach an innovative release technique for recognizing and releasing trauma-based constrictions from the body. The release of these patterns heals chronic fragmentations within our own being and between ourselves and other people.
Pervading our body, fundamental consciousness is experienced as the basis of our individual wholeness and our ability to feel more alive, present and comfortable within our body. Pervading our body and environment as a unity, it is the basis of an experience of oneness, of deep contact and intimacy, with the world around us. Uncovering this undivided consciousness within ourselves can help us gain increased resilience, perspective and authenticity. It can deepen our primary human capacities for love, pleasure and understanding.
This event will include our special Overtime!
Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends.
Participants will learn:
- An effective mind/body integrative process for helping people deepen contact with themselves and others.
- An innovative technique for releasing trauma-based patterns of constriction from the body.
- A somatic approach to helping people regain and deepen their capacities for emotional responsiveness, pleasure, understanding, agency and communication.
- A way to uncover a subtle, unified dimension of consciousness, as the basis of both one’s individual wholeness and self-other oneness.
Trauma and the Unbound Body, by Judith Blackstone, Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2018
The Empathic Ground: Intersubjectivity and Nonduality in the Psychotherapeutic Process, by Judith Blackstone, Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2007
Belonging Here: a Guide for the Spiritually Sensitive Person, by Judith Blackstone, Boulder, CO: Sounds True, 2012
Essay – Inhabiting the Body as Unitive Consciousness, by Judith Blackstone, INTERNATIONAL BODY PSYCHOTHERAPY JOURNAL Volume 20 Number 1 Spring/Summer 2021
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This event will be recorded and available for members.
Non-members who register for this event also have access to this video. This course will not include CEs.

Our featured presenter will be:
Judith Blackstone, PhD
Founder of the Realization Process
Judith Blackstone, PhD, is the founder of the Realization Process a method of embodied personal and relational healing and nondual spiritual awakening. She teaches the Realization Process world-wide in workshops and teacher trainings. She is the author of several books, including Trauma and the Unbound Body: the Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness, Belonging Here: A Guide for the Spiritually Sensitive Person and The Empathic Ground: Intersubjectivity and Nonduality in the Psychotherapeutic Process. Her essays have been published in many peer-reviewed journals, including The International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and most recently, the International Body Psychotherapy Journal.
- Welcome
- USABP Announcements
- Presentation, Demo & Experiential
- Q & A
- Overtime discussion (after the event formally concludes)

About the Spotlight Organization
The Realization Process is a somatic approach to psychological healing, relational healing, and nondual spiritual realization. It is a series of practices for attuning to foundational consciousness pervading our body and environment as a unity. These practices cultivate an experience of internal cohesion, authenticity, increased vitality, and the integration of cognition, emotion and physical sensation. Combined with verbal dialogue, specific Realization Process practices apply foundational consciousness to the release of somatically bound protective patterns that were formed in response to early traumatic relationships. Teacher certification trainings focus on the embodiment, nondual meditation and psychological healing aspects of the Realization Process. Advanced certification training focuses on recovery from trauma. READ MORE

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These live webinars are for Psychologists, Social Workers, MFTs. Counselors, Somatic Practitioners, Body Worker and other Health Professionals.

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Our events often include demonstrations, video and slide presentations, experiential exercises, Q & A discussions, insights from attendees, presenter shares about their personal journey and inspirations, and much more.
These courses content levels serve introductory or beginning level; intermediate level; or advanced level.
Please cancel prior to 24 hours before the course starts. For questions or concerns, phone 202-466-1619.
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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.