Dr. Cynthia Price, Founder of The Center for Mindful Body Awareness in a USABP Spotlight Webinar Series Presents:
The Use of Touch in Mindful Body Awareness Training: What Clinical Research Tells Us
This Workshop Comes with 2 CEU opportunities
Workshop Description
This workshop will focus on the use of touch in Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT), a mind-body approach designed to teach interoceptive skills for self- care and emotion regulation. Multiple research studies, including large NIH-funded randomized controlled trials, have examined MABT feasibility, acceptability, efficacy and therapeutic processes. We will discuss how touch is used to promote body/interoceptive awareness; the acceptability and safety of touch; research findings based on experience working with underserved populations, and people living with serious and co-occurring conditions such as PTSD, chronic pain, and chemical dependency. This workshop will also touch on the education and therapeutic skills important for therapists interested in learning this work.
Main Points of Workshop
The therapeutic processes involved in Mindful Body Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) will be explained
Interoceptive Awareness will be defined
The role of touch, both by therapist and by client, for learning body/interoceptive awareness skills will be described
Research findings related to MABT studies, particularly related to the training of interoceptive awareness skills, will be reviewed.
An overview of the training offered by the Center for Mindful Body Awareness to support therapist skills in teaching these skills will be addressed.
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0 - 5 minutes: Interview with Presenter
5- 15 minutes: Presenter talks more about background and development of MABT
15-30: Presenter talks about touch, role of touch in learning interoceptive skills, provides clinical examples and challenges (case vignettes).
30 – 50: Presentation of research and findings, specifically focused on skill acquisition (interoceptive awareness), safety, and acceptability.
50 – 60: Classes through Center for therapists interested – how therapist trainings are organized.
60 – 85: Q & A
Learning Objectives
Describe key process of MABT approach
Define Interoceptive Awareness
Describe key research findings associated with MABT research
Explain how interoceptive awareness training may facilitate well-being
Participants will learn:
About the MABT approach
About research involving the use of touch for mental health
About the safety, acceptability and effectiveness of touch based on research findings
About the Center professional training opportunities
Presenter Information
Cynthia Price, PhD MA LMT
Licensed Massage Therapist in WA State (expires 8-31-20)
Seattle, WA 98185
Job Description: Research Professor, University of Washington, Department of Biobehavioral Nursing; Director, Center for Mindful Body Awareness
Presenter Bio
Cynthia Price, PhD MA LMT is a Research Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, WA, USA. Her other professional roles include: Research Director of the UW Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, and Director of the Center for Mindful Body Awareness. Cynthia studies a mind-body therapy she developed called Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT). The MABT approach includes psychoeducation, mindfulness and touch to teach interoceptive awareness skills for self-care and emotion regulation. Her clinical and research expertise is primarily focused on community-based research to improve health and well-being among people who are typically disconnected from their bodies due to trauma, chemical dependency, chronic pain, or other life stressors. She trains clinicians in MABT through the Center for Mindful Body Awareness.
Resumes / Curriculum Vitas
2004 Ph.D. Nursing Science, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
1990 M.A. Counseling-Psychology, Lesley College, Cambridge, MA.
1985-86 Homebirth Midwife Apprenticeship, Concord Midwives, Concord, NH.
1982 B.A. Health Care Studies, Antioch University West, San Francisco, CA.
(1978-1980 student at Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT)
1981 Massage Training, Heartwood Holistic Health Institute, Santa Cruz, CA.
4/2019 Trainee, NIDA-funded Innovation to Impact Entrepreneurship Training Program for Substance Abuse Researchers at Yale University School of Medicine.
9/ 2006- 8/ 2007 Post-doctoral Fellow, Puget Sound Veterans Medical Center Trainee, UW School of Nursing NIDA Research Training Grant # T32 DA0725713.
9/ 2004- 8/ 2005 Post-doctoral Fellow, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute Trainee, UW School of Nursing NIDA Research Training Grant # T32 DA0725713.
9/ 2002- 6/ 2004 Pre-doctoral Fellow, Individual National Research Service Award (NRSA), NCCAM #F31 AT01053.
9/ 1999- 8/ 2002 Pre-doctoral Fellow, UW School of Nursing NINR Biobehavioral Research Training Grant #T32 NR07106.
Publications (Selected Peer-Reviewed)
1. Price, C., Thompson, E., Crowell, S., Pike, K. (2019) Longitudinal effects of interoceptive awareness training through Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) as an adjunct to women's substance use disorder treatment: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Dependence,
2. Price, C., Crowell, S., Pike, K., Cheng, S., Puzia, M., Thompson, E. (2018). Psychological and Autonomic Correlates of Emotion Dysregulation Among Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Substance Use and Misuse, doi.org./10.1080/10826084.2018.1508297.
3. Price, C., Thompson, E., Crowell, S., Pike, K., Cheng, S., Parent, S., Hooven, C. (2018). Immediate Effects of Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT) for Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Improved Interoceptive Awareness and Emotion Regulation Indices. Substance Use Journal, doi: 10.1080/10826084.2018.1508297.
4. Price, C. & Hooven. C. (2018). Interoceptive Awareness Skills for Emotion Regulation: Theory and Approach of Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy (MABT). Frontiers in Psychology, 9:798. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00798.
5. Price, C., Thompson, E., Cheng, S. (2017). Scale of Body Connection: A Multi-Sample Construct Validation Study. PlosOne.,12(10): e0184757. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0184757.
6. Crowell, S., Price, C., Puzia, M., & Cheng, C. (2017). Emotion Dysregulation and Autonomic Responses to Film, Rumination, and Body Awareness: Extending Psychophysiological Research to a Naturalistic Clinical Setting and a Chemically Dependent Female Sample. Psychophysiology, 54(7). 713-723.
7. Carvalheira, A , Price, C., Neves, C. (2017). Body Awareness and Bodily Dissociation Among Those With and Without Sexual Difficulties: Differentiation Using The Scale of Body Connection (SBC). Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, epub ahead of print, March 1: 1-10.
8. Price, C. & Mehling, W. (2016). Body Awareness and Pain. Chapter In: Thompson, D. & Brooks, M. (Eds.) Integrative Pain Management. HandSpring, Scotland.
9. Price, C. & Crowell, S. (2016). Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia as a Potential Measure in Substance Use Treatment-Outcome Studies. Addiction, 111(4): 615-625.
10. Price, C. & Smith-DiJulio, K. (2016). Interoceptive Awareness is Important for Relapse Prevention: Perceptions of Women who Received Mindful Body Awareness in Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 27 (1): 32-8.
11. Farb, N., Daubenmier, J., Price, C., Gard, T., Kerr, C., Dunn, B., Klein, A., Paulus, M., Mehling, W. (2015). Interoception, Contemplation, and Health. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:763.
12. Price, C. & Herting, J. (2013). Changes in Post -Traumatic Stress Symptoms Among Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment: The Mediating Role of Bodily Dissociation and Emotion Regulation. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment, 7: 147-153.
13. Mehling, W., Daubenmier, J., Price, C., Acree, M., Bartmess, E., Stewart, A. (2013). Self-Reported Interoceptive Awareness in Primary Care Patients with Past or Current Low Back Pain. Journal of Pain Research, 6:403-18.
14. Price, C., Taibi, D., Smith Di-Julio, K., Voss, J. (2013). Developing Compassionate Self-Care Skills in Persons Living with HIV: a Pilot Study to Examine Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy Feasibility and Acceptability. International Journal of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork, 6(2): 1-11.
15. Mehling, W., Price, C., Daubenmier, J., Acree, M., Bartmess, E., Stewart, A. (2012). The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA). PLoS One, 7(11): e48230. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048230. PMID: 23133619.
16. Price, C., Wells, E., Donovan, D., Brooks, M. (2012). Implementation and Acceptability of Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy in Women's Substance Disorder Treatment. Alternative Therapies in Complementary and Alternative Medicine,18(5): 1-9.
17. Price, C., Wells, E., Donovan, D., Rue, T. (2012). Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy as an Adjunct to Women's Substance Use Disorder Treatment: A Pilot Feasibility Study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 43: 94-107.
18. Price, C., Krycka, K., Breitenbucher,T., Brown, N. (2011). Perceived Helpfulness and Unfolding Processes in Body-oriented Therapy Practice. The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology, 11(2):1-15. ISSN: 1445-7377.
19. Mehling, W., Wrubel, J.,Daubenmier, J., Price, C., Kerr, C., Silow, T., Gopisetty, V., Stewart, A. (2011). Body Awareness: A Phenomenological Inquiry into the Common Ground of Mind-body Therapies. Philosophy, Ethics and Humanities in Medicine, 6(6): 1-12. doi:10.1186/1747-5341-6-6.
20. Price, C., & Thompson, EA. (2007). Measuring Dimensions of Body Connection: Body Awareness and Bodily Dissociation. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 13(9):945-954.
21. Price, C., McBride, B., Hyerle, L., Kivlahan, D. (2007). Body-oriented Psychotherapy for Female Veterans with PTSD Taking Prescription Analgesics for Chronic Pain: A Feasibility Study. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 13(6):32-43.
22. Price, C. (2007). Dissociation Reduction in Body Therapy during Sexual Abuse Recovery. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 13: 116-128.
23. Blackburn, J. & Price, C. (2007). Implications of Presence in Manual Therapy. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 11: 68 - 77.
24. Price, C. (2006). Body-Oriented Therapy in Sexual Abuse Recovery: A Pilot-Test Comparison. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 10: 58-64.
Presentations (Selected Recent Webinars, Podcasts, Clinical and Scientific Conferences)
2019 Invited Co-Chair and Presenter, Blueprint Meeting on Interoception, National Institutes for Health (NIH). Bethesda, MD.
Invited presenter for webinar series, Reducing Relapse Risk by Increasing Body Awareness Skills: Practical Tips and Research Findings for Clinicians Who Work in Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network (ATTC), Seattle, WA.
Invited Keynote on Mindful Body Awareness in Massage therapy, Oregon American Massage Therapy Association Annual Convention. Portland, OR.
2018 Presenter on Mindful Body Awareness for Women in Chemical Dependency Treatment, USABP Conference, Santa Barbara, CA.
Invited speaker, Continuing Education Event for Substance Use Therapists, Acadia Healthcare, Seattle WA.
2017 Invited presenter, Interoceptive Awareness Training Facilitates Emotion Regulation Among Women in Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Magee-Women’s Research Institute Work-in-Progress Seminar Series. Pittsburgh, PA.
Invited speaker on Interoception and Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy, Palmer School of Chiropractic. San Jose, CA.
Invited presentation on Mindful Awareness in Body-oriented Therapy, Mindful Families, Schools & Communities Research Meeting, UW Center for Child and Family Well-being. Seattle, WA.
2016 Invited Podcast, How the Mindful Body Awareness Heals. On: Liberated Body
Presentation. Teaching Interoceptive Awareness: The Processes, Individualized Approach, and Role of Touch in Training. The International Symposium for Contemplative Studies, The Mind and Life Institute. San Diego, CA.
Khalsa, S., et al. (2018). Interoception and Mental Health: A roadmap. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging, 3 (6): 501-513.
Farb, N., et al., (2015). Interoception, Contemplation, and Health. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:763.
Mahler, Kelly (2015). Interoception: The Eight Sensory System. AAPC Publishing, Lenexa, Kansas
Craig, A.D. (Bud). (2014). How do you feel? An interoceptive moment with your neurobiological self. Princeton University Press.
Mehling, W., et al. (2012). The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA). PLoS One, 7(11): e48230.
Cameron, O. (2001). Interoception: the inside story – a model for psychosomatic processes. Psychosomatic Medicine, 63: 697-710.
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