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Trauma and the Unbound Body: The Healing Power of Fundamental Consciousness

1 Feb 2019 11:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

By Judith Blackstone, PhD

Trauma and the Unbound Body offers a method for uncovering our own nature as a fundamental ground of consciousness, pervading our body and environment as a unity. It describes how we constrict and fragment ourselves in reaction to trauma, and how we can utilize this subtle, fundamental consciousness to find the exact pathways of these constrictions, and free ourselves from the effects of trauma.

Pervading our body, fundamental consciousness is the basis of our experience of existing as an individual. It frees, deepens and integrates all of our human capacities, so that we can know, feel, sense, perceive and respond with our whole being. Pervading our body and environment, it is the basis of an experience of unity, of oneness between ourselves and everything and everyone around us.

Fundamental consciousness has never been injured. As this unbreakable ground, we open not into the daunting void of nothingness, but into our own underlying wholeness. We become more of ourselves as we transcend ourselves, as we become more open to the world around us. Fundamental consciousness is the spark of our true nature that is bound within our trauma-based constrictions, and that can lead us back to the unbound fullness of our being.

“This groundbreaking book teaches us how to resolve all levels of trauma through inhabiting the internal space of our body. The practices and teachings reveal the ground of fundamental consciousness, and Judith Blackstone is a brilliant, experienced guide. This path of healing trauma is deep, powerful and true.” Tara Brach, Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge.

Workshops and Teacher Certification Trainings with Judith Blackstone are available.

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1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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