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Psychotherapy research in general terms is a relatively young and fairly controversial scientific discipline; the questions as to whether the notion of “Empirically Supported Treatments / ESTs” or even “Evidence Based Treatment” can be applied remains a subject for intensive debate within the psychotherapy community.

Lambert (2011) emphasised major goals of psychotherapy research as an applied clinical science, namely, “protecting and promoting the welfare of the client by identifying the principles and procedures that enhance positive outcomes”.  The literature on the history of psychotherapy research usually distinguishes between four phases, beginning with the systematic case study approach introduced by Sigmund Freud in the 1920s.  The first systematic outcome studies were conducted by Carl Rogers and team in the 1950s with an emphasis on psychotherapy processes, as well as conceptual issues in psychotherapy.  From 1970 onwards, the focus shifted towards establishing specific effects of psychotherapy interventions in treatment-outcome studies, culminating in the famous ‘Dodo-Bird-Verdict’: “At last the Dodo said, 'Everybody has won, and all must have prizes” (from Alice in Wonderland). This verdict considers decades of large-scale, so-called “meta-analytic” studies, suggesting that although psychotherapy is effective, no single approach is consistently more effective than another (Luborsky et al., 1975; Smith & Glass, 1977; Wampold & Imel, 2015). Other researchers, predominantly those representing Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, concluded their studies as supporting modality specific evidence (e.g. Chambless & Ollendick, 2001).  From about the mid-1980s however, the perspectives in psychotherapy research shifted, and is now characterized by an intensive effort to distinguish general and specific psychotherapy process and change factors in the context of mixed-method (qualitative and quantitative) research approaches (see Laska et al., 2014).

The contemporary discourse in psychotherapy research has therefore emphasised the importance of context factors such as: intercultural issues, client-therapist interaction, the matter of choice (matching of therapist-client perspectives), as well as the transfer of experiences from psychotherapy into day-to-day life.  From a perspective of Body Psychotherapy (BPT), it is furthermore important to acknowledge the growing influence of a theory paradigm shifts towards a notion of embodied cognition in psychology, philosophy and corresponding findings in (affective) neurosciences (e.g. Panksepp, 2004) and neuropsychology (e.g. Schore, 2012), emphasising the crucial role of creative, embodied engagement as well as emotional regulation and corresponding resource-oriented, approaches in psychotherapy.

Some additional dimensions have to be considered for BPT: the embodied and experiential nature at the core of the psychotherapeutic process in BPT, the interactive, participatory therapeutic relationship as well as the interface between subjective feeling states/affect regulation and movement behaviour – all these aspects, specific for the work in BPT, make it difficult to apply EST criteria to determine an evidence-base for efficacy and effectiveness.  Tantia (2019) accordingly suggested to extend the research perspective in Body Psychotherapy and introduce a “somatically informed paradigm”.

For the purpose of this EABP website section, we however decided to group the literature according to a standard approach, because we came to the view that the EABP website, as an outward facing information platform, and for those who are not familiar with the specific Body Psychotherapy modality, will benefit from a summary that can be compared with other psychotherapy modalities.

We would like to however clearly state, that we agree with the critical appraisal of the state of the art in psychotherapy research, i.e. supporting the notion that a wider and methodologically equivalent perspective should be considered whilst determining as to how and to what extent Body Psychotherapy “works” for the people that come to seek support and help provided by our Body Psychotherapy colleagues. After all, and as emphasised by Leichsenring et al. (2014): “Plurality and Diversity Matters”, not only in psychotherapy research but also for clinical practice.

Frank Röhricht (on behalf of the EABP Science & Research Committee (SRC))


Introduction & Background:

There are very many different types (methods or modalities) of Body (or Body-Oriented) Psychotherapies and/or Somatic Psychotherapies: [[1]] some of these are ‘intervention’ techniques or body-therapies that have added on (or integrated) a psychotherapy training component and not many of these Body Psychotherapy methods or modalities have been subjected to any form of proper ‘scientific’ evaluation (i.e., their ‘efficacy’ and ‘effectiveness’ has not been established), but this does not mean that they are not effective or efficacious: these have yet to be established.

However, Body Psychotherapy itself (as a mainstream branch of psychotherapy) has been validated as a scientifically validated and sufficiently ‘grounded’ form of psychotherapy by the European Association of Psychotherapy (EAP); and several of the Body Psychotherapy modalities have also independently gone through the EAP’s “Scientific Validation” process. [[2]] This ‘scientific validation’ process involves making substantive answers to the EAP’s “15 Questions on Scientific Validity”. [[3]]

The current ‘evidence-base’ of Body Psychotherapy (as shown here) does not differentiate between the different types of Body Psychotherapy [[4]] – although some studies refer to just one (e.g., Bioenergetic Analysis); nor does it differentiate between qualitative or quantitative research or different types of research: both can be valid, if the design is appropriate and applicable to Body Psychotherapy.

‘Science’ requires the establishment of measurable standards and values. [[5]]  Nearly all the different theories, methods and modalities of Body Psychotherapy (in Europe) now have similar standards of training (see EABP Training Standards [[6]]), with increasingly ‘core’ elements in their curricula, common theoretical grounds and underpinning (see: Marlock, Weiss, Young & Soth, 2015), and they are also developing similar professional competencies.

The listing of ‘The Evidence-Base of Body Psychotherapy’ here is a result of an extensive and informed search strategy of members of the EABP’s Science & Research Committee (SRC) with submissions from EABP members and others; it is not based upon a systematic review of all available literature and we may have therefore missed out some publications. There are – obviously – many more other Body Psychotherapy research articles ‘out there’ (many in non-English languages; many confined to specific universities or training schools); so – if anyone reading this is aware of any other similar studies that may be relevant and have been over-looked or left out of this listing – then we ask you to send us the details and then we can / will check them out and add them in to this ‘evidence-base’.

Collected and collated by: Courtenay Young & Frank Röhricht (EABP SRC): Sept. 2021.


References to the above:

Chambless, D.L. & Ollendick, T.H. (2001). Empirically supported psychological interventions: Controversies and evidence. Annual Review of Psychology, 52(1), 685-716.

Lambert, M.J. & Barley, D.E. (2001). Research summary on the therapeutic relationship and psychotherapy outcome. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 38(4), 357.

Laska, K.M., Gurman, A.S. & Wampold, B.E. (2014). Expanding the lens of evidence-based practice in psychotherapy: A common factors perspective. Psychotherapy, 51(4), 467.

Leichsenring, F., Abbass, A., Hilsenroth, M.J., Luyten, P., Munder, T., Rabung, S. & Steinert, C. (2018). “Gold standards”, plurality and monocultures: The need for diversity in psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 159.

Lipsey, M.W. & Wilson, D.B. (1993). The efficacy of psychological, educational, and behavioral treatment: Confirmation from meta-analysis. American Psychologist, 48(12), 1181–1209.

Luborsky, L., Singer, B. & Luborsky, L. (1975). Comparative studies of psychotherapies: Is it true that everyone has won and all must have prizes? Archives of General Psychiatry, 32(8), 995–1008.

Marlock, G., Weiss, H., Young, C. & Soth, M. (2015). The Handbook of Body Psychotherapy & Somatic Psychology. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.

Panksepp, J. (2004). Affective Neuroscience: The foundations of human and animal emotions. Oxford University Press.

Schore, A. (2012). The Science of the Art of Psychotherapy. New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

Smith, M.L. & Glass, G.V. (1977). Meta-analysis of psychotherapy outcome studies. American Psychologist, 32(9), 752–760.

Tantia, J.F. (2019). Toward a Somatically-Informed Paradigm in Embodied Research. International Journal of Body Psychotherapy, 18, 134-145.

Wampold, B.E. (2015). How important are the common factors in psychotherapy? An update. World Psychiatry, 14(3), 270-277.

“The heterogeneous field of Body Oriented Psychotherapy (BOP) provides a range of unique contributions for the treatment of mental disorders.  Practice based clinical evidence and a few empirical studies point towards good efficacy of these non-verbal intervention strategies.  This is particularly relevant for those disorders with body image aberration and other body-related psychopathology, but also for mental disorders with limited treatment response to traditional talking therapies, e.g. somatoform disorders, medically unexplained syndromes, PTSD, anorexia nervosa or chronic schizophrenia.  However, the evidence base is not yet sufficiently developed in order to get BOP recognised as suitable mainstream treatment by national health services and their commissioning bodies.  Strong academic links are urgently required in order to support practitioners in their efforts to evaluate the clinical work in systematic research.  The field would greatly benefit from the development of international higher education training in integrated clinical body psychotherapy, enabling practitioners to obtain a master's degree.  From a scientific perspective, projects on the interface between neuroscience and psychotherapy research should be conducted in order to understand more fully the therapeutic processes in BOP, particularly with regard to emotional processing, movement behaviour and body- & self-perception.  Qualitative research is needed to further investigate the specific interactive therapeutic relationship, the dynamics of touch in psychotherapy and the additional self-helping potential of creative/arts therapy components.  Provided that these requirements will be fulfilled, BOP could be established as one of the main psychotherapeutic modalities in clinical care, alongside other mainstream schools such as psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural and systemic.”

(Abstract in (3) Frank Röhricht, 2009)


Note: Currently, we cannot store copies of all available texts on the EABP website. So, Links (are to another website’s listing), Abstracts and Downloads (are to a listing of the abstract or are to a download of the full text): these are dependent on another organisation’s website maintaining accessibility to these references. 



§A:   Systematic / Narrative Reviews and Meta-Analyses about the efficacy of Body Psychotherapy

A(1)         Bloch-Atefi, A. & Smith, J. (2014). The Effectiveness of Body-Oriented Psychotherapy: A review of the literature. Melbourne: PACFA. (Download)
A(2)         Loew, T.H., Tritt, K., Lahmann, C. & Röhricht, F. (2006). Körperpsychotherapien–wissenschaftlich begründet? Eine Ubersicht über empirisch evaluierte Korperpsychotherapieverfahren. [Body Psychotherapy- scientifically proven? An overview of empirically assessed body-oriented psychological therapies.] Psychodynamische Psychotherapie, 5 (1), 6-19. (In German: English Abstract) (Download).
A(3)         May, J. (2005). The Outcome of Body Psychotherapy Research. International Body Psychotherapy Journal [previously USABP Journal], 4, 2, 93-115. (Download
A(4)         May, J. (2016). What Scientific Research Says about Body Psychotherapy: A review of the empirical literature on Body-Oriented Psychotherapy. (Radix Institute website: Download)
A(5)         Röhricht, F. (2009). Body-oriented psychotherapy: The state of the art in empirical research and evidence-based practice: A clinical perspective. Journal of Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, pp 135-156. (Download)
A(6)         Rosendahl, S., Sattel, H. & Lahmann, C. (2021). Effectiveness of Body Psychotherapy. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry, Psychological Therapies. (Download)
A(7)         van de Kamp, M.M., Scheffers, M., Hatzmann, J., Emck, C., Cuijpers, P. & Beek, P.J. (2019). Bodyand movementoriented interventions for posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review and metaanalysis. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 32(6), 967-976.

    §B:   Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles & Theses on Body-Psychotherapy Research Projects (efficacy and effectiveness)

    B(1)         Bader-Johansson, C. (2019). Depression and Body Psychotherapy: A qualitative study from a resilience perspective. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 2, 159-177. (Download).
    B(2)         Baumann, J. (1994). Body-Oriented Group Psychotherapy in the 2nd half of life. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medicinische, Psychologie, 44, 9-10, 337-345. (Abstract)
    B(3)         Berglar, J., Crameri, A., von Wyl, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Köhler, M., Staczan, P., Schulthess, P. & Tschuschke, V. (2016). Therapist Effects on Treatment Outcome in Psychotherapy: A Multilevel Modelling Analysis, International Journal of Psychotherapy, 20, 2, 61-80. (Download)
    B(4)         Bleimling, J. (2021). Nonverbal moments of meaning: An analysis of three psychodynamic therapy sessions. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 16, 4, 286-301. (Link)

    B(5)         Boerhout, C., Swart, M., van Busschbach J.T. & Hoek, H.W. (2015). Effect of aggression regulation on eating disorder pathology: RCT of a brief body and movement-oriented intervention. European Eating Disorders Review, 24, 114-121. (Download)
    B(6)         Boerhout, C, Swart, M., Voskamp, M., Troquete, N.A.C., van Busschbach, J.T. & Hoek, H.W. (2017). Aggression regulation in day treatment of eating disorders: Two-centre RCT of a brief body and movement-oriented interventionEuropean Eating Disorders Review, 1, 52–9. (Download)
    B(7)         Bonitz, V. (2008). Use of physical touch in the" talking cure": A journey to the outskirts of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 45 (3), 391-404. (Abstract)
    B(8)         Brenner, J., Peleg, I., Shimonov, M., Shwartz, D.K., Ravinda, O. & Ben Shahar, A.R. (2010). Effectiveness of Body Mind Therapy of Cancer Patients receiving chemical treatment. International Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 14 (2), 49-66. (Link)
    B(9)         Classen, C., Hughes, L., Clark, C. Bonilyn Hill, M., Woods, P. & Beckett, B. (2020). A Pilot RCT of a Body-Oriented Group Therapy for Complex Trauma Survivors: An Adaptation of Sensorimotor Psychotherapy. Journal of Trauma & Disassociation, Vol. 22(1), 52-68. (Link)
    B(10)      Engel, L. (2008). Experience of body/self as the primary ground of life/art creation: A phenomenological case study of Rolfing. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 3, 2, 107-118. (Link).
    B(11)      Fujino, H. (2016). Body awareness and mental health: a body psychotherapy case study. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 11, 4, 249-262. (Link)
    B(12)      Galbusera, L., Finn, M.T. & Fuchs, T. (2018). Interactional synchrony and negative symptoms: An outcome study of body-oriented psychotherapy for schizophrenia. Psychotherapy Research, 28(3), 457-469.
    B(13)      Galbusera, L., Fellin, L. & Fuchs, T. (2019). Towards the recovery of a sense of self: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of patients’ experience of body-oriented psychotherapy for schizophrenia. Psychotherapy Research, 29(2), 234-250.
    B(14)      Geissler, P. (1999). Körperpsychotherapie als Kurzzeittherapie: Therapeutische Arbeit im Spannungsfeld zwischen Übertragungen und korrigierenden Neuerfahrungen [Body psychotherapy as short-term therapy: therapeutic work in the field of tension between transference and corrective new experiences]. Psychotherapie Forum 7 (1) 21-32.
    B(15)      Ghanaie, F., Bigdeli, I. & Rasoolzadeh Tabatabai, K. (2020). The effectiveness of body psychotherapy on improving working memory ability and inhibition level in elementary school students. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 22(2), 114-123.

    B(16)      Glazer, R., & Friedma n, H. (2009). The construct validity of the bioenergetic–analytic character typology: A multi-method investigation of a humanistic approach to personality. The Humanistic Psychologist, 37 (1), 24-48.  (Download Abstract).
    B(17)      Gudat, U. (1997). Bioenergetische Analyse als ambulante Psychotherapie – Anwendungsbereiche und Wirkungen. [Bioenergetic Analysis as Outpatient Psychotherapy - Areas of Application and Effects. Psychotherapie Forum, 5, 28-37. (Link)
    B(18)      Gudat, U. (2002). The Efficacy of Bioenergetic Analysis as a Method of Psychotherapy. Bioenergetic Analysis, 2002 (13) 1, 21-55.

    B(19)      Houde D, Tetreau B. (1981). Les approches corporelles en psychothérapie: Étude des effets d'une méthode de bioénergie [Body Psychotherapies: The efficacy of a bioenergetic method]. Revue de Psychologie Appliquée, 31 (4), 319–341. (Abstract)

    B(20)      Kaplan, A.H. & Schwartz, L. (2012). Listening to the Body: Pragmatic Case Studies of Body-Centered Psychotherapy. International Body Psychotherapy Journal (USABP Journal), 4 (2), 33-67. (Download)

    B(21)      Koemeda-Lutz, M. & Peter, H. (2001). Der Körper als Informationsträger - Eine Studie zur Bioenergetischen Körperdiagnostik [The Body as an Information Carrier: A study of Bioenergetic body diagnostics]. Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft, 9, 51-61.

    B(22)      Koemeda-Lutz, M & Peter, H. (2001). Der Körper als Informationsträger - Eine Studie zur Bioenergetischen Körperdiagnostik. [What do Human Bodies Tell us? In Search of Statistically Significant Empirical Confirmation for “The Language of the Body”. A Study in Bioenergetic Body Diagnostics]. Bioenergetic Analysis 2002, 13 (1), 77-94. Original Paper: Psychotherapie Forum 2001 (9) 51-61. (Download)
    B(23)      Koemeda-Lutz, M., Kaschke M., Revenstorf, D, Scherrmann, T., Weiss, H. & Soeder, U. (2003). Zwischenergebnisse zur Wirksamkeit von ambulanten Körperpsychotherapien: Eine Multi-center-Studie in Deutschland und der Schweiz [Interim results on the effectiveness of outpatient body psychotherapy: A multi-centre study in Germany and Switzerland]. Psychotherapie Forum, 11, 70–79. (Download)
    B(24)      Koemeda-Lutz M., Kaschke, M., Revenstorf, D., Schermann, T., Weiss, H. & Soeder, U. (2004). Preliminary Results Concerning the Effectiveness of Body Psychotherapies in Outpatient Settings – A Multi-Centre Study in Germany and Switzerland. International Body Psychotherapy Journal [previously USABP Journal] 4, 2, 93-115. (Download)
    B(25)      Koemeda-Lutz M., Kaschke, M., Revenstorf, D., Schermann, T., Weiss, H. & Soeder, U. (2006). Evaluation der Wirksamkeit von ambulanten Körperpsychotherapien – EWAK: Eine Multizenterstudie in Deutschland und der Schweiz [Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Body Psychotherapy in Out-Patient Settings (EEBP): A multi-center study in Germany and Switzerland]. In: Heinrich, V. (Ed.) (2011). Handbook of Bioenergetic Analysis, (513-532). (Original paper in German: Psychotherapy Psychosomatic Medicine Psychology, 56, 1-8. (Download here for full text in German, with English summary & abstract) (Download in English language). Preliminary Results published in  International Body Psychotherapy Journal [previously USABP Journal] 4, 2, 93-115. (Download)
    B(26)      Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Tschuschke, V., Schulthess, P. & von Wyl, A. (2016). Therapists’ Interventions in Different Psychotherapy Approaches: Category and Temporal Aspects. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 15 (1), 37-65. (Download) (First published in German in: Psychotherapie Forum (2003) 11, 70-79)

    B(27)      Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Schulthess, P., von Wyl, A., Tschuschke V. (2016). Specificity and Pace Variability of Therapists’ Interventions under Naturalistic Conditions. International Journal for Psychotherapy 20 (1), 19-50. (Link)(Download)

    B(28)      Koemeda-Lutz, M., Crameri, A., Schulthess, P., von Wyl, A. & Tschuschke, V. (2016). Searching for Active Factors in Diverse Approaches to Psychotherapy – Types of Intervention and Temporal Aspects – Brief Research Report. Bioenergetic Analysis, 26, 119-136.
    B(29)      Lachica, F.A. (2007). Common Factors in Body Oriented Psychotherapy. USABP Journal, 6, 2, 4-8. (Download).
    B(30)      Lahman, C., Nickel, M., Schuster, T., Sauer, N., Ronel, J., Noll-Hussong, M., Nickel, M., Tritt, K., Nowak, D., Röhricht, F. & Loew, T.H. (2009). Functional Relaxation and Hypnotherapeutic Intervention as Complementary Therapy in Asthma: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 78, 233-239. (Download)
    B(31)      Lahmann, C., Loew, T.H., Tritt, K. & Nickel, M. (2008). Efficacy of functional relaxation and patient education in the treatment of somatoform heart disorders: a randomized, controlled clinical investigation. Psychosomatics, 5, 378–385. (Download)
    B(32)      Lahmann, C.,Nickel, M., Schuster, T.,Sauer, N., Ronel, J., Noll-Hussong, M., Tritt, K.,Nowak, D., Röhricht, F. & Loew, T. (2009). Functional Relaxation and Guided Imagery as Complementary Therapy in Asthma: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 78, 233-239. (Download).
    B(33)      Lahmann, C., Röhricht, F., Sauer, N., Ronel, J., Noll-Hussong, M., Henrich, G., Nickel, M., Tritt, K. & Loew, T.H. (2010). Functional relaxation as a complementary therapy in irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 16, 1, 47-52. (Download)
    B(34)      Lahmann, C. Gebhardt, M., Sattel, H., Dinkel, A., Pieh, C. & Probst, T. (2017). A Randomized Controlled Trial on Functional Relaxation as an Adjunct to Psycho-education for Stress. Frontiers in Psychotherapy, 8. (Download)
    B(35)      Langenbach, M-L. (1998). Tiefenpsychologische Körpertherapie: "Subjektive Veränderungen im psychischen und körperlichen Erleben von Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern während und nach einer dreijährigen Therapiegruppe. [Deep Psychological Body Therapy: A subjective changes in the mental and physical experience of participants during and after a three-year therapy group]. Doctoral Thesis: University of Hamburg.
    B(36)      Langmuir, J.I., Kirsh, S.G. & Classen, C.C. (2012). A pilot study of body-oriented group psychotherapy: Adapting sensorimotor psychotherapy for the group treatment of trauma. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice & Policy, 4 (2), 214-220. (Abstract)
    B(37)      Lazarewicz, S. (2016). Embodied Healing: Clinician's Perspectives on Somatic Interventions for Trauma.  Sophia, St Catherine’s University: Master’s degree research paper. (Abstract) (Download)
    B(38)      Leirvåg, H., Pedersen, G. & Karterud, S. (2010). Long-term continuation treatment after short-term day treatment of female patients with severe personality disorders: Body awareness group therapy versus psychodynamic group therapy. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 64 (2), 115-122. (Abstract)
    B(39)      Leitch, M.L., Vanslyke, J. & Allen, M. (2009). Somatic experiencing treatment with social service workers following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Social Work, 54(1), 9-18. (Abstract)
    B(40)      Levy Berg, A., Sandell, R. & Sandahl, C. (2009). Affect-focused body psychotherapy in patients with generalized anxiety disorder: Evaluation of an integrative method. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 19(1), 67-85. (Download)
    B(41)      Levy Berg, A, (2009). Affect-focused body psychotherapy in patients with generalized anxiety disorder. Doctoral Thesis Karolinska Institutet (Download)
    B(42)      Loew, T.H., Siegfried, W., Martus, P., Tritt, K. & Hahn, E.C. (1996). Functional Relaxation Reduces Acute Airway Obstruction in Asthmatic as Effectively as Inhaled Terbutaline. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 65, 124-128. (English Abstract here).
    B(43)      Loew, T.H., Sohn, R., Martus, P., Tritt, K. & Rechlin, T. (2000). Functional Relaxation as a somato-psychotherapeutic intervention: A prospective controlled study. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 6, 70-75. (English Abstract here).
    B(44)      Loew, T.H., Tritt, K., Siegfried, W., Bohmann, H., Martus, P. & Hahn, E.C. (2001). Efficacy of 'Functional Relaxation' in comparison to Terbutaline and a 'placebo relaxation' method in patients with acute asthma: A randomized, prospective, controlled, crossover experimental investigation. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 70, 151-157. (English Abstract here).
    B(45)      Martin L.M., Koch, S.C., Hirjak, D. & Fuchs, T. (2016). Overcoming disembodiment: The effect of movement therapy on negative symptoms in schizophrenia: A multi-center randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 483. (Download)
    B(46)      Monsen, K. & Monsen, J.T. (2000). Chronic pain and psychodynamic body therapy: A controlled outcome study. Psychotherapy: Theory Research Practice Training, 37, 257-269. (Abstract)
    B(47)      Müller-Hofer, B. (2002) Klientenzentrierte Körperpsychotherapie (GFK-Methode): Ergebnisse einer Praxisevaluation [Client-centered body psychotherapy (GFK method): Results of a practice evaluation]. Dissertation, Universität Salzburg.
    B(48)      Müller-Hofer, B., Geiser, C., Juchli, E. & Laireiter, A.R. (2003). Klientenzentrierte Körperpsychotherapie (CSF): Eine Wirksamkeitsstudie. [Client-centered body psychotherapy (CSF): An effectiveness study]. Psychotherapie Forum, 11, 80-91. (Abstract)
    B(49)       Nazm Bojnourdi, S.S., Ghanaei Chaman Abad, A. & Salehi Fadardi, J. (2019). The effectiveness of body psychotherapy on executive functions in patients with post-stroke depression. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 21(6), pp. 429-440. (Abstract)
    B(50)      Nickel, M., Cangoez, B., Bachler, E., Muehlbacher, M., Lojewski, N., Mueller-Rabe, N., Mitterlehner, F., Egger, C., Leiberich, P., Rother, N., Buschmann, W., Kettler, C., Gil, F., Lahman, C., Fartacek, R., Rother, W., Loew T.H. & Nickel, C. (2006). Bioenergetic exercises in inpatient treatment of Turkish immigrants with chronic somatoform disorders: A randomized, controlled study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 61, 507-513. (Download).
    B(51)      Papadopoulos, N. & Röhricht, F. (2014). An investigation into the application and processes of manualised group body psychotherapy for depressive disorder in a clinical trial. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 3, 167-180. (Abstract)
    B(52)      Papadopoulos, N. & Röhricht, F. (2018). A single case report of Body Oriented Psychological Therapy for a patient with Chronic Conversion Disorder. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 61, 38-43. (Download).
    B(53)      Philipsen, J.S. & Katila, J. (2021). Interkinesthesia in Psychotherapy: A resource for exploring body memories and learning new ways of making-a-body. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 16, 4, 302-317. (Link)
    B(54)      Price, C.J. (2002). Body-oriented therapy as an adjunct to psychotherapy in childhood abuse recovery: A case study. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 8, 1, 35-42. (Abstract)
    B(55)      Price, C.J. (2004). Characteristics of women seeking body-oriented therapy as an adjunct to psychotherapy during recovery from childhood sexual abuse. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 6, 4, 228-236. (Abstract)

    B(56)      Price, C.J. (2005). Body-Oriented Therapy in Recovery from Child Sexual Abuse: An efficacy study. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine, 5, 46–57. (Download)

    B(57)      Price, C.J. (2006). Body-Oriented Therapy in Sexual Abuse Recovery: A pilot-test comparison. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 10, 1, 58-64. (Download)
    B(58)      Price, C.J., McBride, B. Hyerle, L. & Kivlahan, D.R. (2007). Mindful awareness in Body Oriented Therapy for female veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder taking prescription analgesics for chronic pain: A feasibility study. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 13, 32-40. (Abstract)
    B(59)      Price, C.J., Wells, E.A., Donovan, D.M. & Brooks, M. (2012). Implementation and Acceptability of Mindful Awareness in Body-Oriented Therapy in Women’s Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 18 (5), 454-462. (Download)
    B(60)      Priebe, S., Savill, M., Reininghaus, U., Wykes, T., Bentall, R., Lauber, C. McCrone, P., Röhricht, F. & Eldridge, S. (2013). Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of body psychotherapy in the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia – a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2013, 13:26. (Download)
    B(61)      Priebe, S., Savill, M., Wykes, T., Bentall, R.P., Reininghaus, U., Lauber, C., Bremner, S., Eldridge, S. & Röhricht, F. (2016). Effectiveness of Group Body Psychotherapy for Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia: Multicentre randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1, 54–61. (Download)
    B(62)      Rekkers, M., Scheffers, M., van Elberg, A.A. & van Bussbach, J.T. (2020). The protocol for positive body experience (PBE): Introducing a psychomotor therapy intervention based on positive body exposure targeting negative body image in eating disorders. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 16, 4, 252-266. (Link)
    B(63)      Röhricht, F. & Priebe, S. (1996). Das Körpererleben von Patienten mit einer akuten paranoiden Schizophrenie: Eine Verlaufsstudie [The Body Experience of Patients with Acute Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Longitudinal Study]. Nervenarzt, 67, 602-607. (Download in German).
    B(64)      Röhricht, F., Beyer, W. & Priebe, S. (2002). Stüorungen des Körpererlebens bei akuten Angersterkrankungen und Depression – Neurotizismus oder Somatisierung? [Disturbances of Body-Experience in Acute Anxiety and Depressive Disorders – Neuroticism or Somatization?] Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie, 52, 205-213. (Download in German; English Abstract).
    B(65)      Röhricht, F., & Priebe, S. (2006). Effect of body-oriented psychological therapy on negative symptoms in schizophrenia: A randomized controlled trial. Psychological Medicine, 36(5), 669-678. (Download).
    B(66)      Röhricht, F., Papadopoulos, N., Suzuki, I., & Priebe, S. (2009). Ego-pathology, body experience, and body psychotherapy in chronic schizophrenia. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 82 (1), 19-30. (Download).
    B(67)      Röhricht, F., Papadopoulos, N., Holden, S., Clarke, T. & Priebe, S. (2011). Therapeutic processes and clinical outcomes of body psychotherapy in chronic schizophrenia: An open clinical trial. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 38(3), 196-203. (Download).
    B(68)      Röhricht, F., Papadopoulos, N. & Priebe, S. (2013). An exploratory randomized controlled trial of body psychotherapy for patients with chronic depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 151, 85-91. (Download).
    B(69)      Röhricht, F., Sattel, H., Kuhn, C. & Lahmann, C.  (2019). Group body psychotherapy for the treatment of somatoform disorder: A partly randomized-controlled feasibility pilot study. BMC Psychiatry, 19, 120. (Download).
    B(70)     Ruille-Dupont, S. (2020). Applications of Somatic Psychology: Movement & body experience in the treatment of dissociative disorders. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 16, 2, 105-119. (Link)
    B(71)      Sakellariou, M-O & Beratis, I. (2018). The impact of training and therapeutic practice on body awareness of Trainees and Body Psychotherapists at the Greek Biosynthesis Centre: A pilot study. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 17, 1, 66-84. (Download).
    B(72)      Saint Arnault, D. & O’Halloran, S. (2015). Biodynamic Psychotherapy for Trauma Recovery: A Pilot Study. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 14, 1, 20-34. (Download).
    B(73)      Samuelsson, B. & Rosberg, S. (2018). Nonverbal affect attunement in mentalization-based treatment for patients with borderline personality disorder. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 13, 2, 100-113. (Link)
    B(74)      Savill, M., Orfanos, S., Bentall, R., Reininghaus, U., Wykes, T. & Priebe, S. (2017). The impact of gender on treatment effectiveness of Body Psychotherapy for negative symptoms of schizophrenia: A secondary analysis of the NESS trial data. Psychiatry Research, 247, 73-78. (Download)
    B(75)      Schreiber-Willnow, K. & Seidler, K.P. (2005). Ist körperorientierte Psychotherapie eine weibliche Rolle? Eine klinische Prozess-Ergebnis-Studie der konzentrativen Bewegungstherapie. [Long-term stability of body experience after-patient group psychotherapy with concentrative movement therapy]. Psychotherapy Psychosomatics Medical Psychology, 55, 370-377.
    B(76)      Schreiber-Willnow, K. & Seidler, K-P. (2013). Therapy goals and treatment results in body psychotherapy: Experience with the concentrative movement therapy evaluation form. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 8, 4, 254-269. (Link).
    B(77)      Seidler, K.P. (1977). Konzentrative Bewegungstherapie (KBT): Ergebnisse der empirischen Forschung [Concentrative Movement Therapy (KBT): Findings of Empirical Research]. Psychotherapeut, 46 (4), 223–231. (Abstract)
    B(78)      Seidler, K-P., Schreiber-Willnow, D., Hamacher-Erbguth, A. & Pfäfflin, M. (2002). Die Praxis der Konzentrativen Bewegungstherapie [The practice of concentrative exercise therapy]. Psychotherapeut, 47, 4, 223-228. (Abstract)
    B(79)      Seidler, K.P. & Schreiber-Willnow, K. (2004). Concentrative movement therapy as body-oriented psychotherapy for inpatients with different body experiences. Psychotherapy Research, 14, 378-387. (Download)
    B(80)      Senf-Beckenbach, P., Hoheisel, M., Devine, J., Frank, A., Obermann, L., Rose, M. & Hinkelmann, K. (2021). Evaluation of a new body-focused group therapy versus a guided self-help group program for adults with psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES): a pilot randomized controlled feasibility study. Journal of Neurology, Online Pre-print. (Abstract)
    B(81)      Sertel, M., Simsek, T.T. & Yumin, E.E. (2017). The effect of body awareness therapy on pain and body image in patients with migraine and tension type headache. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 12, 4, 252-268. (Link)
    B(82)      Sinn, M. (1997). Psychisches und körperliches Erleben und seine Veränderungen während der Teilnahme an einer dreijährigen Gruppe in Tiefenpsychologischer Körpertherapie. [Subjective psychological and bodily changes in a client during her participation of a three-year- therapy group in Depth-Psychology & Body-Psychotherapy]. Thesis at the University Hamburg.

    B(83)      Skatteboe, U.B., Friis, S., Hope, M.K. & Vaglum, P. (1989). Body awareness group therapy for patients with personality disorders. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 51(1), 11-17. (Abstract)

    B(84)      Snell, R.L. (2017). Therapist Qualities, Interventions, and Perceived Outcomes: Bringing Developmental Movement into Body Psychotherapy. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 16, Summer, 27-42. (Download).

    B(85)      Staczan, P., Schmuecker, R., Koehler, M., Berglar, J., Crameri, A., von Wyl, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Schulthess, P. & Tschuschke, V. (2015). Effects of sex and gender in ten types of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Research, 27, 1, 74-88. (Link)
    B(86)      Stirling, J. & Andrews, K. (2021). Somatic interventions therapist use when treating women presenting with sexual assault involving tonic immobility. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 16, 2. (Link)
    B(87)      Sztenc, M. (1997). Evaluation in der körperorientierten Psychotherapie: Eine methodenkritische Einzelfallstudie. [Evaluation in Body-oriented Psychotherapy: A case-study and critical review of methodology]. Doctoral thesis from University of Saarbrücken.

    B(88)      Tantia, J.F. (2014). Is intuition embodied? A phenomenological study of clinical intuition in somatic psychotherapy practice. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 4, 211-223. (Link)

    B(89)      Tschuschke, V., Crameri, A., Koemeda-Lutz, M., Schulthess, P., von Wyl, A. & Weber, R. (2010). Fundamental Reflections on Psychotherapy Research and Initial Results of the Naturalistic Psychotherapy Study on Outpatient Treatment in Switzerland – PAP-S. International Journal for Psychotherapy, 14 (3), 23 -35. (Link)
    B(90)      Tschuschke, V., Koemeda-Lutz, M. & Schlegel, M. (2014). Rating Manual for the Objective Evaluation of Therapeutic Interventions of Psychotherapists based on Various Theoretical Concepts. Schriftenreihe der Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie, Bd. 3. (Download).
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    B(93)      Ventling, C. (2002). Efficacy of Bioenergetic Therapies and Stability of the Therapeutic Result: A Retrospective Investigation. USABP Journal, 1, 2, 5-17 (Download).
    B(94)      Ventling, C.D., Bertschi, H. & Gerhard, U. (2006). Efficacy of Bioenergetic Psychotherapy with Patients of Known ICD-Diagnosis. A Retrospective Evaluation. In: V. Heinrich (Ed.) (2011), Handbook of Bioenergetic Analysis, pp. 499-512.  Also: International Body Psychotherapy Journal [previously USABP Journal] 2008, 7, 2, 26-32. (Download) (Original paper in German: Psychotherapeut, 2006, 51 (5), pp. 346-353).

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    B(97)      Westland, G. (2018). A study of significant moments of change in body psychotherapy. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 13, 1, 17-32. (Link)
    B(98)      Winter, D., Malighetti, C., Ahmed, S., Benson, B. & Röhricht, F. (2018). Construing and body dissatisfaction in chronic depression: A study of body psychotherapy. Psychiatric Research, 270, 845-851. (Download).
    B(99)      Zaides, J.A., Engelhard, E.S. & Federman, D. (2021). Embodiment during the postpartum period: How bodily experience shapes parent’s understanding. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 16, 2, 150-165. (Link)

       §C:   Journal Articles (peer-reviewed) about other Body-Oriented Therapy Research Projects (including dance-movement therapy, dance-movement psychotherapy, ‘mind-body’ psychotherapies)

       C(1)         Alexandrides, K., Schüle, K., Ehrig, C. & Fichter, M. (2007). [Movement Therapy in Bulimia Nervosa [Movement Therapy for Bulimia Nervosa]. Exercise Therapy and Health Sports, 23, 46-51.

      C(2)         Allmer, C., Ventegodt, S., Kandel, I. & Merrick, J. (2009). Positive effects, side effects, and adverse events of clinical holistic medicine: A review of Gerda Boyesen's non-pharmaceutical mind-body medicine at two centres in the United Kingdom and Germany. International Journal Adolescent Medical Health, 21, 281-97. (English Abstract).
      C(3)         Bader Johansson, C. & Gyllensten, A.L. (2015). Correlations Between Tests for Grounding, Breathing and Self-efficacy in Individuals With and Without Chronic Pain: Who is “Standing with Both Feet on the Ground?” International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 14, 1, 35-47. (Download).
      C(4)         Benz, D. (1981). The Analysis, Description and Application of An Experiential, Body-Centered Psychotherapy. Psy.D. dissertation, Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology.
      C(5)         Berrol, C., Ooi, W.L. & Katz, S.S. (1997). Dance / movement therapy with older adults who have a sustained neurological insult: A demonstration project. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 19, 135-160. (Download preview).
      C(6)         Boerhout, C., Swart, M., Van Busschbach, J.T. & Hoek, H.W. (2015). Effect of aggression regulation on eating disorder pathology: RCT of a brief body and movement-oriented intervention. European Eating Disorders Review, 24, 114–121.
      C(7)         Boerhout, C., Swart, M, Voskamp M, Troquete NAC, van Busschbach JT, Hoek HW. (2017) Aggression regulation in day treatment of eating disorders: two-centre RCT of a brief body and movement-oriented intervention. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 1:52–59.
      C(8)         Bräuniger, I. (2006). Treatment modalities and self-expectancy of therapists: Modes, self-efficacy and imagination of clients in dance movement therapy. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 1, 95-114. (Download English Abstract).
      C(9)         Bräuniger, I. (2010). Dance movement therapy group intervention in stress treatment: A randomized controlled trial (RCT). The Arts in Psychotherapy, 39 (5), 443-450. (Download).
      C(10)      Bräuniger, I. (2012). The efficacy of dance movement therapy group on improvement of quality of life: A randomized controlled trial. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 39 (4), 296-303. (Download English Abstract).

      C(11)      Bräuniger, I. (2014). Specific dance movement therapy interventions – which are successful? An intervention & correlation study. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 41 (5), 445-457. (Download).

      C(12)      Bräuniger, I. (2014). Dance movement therapy with the elderly: An international internet-based survey undertaken with practitioners. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 9 (3), pp. 138-2153. (Download English Abstract).
      C(13)      Brooks, D. & Stark, A. (1989). The effect of Dance / Movement therapy on impact: a pilot study. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 11, 101-111.
      C(14)      Bruha, J. (2010). The Effects of Body Experience and Mindfulness on Body-Image Disturbance and Eating Disorders. USABP Journal, 9, 2, 51-69. (Download).
      C(15)      Bunce, J., Heyland, S., Grogan, S., Padilla, T., Williams, A., Kilgariff, Woodhouse, C., Cowap, L. & Davies, W. (2014). The rationale behind a Dance Movement Psychotherapy intervention used in a small research pilot in a further education context to develop awareness about young people's body image. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 1, 4-15. (Link)
      C(16)      Carletto, S., Tesio, V., Borghi, M., Francone, D., Scavelli, F., Bertino, G., Malucchi, S., Berletto, A., Oliva, F., Torta, R. & Ostacoli, L. (2017). The Effectiveness of a Body-Affective Mindfulness Intervention for Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Depressive Symptoms: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Frontiers of Psychology, 8, 2083. (Download)
      C(17)      Chagan-Yasutan, H., Arlud, S., Zhang, L., Hattori, T., Heriyed, B., & He, N. (2020). Mongolian Mind–Body Interactive Psychotherapy enhances the quality of life of patients with esophageal cancer: A pilot study. Complementary therapies in clinical practice, 38, 101082.
      C(18)      Chan, A.S., Cheung, M.C., Tsui, W.J., Sze, S.L., & Shi, D. (2011). Dejian mind-body intervention on depressive mood of community-dwelling adults: A randomized controlled trial. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 473961, 1-8.
      C(19)      Chan, A.S ., Wong, Q.Y., Sze, S. L., Kwong, P.P., Han, Y.M., & Cheung, M.C. (2012). A Chinese Chan-based mind–body intervention for patients with depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 142(1-3), 283–289.
      C(20)      Chan, A.S., Wong, Q.Y., Sze, S.L., Kwong, P.P., Han, Y.M., & Cheung, M.C. (2012). A Chinese Chan-based mind-body intervention improves sleep on patients with depression: A randomized controlled trial. The Scientific World Journal, 235206.
      C(21)      Chyle, F., Boehm, K. Imus, S. & Ostermann, T. (2020). A reconstructive hermeneutic analysis: the distinctive role of body- and movement-based interventions with male offenders. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 15, 2, 106-123. (Link)
      C(22)      Clance, P., Mitchell, M. & Engelman, S. (1980). Body cathexis in children as a function of awareness training and yoga. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 9 (1), 82-85.
      C(23)      Corriere, R. & Karle, W. (1971) Neurophysiological measurements of patients undergoing primal therapy. In: A. Janov, The Anatomy of Mental Illness, (215-237). New York: Putnam & Sons.
      C(24)      Cote, R., Jobin, J., Larouche, R., Desharmias, R., Dumont, S. & Tremblay, G. (1991). Effects of Radix neo-Reichian emotional and energetic programs and physical exercise programs on the self actualization of post-myocardial infarction patients. Journal of the Radix Teachers Association, 5, (1), 26-51.
      C(25)      Cozzolino, M., Vivo, D. R., Girelli, L., Limone, P., & Celia, G. (2020). The evaluation of a mind-body intervention (MBT-T) for stress reduction in academic settings: a pilot study. Behavioral Sciences, 10(8), 124.
      C(26)      Dibbell-Hope, S. (2000). The use of dance / movement therapy in psychological adaptation to breast cancer. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 27, 51-68.
      C(27)      Doonan, F. & Bräuninger, I. (2015). Making space for the both of us: how dance movement therapy enhances mother–infant attachment and experience. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 10, 4, 227-242. (Link)
      C(28)      Dosamantes, E. (1990). Movement and psychodynamic pattern changes in long-term dance / movement therapy groups. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 12, 27-44. 
      C(29)      Dosamantes-Alperson, E. & Merrill, N. (1980). Growth effects of experiential movement psychotherapy. Psychotherapy Theory, Research, and Practice, 17, 63-68. 
      C(30)      Eke, L. & Gent, A-M (2010). Working with withdrawn adolescents as a moving experience: A community resourced project exploring the usefulness of group dance movement psychotherapy within a school setting. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 5, 1, 45-57. (Link).
      C(31)      Elton, J., Stage, K., Sternhagen Nielsen & Svendsen, A.L.H. (2021). The experience of Basic Body Awareness Therapy and its transfer to daily life amongst Danish military veterans with PTSD. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 28, 202-211. (Abstract)
      C(32)      Endrizzi, C., Ghelleri, V., Palella, M. & D’Amico, G. (2016). Movement psychotherapy in a hospice: Two case studies. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 11, 1, 46-59. (Link)
      C(33)      Federman, D.F. (2011). Kinaesthetic change in the professional development of Dance Movement Therapy trainees. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 6, 3, 195-214. (Link)
      C(34)      Fenigar-Schaal, R. & Warzager, D. (2020). Getting synchronised in the mirror game: an exploratory study. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 15, 1, 20-37. (Link)
      C(35)      Fernandez, F., Turon, J., Siegfried, J., Meerman, R. & Vallejo, J. (1995). Does additional body therapy improve the treatment of anorexia nervosa? A comparison of two approaches. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment, 3, 158-164.
      C(36)      Foulds, M.L. & Hannegan, P.S. (1974) Effects of psychomotor group therapy on ratings of self and others. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 11, 351-353.
      C(37)      Foulds, M.L. & Hannigan, P.S. (1976) Effects of psychomotor group psychotherapy on locus of control and social desirability. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 16 (2), 81-88.
      C(38)      Fujino, H. (2012). Effects of Dohsa-hou relaxation on body awareness and psychological distress. Japanese Psychological Research, 54 (4), 388-399.
      C(39)      Ghafari, S., Ahmadi, F., Nabavi, M., Anoshirvan, K., Memarian, R. & Rafatbakhsh, M. (2009). Effectiveness of applying progressive muscle relaxation technique on quality of life of patients with multiple sclerosis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(15), 2171-2179.
      C(40)      Goertzel, V., May, P.R.A., Salkin, J. & Schoop, T. (1965). Body-ego technique: An approach to the schizophrenic patient. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 141, 53-60.
      C(41)      Gordon, J.S., Staples, J.K., Blyta, A., Bytyqi, M., & Wilson, A.T. (2008). Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder in postwar Kosovar adolescents using mind-body skills groups: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 69(9), 1469-1476.
      C(42)      Gottschalk, G. & Boekholt, C. (2004). Body-therapeutic work with borderline patients. Personality Disorders Theory and Therapy, 8, 154-160.
      C(43)      Gyllensten, A.L., Jacobsen, L.N. & Gard, G. (2019). Clinician perspectives of Basic Body Awareness Therapy (BBAT) in mental health physical therapy: An international qualitative study. Journal of Bodywork& Movement Therapies, 23, 4, 746-751. (Abstract)
      C(44)      Hamill, M., Smith, L., & Röhricht, F. (2012). ‘Dancing down memory lane’: Circle dancing as a psychotherapeutic intervention in dementia—a pilot study. Dementia, 11(6), 709-724.

      C(45)      Helle-Morrissey, J. (2010). Profound Wholeness: A Client's Experience in Hakomi Mindfulness-Based Somatic Psychotherapy. MSW and Holistic Health Dual Degree Clinical Research Paper, School of Social Work and Department of Holistic Health Studies, St. Catherine University & University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota & University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota.
      C(46)      Heimbeck, A. & Süttinger, B. (2007). Movement therapy in depressed patients - an intervention comparison. Exercise Therapy and Health Sports, 23, 52-57.
      C(47)      Heimbeck, A. & Hölter, G. (2011). Bewegungstherapie und depression—evaluationsstudie zu einer unspezifischen und einer störungsorientierten bewegungstherapeutischen förderung im klinischen context [Movement Therapy and Depression: Evaluation study on unspecific and disorder-oriented movement therapy promotion in a clinical context]. Psychotherapie, PsychosomatiK & Medizische Psychologie, 5, 200–207. (Download)
      C(48)      Ho, R.T.H. (2005). Effects of dance movement therapy on Chinese cancer patients: A pilot study in Hong Kong. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 32, 337-345.
      C(49)      Isaacs, A. & Isaacs, J. (2019). Making Somatic Psychotherapy More Effective. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 2, 65-74. (Download).
      C(50)      Jain, S., McMahon, G.F., Hasen, P., Kozub, M.P., Porter, V., King, R. & Guarneri, E.M. (2012). Healing Touch with Guided Imagery for PTSD in returning active duty military: A randomized controlled trial. Military Medicine, 177 (9), 1015-1021.
      C(51)      Johnson, S. (1974). A comparison of behaviour: eclectic, bioenergetic, and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. University Microfilms International, 75-26, 139.
      C(52)      Jones, T., & Glover, L. (2012). Exploring the psychological processes underlying touch: Lessons from the Alexander Technique. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 21 (2), 140–153.
      C(53)      Kabat-Zinn, J. (2003). Mindfulness-based interventions in context: Past, present and future. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 10(2), 133–156.
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      C(55)      Kass, K.R., Kennedy, J.R., Hastie, S. & McCardell Wentworth, H. (2013). Somatic assessment of nonverbal social skills in children with Down syndrome: Using the Kestenberg Movement Profile as a tool for treatment planning. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 8, 1, 17-33. (Link).
      C(56)      Kella, K., Hycönen, K., Pylvänäinen P. & Muotka, J. (2021). Dance Movement Therapy for depressed clients: Profiles of the level and changes in depression. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 16, 3. (Link) 
      C(57)      Koch, S.C. & Bräuninger (2006). International dance/movement therapy research: Theory, methods & empirical findings. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 27 (1), 37-46. (Download).
      C(58)      Koch, S.C. & Bräuninger, I. (2006). International dance/movement therapy research: Recent findings and perspectives. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 28 (2), 127-136. (Download).
      C(59)      Koch, S.C., Morlinghaus, K. & Fuchs, T. (2007). The Joy Dance: Specific effects of a single intervention on psychiatric patients with depression. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 34, 340-349. 
      C(60)      Konzag, T.A., Klose, S., Bandemer-Greulich, U., Fikentscher, E. & Bahrke, U. (2006). Stationäre körperbezogene Psychotherapie bei Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa [Inpatient body-related psychotherapy in anorexia and bulimia nervosa]. Psychotherapist, 51, 35-42.
      C(61)      Kuettel, T.J. (1982). Affective change in dance therapy. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 5, 52-64.
      C(62)      Ladas, A. (2005). Body Psychotherapy Research: An Introduction. USABP Journal, 4, 2, 8-10. (Download).
      C(63)      Langmuir, J.I., Kirsh, S.G. & Classen, C.C. (2011). A pilot study of body-oriented psychotherapy group: Adapting sensorimotor psychotherapy for the group treatment of trauma. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, (Download).
      C(64)      Lausberg, H. (1998). Does movement behavior have differential diagnostic potential? Discussion of a controlled study on patients with anorexia nervosa and bulimia. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 20, 85-99. (Download).
      C(65)      Lausberg, H., Wietersheim, J., Wilke, E. & Feiereis, H. (1988). Bewegungs beschreibung psychosomatischer Patienten in der Tanztherapie [Description of movement in psychosomatic patients in dance therapy]. Psychotherapie med.Psychologie 38, 259–64.
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      C(67)      Lebre, P., Dunphy, K. & Juma, S. (2020). Exploring use of the Outcomes Framework for Dance Movement Therapy to establish a group profile and objectives for psychomotor therapy interventions. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 15, 4, 251-266. (Link)
      C(68)      Levang, C., Slaughter, N. Johansson, T. & Lankow, C. (2017). LIFE Questionnaire Development: Development and factor analysis of the Levang Inventory of Family Experiences: A new way to validate Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 16, 1, 38-55. (Download).
      C(69)      Lin, Y. & Payne, H. (2014). The BodyMind Approach™, medically unexplained symptoms and personal construct psychology. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 3, 154-166. (Link)
      C(70)      Lin, Y.S. & Taylor, A.G. (1998). Effects of therapeutic touch in reducing pain and anxiety in an elderly population. Integrative Medicine, 1 (4), 155-162. (Abstract)
      C(71)      Lustyk, M.K.B., Douglas, H.A.C., Bentley, J.A. & Gerrish, W.G. (2012). Cardiovascular responses to a laboratory stressor in women: Assessing the role of body awareness. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 7, 1, 55-70. (Link).
      C(72)      Madsen, T.S., Carlsson, J., Nordbrandt, M. & Jensen, J.A. (2016). Refugee experiences of individual basic body awareness therapy and the level of transference into daily life: An interview study. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies, 20, 2, 243-251. (Abstract)
      C(73)      Malkina-Pykh, I.G. (2013). Effectiveness of rhythmic movement therapy: Case study of alexithymia. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 8, 3, 141-159. (Link).
      C(74)      Malinka-Pykh, I.G. (2015). Effectiveness of rhythmic movement therapy: Case study of subjective well-being. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 10, 2, 106-120. (Link)
      C(75)      Mannheim, E.G. & Weis, J. (2005). Tanztherapie mit Krebspatienten. Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie [Dance therapy with cancer patients. Results of a pilot study]. Music, Dance and Art Therapy, 16, 121-128.
      C(76)      Matulaitè A. (2013). Your body just goes bananas: Embodied experience of pregnancy. (A doctoral thesis from the University of Vilnius in Lithuania.) (Download).
      C(77)      Maurer-Groeli, Y.A. (1976). Körperzentrierte Gruppenpsychotherapie beiakut schizophren Erkrankten. Eine Untersuchungmittels Ich-Funktionen Rating nach Bellak [Body-centered group psychotherapy for people with acute schizophrenia: An investigation means I-functions rating according to Bellak]. Archivder Psychiatrieund Nervenkrankheiten, 221, 259–271.
      C(78)      Mattsson, M., Wikman, M., Dahlgren, L., Mattsson, B. & Armelius, K. (1998). Body awareness therapy with sexually abused women. Part 2: Evaluation of body awareness in a group setting. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, 2, 38-45. 
      C(79)      May, P.R.A., Wexler, M., Salkin, J. & Schoop, T. (1963). Non-verbal techniques in the re-establishment of body image and identity: A preliminary report. Research Report, 16, 68-82.
      C(80)      Mczkowiak, S., Hölter, G. & Otten, H. (2007). WATSU – Zur Wirksamkeit unterschiedlich akzentuierter bewegungstherapeutischer Interventionen bei klinisch depressiven Patienten. [WATSU - On the Effectiveness of Differential Therapeutic Intervention Accentuated Movement in Clinically Depressed Patients]. Exercise Therapy and Health Sports, 23, 58-64.
      C(81)      Mesika, S.L., Wengrower, H. & Maoz, H. (2021). Waking up the bear: dance/movement therapy group model with depressed adult patients during Covid-19 2020. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 16, 1, 32-46. (Link)
      C(82)      Monroe, C.M. (2009). The effects of Therapeutic Touch on Pain. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 27, 2, 85-92. (Download)
      C(83)      Nitsun, M., Stapleton, J.H. & Bender, M.P. (1974). Movement and drama therapy with long-stay schizophrenics. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 47, 101-19.
      C(84)      Payne, H. (2009). Pilot study to evaluate Dance Movement Psychotherapy (the BodyMind Approach) in patients with medically unexplained symptoms: Participants and facilitators perceptions and a summary discussion. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 4, 2, 77-96. (Link).
      C(85)      Pettinati, P. (2002). The Relative Efficacy of Various Complementary Modalities in the Lives of Patients With Chronic Pain: A Pilot Study. USABP Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, 5-7 (Download).
      C(86)      Phelan, J.E. (2009). Exploring the use of touch in the psychotherapeutic setting: A phenomenological review. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 46 (1), 97-111.
      C(87)      Priebe, S. & Röhricht, F. (2001). Specific body image pathology in acute schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 101, 289-301. (Download).
      C(88)      Radandt, D. (2002). Therapist's Body Awareness and Strength of the Therapeutic Alliance. USABP Journal, Vol. 1, 2, 52-62. (Download).
      C(89)      Ritter, M. & Low, K.G. (1996). Effects of dance / movement therapy: A meta-analysis. Arts in Psychotherapy, 23, 249-260. (Download Extract).
      C(90)      Sack, M., Henninger, S. & Lamprecht, F. (2002). Veränderungen von Körperbild und Körpererleben bei essgestörten und nichtessgestörten Patienten im Verlauf einer stationären Psychotherapie. [Changes of body image and body awareness in eating disorder and non-eating disorder patients after inpatient therapy]. Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie, 52, 64-69. (Download).
      C(91)      Sandel, S., Judge, J., Landry, N., Faria, L., Ouellette, R. & Majczak, M. (2005). Dance and movement program improves quality-of-life measures in breast cancer survivors. Cancer Nursing, 28, 301-309.
      C(92)      Schanzer L. (1988). Non-Invasive Methodologies of Studying Neurological Correlates of Human Mental States, In Particular those During Psychotherapy: A Review of Recent Literature. Hakomi Forum 6, 32-46.
      C(93)      Scheidt, C.E., Seidenglanz, K., Dieterle, W., Hartmann, A., Bowe, N., Hillenbrand, D., Sczudlek, G., Strasser, F., Strasser, P. & Wirsching, M. (1998). Basisdaten zur Qualitätssicherung in der ambulanten Psychotherapie. Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung in 40 psychotherapeutischen Fachpraxen Teil 1 [Basic data for quality assurance in outpatient psychotherapy. Results of a study in 40 specialist psychotherapeutic practices, Part 1]. Therapeuten, Patienten, Interventionen. Psychotherapeut 43: 92-101.
      C(94)      Schultz, L.G. (1975) A survey of social workers’ attitudes and use of body and sex psychotherapies. Clinical Social Work Journal, 3 (2), 90-99.
      C(95)      Shuper E., E., Pitluk, M. & Elboim-Gabyzon, M. (2021). Grounding the Connection Between Psyche and Soma: Creating a Reliable Observation Tool for Grounding Assessment in an Adult Population. Frontiers in Psychology. (Abstract)
      C(96)      Senf-Beckenbach, P., Hinkelmann, K., Hoheisel, M., Devine, J. & Rose, M. (2021). Pilotäre Zwischenergebnisse zur Evaluation eines störungsspezifischen, körperpsychotherapeutisch orientierten Gruppenbehandlungsprogramms für Menschen mit psychogenen Anfällen [Pilot Data from the Evaluation of an Integrative Body Psychotherapy Program for Patients with Psychogenic Non-Epileptic Seizures] Psychotherapies Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie, 71 (1) 27-34. (Abstract)
      C(97)      Shuper-Engelhard, E., Shacham, M. & Vulcan, M. (2019). Clinical intervention using dance-movement psychotherapy for couples: qualitative research and clinical implications. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 14, 3, 128-142. (Link)
      C(98)      So, P.S., Jiang, Y. & Qin, Y. (2008). Touch therapies for pain relief in adults. Cochrane Database Systematic Review, (4).
      C(99)      Sokolove, R. (1975). Verbal and motoric styles of therapy: An outcome study. University Microfilms International, 75-12, 264.
      C(100)   Specktor, M. (2015). A study of twins and coping with crisis using Emotorics. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 10, 2, 121-135. (Link)
      C(101)   Staples, J.K., Abdel Atti, J.A. & Gordon, J.S. (2011). Mind-body skills groups for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression symptoms in Palestinian children and adolescents in Gaza. International Journal of Stress Management, 18, 246-262. (Download).
      C(102)   Stewart, N.J., McMullen, L.M. & Rubin, L.D. (2004). Movement therapy with depressed inpatients: A randomized multiple single case-design. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 8, 22-29.
      C(103)   Stötter, A., Mitsche, M., Endler, P. C., Oleksy, P., Kamenschek, D., Mosgoeller, W. & Haring, C. (2013). Mindfulness-based touch therapy and mindfulness practice in persons with moderate depression. Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy, 8(3), 183–198. (Link).
      C(104)   Stueck, M., Villegas, A., Lahn, F., Bauer, K., Tofts, P. & Sack, U. (2016). Biodanza for kindergarten children (TANZPRO-Biodanza): reporting on changes of cortisol levels and emotion recognition. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 11, 1, 75-89. (Link)
      C(105)   Switzman, l., Barton, S. & Koehn, C. (2011). The body-mind experiences of eight midlife women elicited through the holistic practice of Neuromuscular Integrative Action (NIA). Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 6, 2, 161-173. (Link).
      C(106)   Tihanyi, B.T., Ferentzi, E., Daubenmier, J. Drew, R. & Köteles, F. (2017). Body Responsiveness Questionnaire: Validation on a European sample, Mediation between Body Awareness and Affect, connection with Mindfulness, Body Image, and Physical Activity. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 16, 1, 56-73. (Download).
      C(107)   Turner, J.G., Clark, A.J., Gauthier, D.K., & Williams, M. (1998). The effect of therapeutic touch on pain and anxiety in burn patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 28(1), 10-20.
      C(108)   Valdivia, M-E. (2010). A psychoanalytic perspective of endings in therapy: A dance movement psychotherapy case study. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 5, 1, 75-81. (Link).
      C(109)   van Aken, R., & Taylor, B. (2010). Emerging from depression: The experiential process of Healing Touch explored through grounded theory and case study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 16(3), 132-137.
      C(110)   von Wyl, A., Crameri, A., Koemeda, M. Tschuchke, V. & Schulthess, P. (2016). The PAP-S (Practice of Ambulant Psychotherapy-Study), Switzerland: Study Design and Feasibility. Zurich University School of Applied Psychology (Download)
      C(111)   Ventegodt, S., & Merrick, J. (2009). A review of side effects and adverse events of non-drug medicine (non-pharmaceutical complementary and alternative medicine): Psychotherapy, mind-body medicine and clinical holistic medicine. Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine, 6(1), 1-29.
      C(112)   Vogt, R. (2012). What Disgust Means for Complex Traumatized / Dissociative Patients: A Pilot Study from an Outpatient Practice. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 11, 1, 72-90. (Download).
      C(113)   Wadsworth, J. & Hackett, S. (2014). Dance movement psychotherapy with an adult with autistic spectrum disorder: An observational single-case study. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 2, 59-73. (Link)
      C(114)   Weber, C., Haltenhof, H., Combecher, J. & Blankenburg, W. (1994). Bewegungstherapie bei Patienten mit psychischen Störungen: Eine Verlaufsstudie [Exercise therapy in patients with mental disorders: A follow-up study]. In: F. Lamprecht & R. Johnen (Eds). Salutogenese: ein neues Konzept in der Psychosomatik? [Salutogenesis: a new concept in psychosomatic medicine?], (pp. 536-543). Frankfurt: Verlag für Akademische Schriften.
      C(115)   Wilkinson, S., Barnes, K. & Storey, L. (2008). Massage for symptom relief in patients with cancer: Systematic review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 63 (5), 430-439.

        §D:   Other Publications about Body/Somatic Psychotherapy Research

        D(1)         Bader Johansson, C. (2019). Introduction to Qualitative Research and Grounded Theory. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 1, 61-85. (Download).
        D(2)         Barratt, B. (2015). Research in Body Psychotherapy. In: G. Marlock, H. Weiss, C. Young & M. Soth (Eds.), The Handbook of Body Psychotherapy & Somatic Psychology, Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books. (Download text here)
        D(3)         Barratt, B.B. (2019). Why Research? International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 1, 17-18. (Download).
        D(4)         Caldwell, C. & Johnson, R. (2015). Research 101 for Somatic Psychotherapy: Cultivating a Research Mind. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 14, 2, 47-54. (Download).
        D(5)         Cruz, R.F. & Koch, S. (2015). Reading & Evaluating Quantitative Research in Body Psychotherapy. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 14, 1, 10-19. (Download).
        D(6)        Gerdes, I. (1993). Report of an investigation in Radix. Journal of the Radix Teachers Association, 7, (2), 13-20.
        D(7)         Johanson, G.J. (2014). Somatic Psychotherapy and the Ambiguous Face of Research. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 13, 2, 61-85. (Download).
        D(8)         Johnson, R. (2014). Somatic psychotherapy and research: Walking the common ground. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 2, 82-92. (Link)
        D(9)         Jokic, B., Röhricht, F. & Young, C. (2019). A Survey of Body Psychotherapy Practitioners Practice and Research Resources. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 1, 61-85. (Download).
        D(10)      Mahr, R. (2013). The “Grounding” of Bioenergetic Concepts from a Biological Point of View (Presentation at IIBA Congress, Palermo, Sicily.) (Download English language). (Download German language).

        D(11)      Meekums, B. (2014). Becoming visible as a profession in a climate of competitiveness: The role of research. Body, Dance & Movement in Psychotherapy Journal, 9, 3, 123-137. (Link)
        D(12)      Porges, S. (2019). A message from the USABP Honorary Director of Research. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 2, 8-10. (Download).
        D(13)      Röhricht, F. (2000). Die körperorientierte Psychotherapie psychischer Störungen: Ein Leitfaden für Forschung und Praxis [Body-Oriented Psychotherapy of Psychological Disorders: A Guide for Research and Practice]. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
        D(14)      Röhricht, F. (2015). Body psychotherapy for the treatment of severe mental disorders: An overview. Body, Movement & Dance in Psychotherapy, 10, 1, 57-67. (Download).
        D(15)      Schillat, Z. (2019). Developing a Research Mind in Body Psychotherapy. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 1, 100-105. (Download).
        D(16)     Shalit, R. (2012). Efficiency of Psychotherapy Involving Altered States of Consciousness: A Call to Reconsider Our Spiritual Stance at the Clinic. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 11, 2, 7-23. (Download)
        D(17)     Stolze, H. (1992). Unerreichbar? Eine leiborientierte Behandlungssequenz im Rahmen einer analytischen Langzeittherapie [Unreachable? A body-oriented treatment sequence as part of long-term analytical therapy]. Praxis der Psychotherapie und Psychosomatik, 37, 279–84.
        D(18)      Tantia, J.F. (2019). Toward a Somatically-Informed Paradigm in Embodied Research. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 2, 134-145. (Download).
        D(19)     Tschuschke, V., Koemeda-Lutz, M. & Schlegel, M. (2014). Rating-Manual zur objektiven Einschätzung therapeutischer Interventionen von Psychotherapeuten unterschiedlicher schultheoretischer Konzepte [Rating Manual for the Objective Evaluation of Therapeutic Interventions of Psychotherapists based on Various Theoretical Concepts]. Schriftenreihe der Schweizer Charta für Psychotherapie, 3 (German Download) (English Download).
        D(20)      Young, C. (2009). The Science of Body Psychotherapy Today: Part 1: Background History. USABP Journal, 8, 2, 5-15. (Download).
        D(21)      Young, C. (2010). The Science of Body Psychotherapy Today: Part 2: The Current Situation. USABP Journal, 9, 1, 5-14. (Download).
        D(22)      Young, C. (2010). The Science of Body Psychotherapy Today: Part 3: Appropriate Science. USABP Journal, 9, 2, 32-40. (Download).
        D(23)      Young, C. (2011). The Science of Body Psychotherapy Today: Part 4: New Science & Research. USABP Journal, 10, 1, 5-23. (Download).
        D(24)      Young, C. (2019). About Body Psychotherapy Case Studies – or the Lack of Them. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 1, 61-85. (Download).
        D(25)      Young, C. & Grassmann, H. (2019). Towards a Greater Understanding of Science and Research within Body Psychotherapy. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 18, 1, 26-60. (Download).
        D(26)      Young, C. (2020). A 2020s Credo for Body Psychotherapists. International Body Psychotherapy Journal, 19, 1, 23-29. (Download).
        D(27)     Zoni, M. (2017). Bioenergetic exercises and other practices of body awareness: The effect on endurance-sport athletes after 8 weeks of practice. Private publication (Download).

          §E:   The EABP Bibliography of Body Psychotherapy On-Line

          The on-line version of the EABP Bibliography of Body-Psychotherapy is a searchable on-line database, currently with about 5,000 entries (or listings) of various different types of Body-Psychotherapy (published) material (Link to EABP Bibliography). 

          The material in the Bibliography has not (yet) been systematically categorised, scrutinised or peer-reviewed and just gives some information about the various entries.  It does however provide a very rich source for any scholar who wants to research the topic of Body Psychotherapy.

          There are separate & distinct listings for different types of ‘publications’ about Body Psychotherapy: (1) Books & Chapters; (2) Journal Articles; (3) Theses & Dissertations; (4) Conference Reports & Papers; (5) Films / Tapes / Videos; and (6) (Specialised) Websites.

          In order to ‘search’ the database of the EABP Bibliography, either just type any word: e.g. 'Research' (or any other key word: e.g. ‘Reich’, ‘Bioenergetic’, ‘London’, ‘Birth’, Outcome, etc.) into the 'Search' box; or you can browse through the lit of the different sections (as mentioned above).

          You can also add new entries into this database.  Please feel free to do so: we are especially interested in non-English language entries: however, we also require a parallel “English Entry”, as well as the original ‘mother-tongue’ entry.


          Note: There have not been many new entries since (about) 2010, so this Bibliography is now essentially archived.  It will still be kept available / accessible so that it can still be used for reference purposes and any entries dated prior to 2010 will still be entered.  However, any entries after 2010 will not now be entered until this project is properly restarted and refunded.  People wishing to volunteer to make entries should contact:

          [1]  It should also be noted that all the methods or modalities of Body Psychotherapy are all very different and distinct from the wide variety of (bodily-oriented) physical therapies (e.g. massage, yoga, Feldenkrais, Rolfing, Alexander Technique, Hellerwork, etc.), which do not incorporate any training in psychotherapy.

          [2]  For generalized information about the Scientific Validity of Body Psychotherapy (in accordance with the EAP’s 15 Questions about Scientific Validity) (see here): and for the (1999) responses from EABP about the Scientific Validity of Body Psychotherapy - as a mainstream branch of psychotherapy (see here). 

          [3]  EAP’s 15 Questions on Scientific Validity:

          [4] Some of the different Body Psychotherapy modalities include: Ola Raknes’ ‘Character Analytic Vegetotherapy’; Reich’s ‘Orgonomic Therapy’; Alexander Lowen’s ‘Bioenergetic Analysis’; John Pierrakos’ ‘Core Energetics’; David Boadella’s ‘Biosynthesis’; Gerda Boyesen’s ‘Biodynamic Psychotherapy’; Ron Kurtz’s ‘Hakomi’; Charles (Chuck) Kelley’s ‘Radix Therapy’; Jay Stattman’s ‘Unitive Psychotherapy’; Paul Boyesen’s ‘Psycho-Organic Analysis’; Ilana Rubenfeld’s ‘Rubenfeld Synergy’; Lisbeth Marcher’s ‘Bodynamic Psychotherapy’; Jack Lee Rosenberg’s ‘Integrative Body Psychotherapy’; Pat Ogden’s ‘Sensorimotor Psychotherapy’; Peter Levine’s ‘Somatic Experiencing’; Christine Caldwell’s ‘Moving Circle Psychotherapy’; Susan Aposhyan’s ‘Body-Mind Psychotherapy’; Nick Totton’s ‘Embodied Relational Psychotherapy’; the Chiron Centre’s ‘Contemporary Body Psychotherapy’; etc., etc.

          [5] Theoretical propositions consist of relationships between abstract constructs.  Testing theories (i.e., theoretical propositions) require measuring these constructs accurately, correctly, and in a scientific manner, before the strength of their relationships can be tested.  Measurement refers to careful, deliberate observations of the real world and is the essence of empirical research.  While some constructs in social science research, such as a person’s age, height, weight or something’s size, may be easy to measure, other constructs, such as creativity, prejudice or alienation, may be considerably harder to measure.

          [6] EABP Body Psychotherapy Training Standards:

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