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Hakomi Professional Skills Training Level 1

  • 16 May 2025
  • Hybrid

Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy: An Experiential Introduction

Hakomi is a body-centered (somatic) approach. The body is viewed as a “map of the psyche” – a door that can be opened to reveal the entire unconscious belief system of the individual. The body’s habitual patterns can become a powerful access route to deeply held core material.

This workshop provides an immersive introduction to the Method, this includes lectures from the faculty, experiential exercises, demonstrations, discussion, group process sessions, and Supervision.

Date: May 16, 2025 through March 8, 2026 (Plus A 5 day in-person module in Person in Oregon)


Faculty: Deah Baird, ND, LPC, CHT, Lorena Monda, MS, DOM, LPCC, CHT, Donna Roy, LPC, CHT

Cost: $4050 with $500 Deposit (Save $500) through March 14th, 2025, $4550 with $500 deposit by April 11, 2025

Hakomi is a comprehensive and effective method of psychotherapy based in mindfulness and somatic awareness. Employing a strong experiential orientation, Hakomi is grounded in time-honored principles and the therapeutic embodiment of Loving Presence. Through attuned and mindful exploration of present experience, Hakomi supports the discovery and transformation of the unconsciously held core material that shapes people’s beliefs and behaviors.

The Hakomi Professional Skills Training offers a thorough grounding in the theories and techniques of Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy. This professional program provides students with a deep understanding of Hakomi’s foundational principles and the ability to work within them and with an attitude of Loving Presence.

This training is for both new and established practitioners with a passion and dedication for somatics and mindfulness. In Level 1 of the Professional Skills series, therapists are offered practices that enhance presence and support deep relational attunement. You’ll learn the stages and flow of the Hakomi method with in-depth coverage of Hakomi theory and specific experiential techniques that bring the method to life.

The goals of the Training are to provide students with:

a deep understanding of the principles of the Hakomi Method and the ability to work within them,

an understanding of the essentialness of Loving Presenceand skills and practices to deepen the capacity for relational presence

an understanding of the Hakomi therapeutic process and the ability to use these precisely and appropriately.

Our Level 1 training will be in a hybrid format (10 live-online meetings with a 5-day on the ground intensive in the Portland, Oregon metro area and self-paced homestudy. Brief online video talks and demonstrations are brought to life in our interactive, experiential training weekends.).

Prerequisites: This training is designed for the clinical professional. Applicants to this training need to have completed Masters level clinical training or be working toward their Masters degree. Completion of an Introductory Workshop is required before beginning this course.

CE Information:

65CE’s: (ACEP #5476): Hakomi Institute has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP No. 5476.) Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Hakomi Institute is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.

For more information contact:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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