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The Dance within Focusing

  • 8 Mar 2025
  • 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Online via Zoom

The Dance within Focusing
Embrace and Step Back

In this Highlight webinar, Wholebody Focusing Trainer and Coordinator Addie van der Kooy warmly invites you to explore with him these two movements: radically accepting your inner world and connecting back to the aliveness and vastness of “You” - which was once described by Eugene Gendlin as the “different self that can be discovered …under all the packages each of us carries.”


Presented by The International Focusing Institute

Saturday, March 8, 2025
7:00 AM - 9:00 AM PST

Online via Zoom

At the heart of Focusing there is a dance of two, seemingly opposing, inner movements which create a fertile climate inside you for Focusing.

In the Embrace (or Stepping Forward) you fully allow your inner experiences to be exactly as they are. In the Step Back you make room for an embodied sense of “Me” (Self in Presence) separate from your inner experiences.

The balance between both movements is an organic, fluid dance that prevents you from getting entangled with the places that need your Focusing attention. It also allows those places to safely open up within an awareness that can be kind and curious.

In this Highlight webinar, Wholebody Focusing Trainer and Coordinator Addie van der Kooy warmly invites you to explore with him these two movements: radically accepting your inner world and connecting back to the aliveness and vastness of “You” - which was once described by Eugene Gendlin as the “different self that can be discovered …under all the packages each of us carries”.

Addie van der Kooy is an International Focusing Institute Certifying Trainer and Coordinator in Wholebody Focusing (WBF). He has been working for almost 25 years with Kevin McEvenue, founder of WBF. Addie is a Dutch national who lives in the south-west of England where he has been offering 1:1 on-line WBF sessions and training for the last 12 years. He is the author of the WBF workbook “Focusing With Your Whole Body”.

Addie is offering this class to support The International Focusing Institute. This live online class is pay-what-you-can. The suggested payment for US residents is $30.

Registration info: Contact The International Focusing Institute with any questions: Phone: (845) 480-5111 Email:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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