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Special Workshop: Money and the Force of Life

  • 21 Jun 2025
  • 7:30 AM (PDT)
  • Zoom

Special Workshop: Money and the Force of Life

Saturday, June 21, 2025 9:30 AM  12:30 PM CT

Sign up Here

Money seems to make the world go round….it certainly causes us distress, and having it is something thought to be a good thing (is it?). But what is it really? More importantly, how do our body and psyche make sense of the invention of money? Does it understand it as real? I will argue, it doesn’t. Our bodies understand transacting a different “currency”, that of Life force and energy. Though some people say “money is energy”, I will argue that it really isn’t.

In this 3 hour workshop we will consider the origin or money, the gender of money and how we can distinguish it from vitality, and what really helps us know we are alive.

Cost $125. (If you are having difficulty with this amount let us know).


In order to reduce costs we don’t have automated payment. When we get your registration we will send you a request for payment. Or just pay here and come:

Workshop will be taught by Jeanne:

Sign up Here

Jeanne Denney / 845-598-1727 /

Organization: SoULL

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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