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The Nature of Being Human Online

  • 1 Mar 2025
  • 3 May 2025
  • Online

The Nature of Being Human Online
Unit 1 of Year 1 - School of Unusual Life Learning

Live sessions will take place on Saturday or Sunday mornings (U.S.). Exact times and lengths will be published closer to the start of the program. Most classes will be 1.5 to 4 hour sessions depending on content.

Interested in joining us, but need to talk to someone? Book a free call with a past student so that you can understand the profound impact our programming has on people!

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We are proud to share this introductory SoULL program, which substantially improves the quality of people’s ordinary lives and expands pracitioners breadth of practice and stamina.

In this course, students are introduced to a somatically-oriented overview of human development, and a language of human life that includes growth, aging and dying. Students learn to see spiritual, energetic and physical experience as deeply connected through the human life span and even beyond. On its own, this course helps people reorient their ideas of life and death and know themselves as part of nature, not opposed to it, which radically reduces existential anxiety. This course also offers a way for students to step into SoULL material without a full year commitment.

This 24 hour program is a mixture of didactic presentations, body-centered process and intensive experiential curriculum. Training begins with a presentation of some original ideas about human life through the life span, elaborating on Neo-Reichian theory and integrating observations of growth and end of life work. After a number of concepts are presented about consciousness and the body as we change throughout the life span, we will test these theories in our own experiential work, using Nature as both our support and our teacher. We begin to recognize predictable changes in the human body which we identify as long arc pulses: Vertical, radial, and circular.

Most body centered traditions have focused only on character development or trauma. This training is appropriate for any human but especially anyone in the helping professions. Most participants report a profound reduction of existential anxiety and a renewed connection with nature and the life force itself. By helping practitioners recognize the long arc of life processes and the correlation between body and consciousness through aging and dying, this course greatly expands practitioners' capacity to tolerate their own mortal life changes, while also giving them insight to guide others.

The Nature of Being Human is taught in small classes and, like all SoULL material, is both didactic, interactive and highly experiential. However we teach it, we support students in linking insights from this class to existing theories within somatic psychology, especially mindfulness based practices and Neo-Reichian ideas. However do not think that this course is only for professionals. This material is powerful and completely accessible for people who are not therapists. It is for any curious, open-minded adult.

Students are often interested in continuing to complete Units 2 and 3 of Pilgrim SoULL after taking this course. We hope you do this, and we will accommodate as space allows in the class. However, we encourage people to commit to the full program from the start if they are able.

Who is this for?

  • Therapists and other professionals who want to better support their clients through their existential anxiety
  • Regular folks who struggle to feel connected to their purpose
  • People who want to free themselves from the fear of death and dying so they can live more fully

The Nature of Being Human ONLINE:

Curriculum includes 24 hours of learning about life:

  • 8 recorded lectures - Approximately 6 hours
  • 18 hours of unique and provocative in-class experiences, process and
  • discussion.
  • Moderated class platform discussions on Mighty Networks between classes.

“The SoULL experience revealed to me an inner rhythm that connects my soul, body, spirit with all the energy around and even beyond me. Life, breath, the pulsation of my beating heart and the blooming of a flower are one and the same force. It’s exhilarating!”

- Pilgrim SoULL Student 2020

Register Now

Jeanne Denney / 845-598-1727 /

Organization: SoULL

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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