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Somatic resourcing + Process group

  • 1 Oct 2025
  • In Person - Boulder, CO

Somatic resourcing + Process group

5-week series

Next series begins October 2025 - contact me for more info:

In-person event in Boulder, CO

Reconnect with yourself and others

​​​To live a life of purpose, meaning, and wellbeing, it's essential to have a variety of ways to resource yourself through life's ups and downs.

​You may have learned to tune out body sensations like pain or discomfort in order to better function in daily life, but this makes it hard to feel other things on a physical and emotional level too.

How can you feel fully alive and know how to meet your changing needs when you've had to habitually numb yourself just to get by?

​If you feel lonely even when surrounded by people, or you're craving friend interactions that go beyond likes, pics, and reels, you're not alone.​ Authentic connections with others are hard to come by these days.

And it's often even harder to access tools for tapping into your own experience of your body, mind, and emotions in the moment.

Who has the time or patience for that when life is so busy?​

This small group experience will give you an opportunity to slow down and experience spaciousness, ease, and rest. You'll practice reconnecting with your body and nervous system while fostering a supportive group connection.

Explore your connection to your self and others with the tools of somatic resourcing.

About the group

​​Drawing from yoga, mindfulness, and the principles of somatic therapy, this group will offer you experiential practices of movement, breath, and relaxation designed to resource and rejuvenate.

You'll learn the basics of nervous system states and polyvagal theory to better understand how to self-regulate, whether that means calming or energizing.

With guided experiences of group processing, you will explore your own patterns for how you show up within a group. Discover how first connecting with yourself and your present moment experience can enhance your ability to relate to others from a grounded place.

​​​​Each session will incorporate simple movement and mindfulness practices such as gentle yoga and breath techniques, restorative yoga poses, and a mini sound bath experience. These embodied practices are designed to help you connect with your body and better manage your nervous system state. In addition to experiential work, there will be ample time, space, and guidance in each session for processing and sharing your experience within the group.​

Group is limited to a maximum of 10 participants.

Cost: $275

If the cost is prohibitive, please contact me for sliding scale pricing options.

Register now for community and connection -

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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