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Speaker Event | What is the One Body Error in Body Psychotherapy?

  • 13 Mar 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom


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Psychology, in general, has a no-body problem. Body psychotherapy, however, suffers from the one-body problem, limiting its effectiveness. To find out what this problem is and a solution to it, please attend.

This event will include our special Overtime! 

Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends. 

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This course will not include CEs.


Western somatic as well as psychological approaches suffer from the assumption that we have just one body, the physical body, and that the generation and the regulation of all of our experiences including our awareness are a function of the measurable levels of this body alone. This is what I call the one-body error that severely limits the scope and effectiveness Western psychological theory and practice.

Eastern phenomenologists established a long time ago that our body consists of four verifiable levels, two at the individual level and two at the collective level. In addition to the physical body that is called the individual gross body in the East, there is the individual subtle body, the changing collective body of the universe, and the unchanging collective body of pure awareness.

The presentation, I will discuss the one-body error, the reasons for its genesis and its persistence, and the limitations it has placed on the scope and effectiveness of Western psychology. I will then present a four-level model of the body, how each level is in involved in a hierarchy of generation and regulation of all our experiences, the resources they have, and how to include each level of the body in our treatment approaches to improve outcomes and treatment times in all therapy modalities.

The Main Points of This Workshop:

    Western psychology’s one-body error is the assumption that we have only one body, the physical body.  

The one-body error limits the scope of the work and effectiveness of Western psychological approaches.

    Eastern phenomenologists have identified four verifiable levels of the body, the individual gross body or physical body, the individual subtle body, the changing collective body of the universe, and the unchanging collective body of pure awareness.  

    Including all four levels of the body in treatment can significantly improve outcomes and treatment times, in Western psychology in general and body psychotherapy approaches in particular.

    Brief description of each of four levels of the body, how they are involved in a hierarchy of the generation and regulation of all of our experiences, the resources each level has, some techniques for working each of the four levels of the body in treatment, and of their unique benefits, with clinical examples.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will know:

  • 1.     What is the one-body error in Western psychology.
  • 2.     What are the four levels of the body in Eastern psychology.
  • 3.     How are the four levels of the body involved generating and regulating all of our experiences in a hierarchy.
  • 4.     The unique resources of each level of the body
  • 5.     One or two techniques working with each level of the body in treatment.

Presenter Information

Raja Selvam, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist (CA PSY30233), a senior trainer in Peter Levine’s Somatic Experiencing (SE) professional trauma training, and the developer of Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP) with the practice of embodying emotions as its coreclinical strategy. He is the author of the 2022 book The Practice of Embodying Emotions: A guide for improving cognitive, emotional, and clinical outcomes. His work is informed by multiple body psychotherapy approaches (Reichian Therapy, Bioenergetic Analysis, Bodynamic Analysis and Somatic Experiencing), bodywork systems of Postural Integration and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Jungian and Archetypal psychologies, Kleinian and Intersubjective schools of psychoanalysis, cognitive and affective neurosciences, quantum physics, yoga, Polarity Therapy, and Advaita Vedanta (s spiritual psychology from India). Dr. Selvam has taught for twenty-five years in nearly as many countries on five continents.

About the Organization

Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP) considers every approach to psychotherapy as valuable and understands them all as components of a broad unifying framework built on Eastern and Western psychologies. It offers clinicians from diverse therapeutic modalities the possibility of increasing treatment efficiency through greater embodiment of all the bodies that constitute the psyche.

Learn More


Bohm, D. (2002). Wholeness and the implicate order. London, UK: Routledge.

Damasio, A. (2000). The feeling of what happens: Body and emotion in the making of consciousness. Boston, MA: Mariner Books.

Goswami, A, (1995). The self-aware universe: How conscious creates the material world. New Tork, NY: Torcherperigee.

Selvam R. (2022). The practice of embodying emotions: A method for improving cognitive, emotional, and behavioral outcomes. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.

Shroedinger, E. (1961). My view of the world. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press

Sills, F. (2001). The polarity process: Energy as a healing art. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.


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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.

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