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Speaker Event | Skills for Releasing Toxic Anger: Transforming Anger to Love

  • 16 Jan 2025
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom


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  • Special rate for member invited guests that enter their given code.

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This Speaker Series Event features internationally acclaimed author Karyne Wilner. This invent includes extensive Q&A time for attendees. 


Karyne Wilner, MA, PsyD, PA. RI. CT

This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event.

This course will not include CEs.

This event will include our special Overtime! 

Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends. 


In this session, “Skills to Release Toxic Anger: Transforming Anger into Love,” participants will learn skills for helping clients decrease and transform three forms of toxic anger: suppressed anger, aggressively expressed anger, and passive-aggressive anger. All three have a negative impact on physical health, threaten intimacy and interpersonal relationships, and lead to self-esteem issues, negative self-talk, and guilt.

Particular emphasis will be placed on teaching grounding exercises that help one to remain rational when aroused, strategies to raise the energy vibration in order to transform the heavy energy of toxic anger into the light energy of positivity, and methods to communicate anger in safe and reasonable ways, without blame or viciousness.

It’s also important for participants to develop skills that help them become less reactive to toxic anger when it's directed at them. The session will highlight Dr. Karyne’s seven steps to anger transformation.

Book Details and Purchase

Learning Objectives

▪ Do a body scan identifying where they hold anger in their bodies.
▪ Identify one or more people or events that were the source of their original anger.
▪ Do three grounding exercises: the waterfall, the bow, and the ostrich.
▪ Raise their energy’s vibration through movement, punching, running in place, or dance.
▪ Express anger in the form of a strength sandwich, or by taking 50% responsibility.
▪ Receive someone else’s anger and thank them for sharing it.


Ayakody, K., S. Gunadasa, and C. Hosker. 2014. “Exercise for Anxiety Disorders: Systematic Review.” British Journal of Sports Medicine 48:187–196.

Christensen, A. J., and T.W. Smith. 1993. “Cynical Hostility and Cardiovascular Reactivity During Self-Disclosure.” Psychosomatic Medicine 55:193–202.

Goldfried, M. R., and D. Sobocinski. 1975. “Effect of Irrational Beliefs on Emotional Arousal.” Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 43:503–510.

Lipton, H. B. 2005. The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.

Malarkey, W. B., J. K.Kiecolt-Glaser, D. Pearl, R. Glaser. 1994. “Hostile Behavior During Marital Conflict Alters Pituitary and Adrenal Hormones.” Psychosomatic Medicine 56:41–51.

McKay, M., P. D. Rogers, and J. McKay. 2003. When Anger Hurts: Quieting the Storm Within. Berkeley, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Pierrakos, J. C. 1987. Core Energetics: Developing the Capacity to Love and Heal. Mendocino, CA: Life Rhythm Publications.

Rein, G., M. Atkinson, and R. McCraty. 1995. “The Physiological Effects of Compassion and Anger.” Journal of Advancement in Medicine 8 (2): 87–105.

Suinn, R. M. 2001. “The Terrible Twos—Anger and Anxiety: Hazardous to Your Health (Presidential Address).” American Psychologist 56 (1): 27–36.

Wilner, K. B. 2020. “The Wounding Womb: Healing Prenatal Trauma. International Body Psychotherapy Journal: The Art and Science of Somatic Praxis 19 (2): 55–62.

Zweig, C. and J. Abrams, eds. 1991. Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. New York: Penguin Group, Inc.

Presenter Information

Karyne Wilner, MA, MA, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist, PA, RI, CT attained her degrees from Carnegie Mellon, Syracuse, Penn, & Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine. She served as Assistant Director of the Institute of Core Energetics from 1990 through 2011. Formerly, director of counseling at Drexel University and adjunct professor at Salve Regina University, she has directed somatic therapy programs in Brazil and Australia. She has written numerous journal articles about body psychotherapy. Currently, she practices in Newport, RI and Bethel, CT and lives with her husband and Jack Russell Terrier, Micah in beautiful Westerly, RI.


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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.

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Houston, TX 77055


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