The New Beginnings Center's co-owners Sean Baker and Susan Richter leverage their combined 50 years of experience to present a two-part program focused on providing valuable insights into successful outpatient somatic care.
Part 1 – Get Inside the Therapist’s Experience Using Somatic Approaches in Trauma Treatment
Part 2 – Implementing Somatic Approaches Within a Treatment Center Setting - Event Date TBA
This event will include our special Overtime!
Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends.
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event.
This course will not include CEs.
Description for Part 1
Trauma work invites both growth and healing for the client but also the healer. Ignite or rekindle your passion as a clinician and assist your clients to better engage in therapy. Getting inside the therapist’s experience using somatic approaches in trauma treatment intertwines an understanding of nervous system regulation and the defense responses resulting from trauma and insecure attachment. By tracking defenses on an embodied level and developing neural connections to resources that allow traumatic material to be processed and resolved, we support the wisdom of the body, mind and spirit as it seeks to re-connect with self and others through emotionally and somatically corrective experiences.
This workshop will focus on integrating Body work modalities such as Craniosacral, Reiki, Feldenkrais, Yoga with cognitive therapies like DBT, ACT, ERP and Trauma Processing Models Comprehensive Resource Model, Somatic Experiencing and EMDR. Participants will engage in somatically-informed skills and experiential tools to explore awareness, focused attention, affect tolerance, and expanding self-image and joy. Step-by-step techniques for expanding interoceptive awareness with ease and somatic techniques to treat trauma will be demonstrated.
The Main Points of This Workshop
▪ Attune to self
▪ Attune to client’s NS arousal
▪ Assist client to experience settling, feel into body
▪ Anchor embodied resources
▪ Ego State work
▪ Pendulate between activation and resource
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn:
1. Develop an internal awareness of the clinician’s own process of nervous system regulation and felt sense of their embodied experience, to be able to attune to the client’s nervous system dysregulation.
2. Intervene with somatic approaches to reduce dissociation and avoidance during sessions and reliance on harmful coping behaviors.
3. Facilitate working with and releasing highly charged traumatic material in a way that reinforces the client’s resilience, self-compassion and self-responsibility.
Doidge, N. (2016). The Brain's Way of Healing: Remarkable Discoveries and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity. New York: Penguin.
Mate, G. (2003). When the Body Says No: Exploring the Stress-Disease Connection. New York: Wiley.
McConnell, S. (2021). Somatic Internal Family Systems Therapy: Awareness, Breath, Resonance, Movement and Touch. Berkeley: North Atlantic.
McKay, M. et al. (2019). The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook: Practical DBT Exercises for Learning Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation, and Distress Tolerance. Oakland: New Harbinger.
Porges, S. (2021). Polyvagal safety: Attachment, Communication, Self-regulation. New York: Norton.
Solomon, M., and Siegel, D. (2017). How people change: Relationships and neuroplasticity in psychotherapy. New York: Norton.
Van der Kolk, B. (2015). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. New York: Viking Adult.
Presenter Information
Sean Baker MFT, SEP is co-owner and CEO at The New Beginnings Center in Camarillo, California. Certified in Somatic Experiencing and Gestalt therapy, Sean combines body-mind approaches to resolve clients’ distress related to trauma, self-harm behaviors, gender dysphoria, and co-occurring medical conditions.
Sean advocates for transgender health care, providing staff sensitivity trainings and presenting at national conferences on gender diversity issues in mental health care. With over 20 years of operating in a group practice setting, Sean is passionate about mutual support among clinicians and collaboration with treatment team providers.
Susan Richter MFT, CEDS, SEP is co-owner and Clinical Training Director at The New Beginnings Center in Camarillo, California. Trained in EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, and Comprehensive Resource Model, Susan has over 30 years’ experience providing individual and group psychotherapy treatment to those with eating disorders, trauma, anxiety and depression. Susan is Certified Eating Disorder Specialist and IAEDP Approved Supervisor. She presents at national conferences on eating disorders, trauma, and attachment, and treats patients with those issues as part of the treatment team for The Center’s Outpatient programs.

About the Organization
The New Beginnings Center has served the Southern California community since 1982. New Beginnings was founded and has always been owned and operated by licensed clinicians, understanding our clients’ needs as the best guide to treatment. The Center provides a wide variety of outpatient mental and integrative health services, and specializes in somatic approaches to treatment. Our mission is to promote healing of the individual whose nervous system has been disrupted by trauma, depression, anxiety, addiction, and/or chronic pain by restoring balance and healthy functioning that will improve the individual's overall quality of life.
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