This Speaker Series Event features internationally acclaimed author Ulfried Geuter. This invent includes extensive Q&A time for attendees.

Ulfried Geuter
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event.
This course will not include CEs.
This event will include our special Overtime!
Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends.
This discussion will revolve around Ulfried's book Body Psychotherapy.
This book introduces body psychotherapy as one of the essential approaches in psychotherapy, reflecting the increasing integration of the body into clinical mental health practice.
The book offers an entirely new view on body psychotherapy based upon advanced research on embodiment, memory, emotion regulation, developmental psychology and body communication and an experiential and relational understanding of psychotherapy.
Accordingly, the author grounds the theory of body psychotherapy on the theoretical approach of enactivism, which regards experience as arising from meaningful living interaction with others and their environment.
The book, fortified with clinical examples, shows the distinctiveness of body psychotherapy as compared with a traditional talking therapy approach. It also convincingly demonstrates that each form of psychotherapy should consider body experiences.
This text will be a comprehensive foundation for psychotherapists of every orientation, scholars of the humanities and students and especially those wishing to integrate embodied experience into their understanding of their patients.
Book Details and Purchase
“With clear and incisive analysis Geuter convincingly argues why the subjective body must be included in all psychotherapy modalities.”
Jeff Barlow, Somatic Psychotherapist, supervisor and trainer; founding director, Australian College of Contemporary Somatic Psychotherapy
“Dr. Geuter offers us an intensely erudite yet delightfully readable survey of the contemporary field of body psychotherapy.”
Barnaby B. Barratt, PhD, DHS, Director of doctoral studies in Bodymind Healing at the Parkmore Institute, Parkmore (Johannesburg), South Africa
“This is an excellent book which transcends but values the differences between schools and is a masterly foundation for body psychotherapy as a mainstream of psychotherapy!”
David Boadella, PhD (Hon), Founder of Biosynthesis; founding president and honorary member of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (t)
“Geuter's work combines masterful reviews of the field's history, development, and current trends, as well as contributions from philosophy, neuroscience, and classic psychological theory and practice, while at the same time deftly weaving in his own integrative perspective!”
Christine Caldwell, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Naropa University Somatic Counseling Program, Boulder, USA
“Ulfried Geuter, a leading thinker of body psychotherapy, has produced a highly original book with a Sophisticated and thorough theoretical perspective.”
George Downing, PhD, former Clinical Faculty, Salpettiere Hospital and University of Paris VIlI, France
“Geuter takes the reader well beyond the fraught history of this field and into a new synthesis that places the experiencing human subject in the relational, present moment encounter with the therapist who guides the client into a deeper felt experience of their own embodied self.”
Alan Fogel, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Utah, USA
“Skillful therapy vignettes illustrate how working with body processes can immediately elucidate psychological dilemmas.”
Ruella Frank, PhD, Founder, Director of the Center for Somatic Studies, New York
Presenter Information
Ulfried Geuter is a body psychotherapist and psychoanalyst who works in his own practice in Berlin. He taught body psychotherapy as a lecturer at the Free University of Berlin from 1995-2003 and as an honorary professor at the University of Marburg from 2010-2023 and is a training analyst, supervisor and lecturer in postgraduate psychotherapeutic training programs. He runs the Institute for Advanced Training in Body Psychotherapy in Berlin and is the author of The Professionalization of Psychology in Nazi Germany, 1992.

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.