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Emotions, Energy and Armor: Using Orgonomic-Reichian Therapy in Your Practice | A USABP Speaker Event

  • 28 Oct 2024
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom


  • Members don't pay
  • Special rate for member invited guests that enter their given code.


This Speaker Series Event features Hugh Brenner, faculty at The Institute for Orgonomic Science.

This event will include our special Overtime! 
Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends. 


Hugh Brenner

This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event.

This course will not include CEs.


Orgonomic Psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach grounded in the principles established by Dr. Wilhelm Reich. Over the past 60+ years, these principles have been further developed and expanded upon by clinical practitioners, also known as Orgonomists. It is a depth therapy based on psychodynamic Character Analysis, body-oriented therapy and Orgone Therapy, an energetic modality. It is not a set of techniques applied in a proscribed format but an energetic “dance” based on basic principals Reich discovered. I have found these basic principles to be very reliable markers of the client’s health and an excellent basis for theraputic progress towards a deeper connection to self and the world.

If one is aware of these basic principals they can be combined with various other modalities or tools. Topics and principles addressed in this program include:

  • Understanding the basic elements of Orgone Therapy
  • Assessment of flow - Pulsation and Armor
  • Segmental arrangement of energetic body
  • Disassociation; Armor in muscle, brain, breath, emotions, character and contact
  • Methods to increase emotional contact, decrease disassociation

Learning Objectives:

  • Ability to conduct a beginning energetic assessment
  • Recognize the effect of eye armor as it restricts emotional contact and cognitive function.
  • Get a client out of their head. Light, movement, muscular manipulation
  • Working the eyes to begin to mobilize depth and range of emotion
  • Picking up cues as to where to go next, following the client’s lead.

Participants will learn:

  • The basic elements of Orgone Psychotherapy, as applicable to other therapeutic modalities.
  • This seminar will have a particular focus on diagnosis and treatment of disassociation, clients in poor ocular contact.
  • Who to be extra cautious with, what not to do.

About the Presenter

Hugh Brenner
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, MSN, CNS, CRNP

Having been born into Orgonomy, Hugh Brenner sought a career as a psychiatric Orgonomist while somehow avoiding Medical School. After years as a nurse on inpatient psychiatric units learning what not to do, he obtained his Master of Science from the University of Pennsylvania as Clinical Nurse Specialist. He became a member of the Institute for Orgonomic Science, previously holding office of President and currently Vice-President. The late Dr Morton Herskowitz, DO, who was the last therapist trained by Dr Reich, and was Hugh Brenner’s primary therapist and clinical supervisor. Hugh currently has a private practice near Phoenixville Pennsylvania, licensed as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. He provides psychiatric care from a holistic perspective including medication management and psychiatric Orgone therapy. He also provides Clinical supervision and training for mental health graduate students and others


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Please cancel prior to 24 hours before the course starts. For questions or concerns, phone 202-466-1619.

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1) Register first on the USABP website (click the register button on this page), and then

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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