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Focusing Roundtable: Playing Things Out

  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 1:00 AM
  • Online using Zoom

Focusing Roundtable: Playing Things Out: A Wholebody Focusing Process For Recovering Our Inner Spirit

In this Roundtable, Glenn Fleisch will lead an experiment with the wholebody process of playing something out, as an enactive, experiential and expressive journey toward awakening and birthing our body’s inner spirit - toward transforming into a new way of embodying our being-here.


Presented by The International Focusing Institute

Wednesday, June 12, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time

Location: Online via Zoom

Cost: Online via Zoom

Let us start with something quite commonplace- the awareness that we often repeat certain patterns or themes in our living. And while there may be numerous patterns we live out, let’s say that there is one central or core pattern that persists, a body-set or embodied way of being that operates as if it has a life of its own. This bodily patterning, to say it another way, is already playing out in our everyday and relational living. The inner one living out this pattern carries an undercurrent of powerful energies, feelings, and intentions- i.e., an aspect of our body’s inner spirit. I have found that if we can identify this kind of core pattern, we can then embark on a journey of replaying the pattern, inviting and allowing it to play-out imaginatively, physically, and/or relationally.

The key aspect to this wholebody process is that of letting the body lead the way, more precisely, entering wholebody space and allowing spontaneous, self-generated energy and knowing to guide and move of its own accord. In this process, we can begin to reawaken and retrieve the energy of spirit, allowing for more freedom and aliveness of being. I would like us to experiment with this wholebody process of playing something out, as an enactive, experiential and expressive journey toward awakening and birthing our body’s inner spirit- toward transforming into a new way of embodying our being-here.

Glenn Fleisch has been a practicing WBF oriented psychotherapist for decades. He also has lead retreats, workshops, online programs in WBF and soma-drama work. This offering will allow us to co-create a safe, supportive space in which the natural arising energies and sensitivities of our whole body (and the beings who inhabit our body) to be invited, allowed and welcomed to come more alive and lead/show the way. This process has evolved from his own journey, and in the relational space of embodied transformation of trauma-based patterns.

Registration info: Contact The International Focusing Institute with any questions: Phone: (845) 480-5111 Email:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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