This Spotlight Series Event is brought to you in partnership with School of Unusual Life Learning (SoULL)
This event will include our special Overtime!
Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends.

Presented by Jeanne Denney
MTP, CCEP Somatic Therapist, Death Educator, Whole Life Doula
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event.
This course will not include CEs.
We tend to see illness in our time as strictly chemical, biological or structural, and often think it is something that someone else can fix. But of course it is also a deeply personal journey of healing, and we often look for meaning and personal empowerment when ill.
In this program we will consider the body and energy systems as one, and consider how energy systems develop and hold consciousness. Adding this lens to the view of healing helps us begin to read illness like a poem, and give clues for how to guide and be with people who are ill, and our own illness. Illness tells a story. Together we will begin to learn to listen to it and let it guide and empower us.
Three cases will be presented and an opportunity to address questions about yourself or a client.
Learning Objectives:
This program will help participants:
1. Explore how they relate to Illness and their general approach to it.
2. Explore Illness from multiple perspectives, recognizing it as a possibly essential part of our "Nature."
3. Be more at ease with their, and their clients', existential journey with ill health as a meaningful occurrence.
4. Use more creativity in hearing the unity between history, story, body, and psyche during an illness.
5. Explore the "language of the body" (through Illness), thinking as a poet.
General Agenda
- Welcome and Announcements
- Introductions
- The Presentation, Discussion, Q&A
- Closing
- Overtime for cases and further Q&A
Presenter Information
Jeanne Denney:
Jeanne Denney is a transpersonal and somatic psychotherapist, educator, a hospice worker, healer, author of The Effects of Compassionate Presence on the Dying, and founder of the School of Unusual Life Learning (SoULL), and creator of the concept of the “Whole Life Doula.”
Since leaving an engineering career 22 years ago, Jeanne has worked in many venues to help people fearlessly embrace a life which includes aging, dying and nature. This has involved years at bedsides with the elderly and children, in study and research, in contributing pioneering ideas to somatic psychology, in death and grief work, teaching in somatic institutes internationally, and has helped to create and facilitate the Art of Dying projects in New York City.
Jeanne’s insights on energy and the body through aging, illness, and dying have been derived from this wide lens of human experience and a deep understanding of our mortal journey.
Charon, R. (2008). Narrative medicine: Honoring the stories of illness. Oxford University Press
Kleinman, A. (2020). The illness narratives: Suffering, healing, and the human condition. Basic Books.
Mate, G. (2011). When the Body Says No: Exploring the stress disease connection.
Trade Paper Press.
O’Rourke, M. (2023). The invisible kingdom: Reimagining chronic illness. Riverhead Books.
Stein, M. (2009). The lonely patient: How we experience illness. CNIB.

The School of Unusual Life Learning (SoULL) is a school for personal transformation and professional development for adults. SoULL trainings happen in small, highly experiential programs lasting from 3 hours to 3 years. Students recognize and learn to work with the deep, intrinsic regulation available within individuals, as well as relationships and communities. We teach students embodied wisdom, somatic awareness, a whole human life perspective while they learn how to support the expression of life itself. This support relieves existential distress and fosters growth. READ MORE

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.