The USABP Speakers Series presents
Bret Lyon and Sheila Rubin discuss their paradigm-shifting new book, Embracing Shame: How to Stop Resisting Shame and Turn It Into a Powerful Ally
Now Available Everywhere
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Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT
Bret Lyon, PhD, SEP

In this speakers event, authors Bret Lyon and Sheila Rubin will discuss what they have discovered as a successful pathway for transforming shame from a self-punishing emotion into a powerful ally for your health and happiness. Join us Monday, October 23, 2023, 10 am PST
Topics addressed include:
- Why we need to embrace shame
- Unlocking shame binds
- Working with shame as an embodied cognition
“This book is an exquisite work on shame. It is revolutionary, insightful, and brilliant. Embracing Shame has the capacity to inspire individual and cultural transformation. Sheila and Bret beautifully incorporate both social and psychological aspects of shame, which is essential for any real understanding of shame. Their superb illustration of emotional binds illuminates the importance of how shame binds with other emotions—anger, grief, fear, joy—in everyday life, trapping us in old patterns. Working with shame is multidimensional work, they say. When we recognize where we have broken interpersonal bridges, work to repair them, and accept our imperfections and limitations, then we can finally begin to transform our shame. Though it is written in a way that can benefit anyone, no professional should be without a copy of this book.”
—Suzanne Retzinger, PhD, MFT, coauthor of Emotions and Violence
“Bret Lyon and Sheila Rubin have already transformed the trauma therapy field with their Healing Shame workshops… I love this book and am grateful that it now exists. Get this book, and your nervous system, as well as your friends and family, will thank you for so doing. Kudos to Bret and Sheila for a spectacular and accessible achievement.”
—Diana Fosha, PhD, developer of AEDP, editor of Undoing Aloneness and the Transformation of Suffering into Flourishing, and author of The Transforming Power of Affect
“Embracing Shame is the clearest, most brilliant, user-friendly book that I’ve seen on this powerful and misunderstood emotion. Bret and Sheila are among the world’s leading experts on shame. They shed a bright light on this elusive emotion and the sneaky ways it shows up in our lives and suppresses our life energy and joy. Through striking examples and carefully crafted exercises, this easy-to-read book will help you understand the toxic effects of shame—guiding you to turn gently toward it rather than experience it as a dreaded enemy, empowering you to learn, grow, and transform your life. I highly recommend this book if you want to recognize and heal the shame that may be holding you back in your life, which can free you up to live a richer life and deepen your relationships.”
—John Amodeo, PhD, author of Dancing with Fire and Psychology Today contributor
About the Book
After decades of successful teaching, we have found ways to heal shame's negative effects and transform it into the supportive force it was meant to be - and we have condensed over twenty years of research and experience into this book. Through case studies, creative tools, and body-based practices, we show you how to break the cycle of toxic shame and access the messages, insights, and surprising gifts that become available as you access inner reservoirs of positive energy.
With Embracing Shame, we are proud to share an invaluable guide to an emotion so volatile that most of us―including therapists―avoid talking about it. Given how painful and destructive shame can be, it’s easy to see this emotion as an inner demon that turns our own mind against us. Yet shame is a universal emotion―and it serves an important purpose. While toxic shame can keep us stuck in a self-defeating vortex, there is a healthy expression of shame designed to protect us, help us change, and actually build our self-esteem.
While no amount of positive self-talk or therapy can eradicate shame, we can transform shame into a supportive, health-promoting force. Created as a resource for laypersons and healing professionals alike, Embracing Shame offers a path for reclaiming the true potential of this vital emotion to help you grow, connect, and find a new confidence in the way you move through life
Come learn more and bring your questions!
About our featured speakers:
Sheila Rubin and Bret Lyon are the founders of the Center for Healing Shame. They have been at the forefront of guiding mental health professionals to recognize and move through shame with their clients.
Sheila Rubin, MA, LMFT, RDT/BCT is a leading authority on Healing Shame. She co-created the Healing Shame – Lyon/Rubin method and has delivered talks, presentations and workshops across the country and around the world, at conferences from Canada to Romania, for over 30 years.
Sheila is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a Registered Drama Therapist and a Board Certified Trainer. She has developed therapy techniques that integrate AEDP, EFT, drama therapy and somatic therapy to work with the all-pervasive shame and trauma that underlie eating disorders, addictions and toxic family dynamics. Sheila has served as adjunct faculty at JFK University and the California Institute of Integral Studies. Her expertise, teaching, and writing contributions have been featured in numerous publications, including six books.
Sheila offers therapy through her private practice in Berkeley and also offers consultation to therapists over Skype.
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Bret Lyon, PhD, SEP has been a teacher of Somatic and Emotional Mindfulness for over 30 years and holds doctorates in both Psychology and Drama.
He is certified in Focusing and Somatic Experiencing® and has trained in EFT with Sue Johnson, in AEDP with Diana Fosha and in Coherence Therapy with Bruce Ecker.
Bret has also trained in Reichian Breathwork with Al Bauman, who worked directly with Wilhelm Reich. He finds his theater background very helpful with clients and especially in giving presentations
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