Please join us for our USABP On The Move premiere featuring facilitation from Paula Josa-Jones.
Experiential Descriptor:
This class deepens our connection to the body through conscious movement, breath, touch, sound and imagery. In learning to move from the body's own innate rhythms and impulses, we open to deeper expressivity and vitality. Grounding experience in the moving body dissolves the separation between inner and outer experiencing, allowing us to sense and feel ourselves and others with greater compassion and curiosity.
Our Guest Facilitator:
Paula Josa-Jones, CLMA, MSMET, SEP, TTEAM
CLMA: Certified Laban Movement Analyst
MSMET: ISMETA Registered Master Somatic Movement Educator/Therapist
SEP: Somatic Experiencing© Practitioner
TTEAM: Tellington TTouch Equine Awareness Practitioner
Artistic Director, Choreographer @ Paula Josa-Jones Performance Works
"At the core of my work is a passion for movement that springs from an unpredictable, limitless aliveness in the body. Being in the body means experiencing it in a bloodful, breathing way that is transformative and improvisational - diving into the deep waters of the body and all its wild possibility...
...My goal is to help people connect to their creativity, to improvisation as a life practice, and to their own delicious experience of conscious embodiment."
Paula is a dance artist, choreographer, equestrian, author, movement educator and therapist. Her background includes deep research into theater, somatics, improvisation, film, Deep Listening, Laban Movement Analysis, Body-Mind CenteringⒸ, interspecies relationships, equine studies, Authentic Movement and eco-performance. Much of Josa-Jones's solo work arises from her own experience of being gender non-conforming, and movement explorations of the deeply complex architecture of identity and expression.
Paula is a Certified Laban Movement Analyst and a Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist (MSMET) accredited by the ISMETA, the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association. She is also a Guild-Certified TTEAM (Tellington Touch Equine Awareness Method) practitioner and a Somatic Experiencing ® practitioner. Her writings on movement and dance have been published in Contact Quarterly. Her book, Our Horses, Ourselves: Discovering the Common Body, was published by Trafalgar Square Books.
Learn more about Paula and her work at:
Authentic Movement
Wisdom of the Moving Body
Invite friends and colleagues.
Register now and we will send you updated information for the event and to be informed when the event recording is ready for viewing. Important! Please note the start time is 9:50 am PST.
Please donate to this program.
General Format - 9:50 am PST start time
- :10 welcome and program set up talk
- :50 experiential
- :10 check ins, shares, and closing
USABP ON THE MOVE is an opportunity for our community to connect and experience restorative practices while getting exposure to many forms of somatic movement and mindful body-awareness programs.
The root of e-motion is “to move.” The same regions of the brain responsible for movement also carry out our cognitive processes. Our brain evolved from movement and still depends on it day to day. Join us to discover how conscious movement can bring nourishing restoration, playful community connection, and the understanding of how moving helps our thoughts, words, and actions.
Somatic tools may include, among others, breath, movement, self-directed touch, sound vibration, and conscious dialogue.
Free to members and guest.
We request that attendees make a donation in support of our programs. USABP is member supported and a contribution based on your resources would be greatly appreciated.

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.