Join us at our first USABP Speaker Series event.

Susan Bauer, MFA, MSME/T, RSDE
At this event we'll be talking with Susan Bauer, author of The Embodied Teen: A Somatic Curriculum for Teaching Body-Mind Awareness, Kinesthetic Intelligence, and Social and Emotional Skills.

Somatic practices help us learn about our bodies and build inner resources to tap into our body intelligence on a regular basis. Basic principles of somatics—like paying attention within and developing a less judgmental ‘inner witness’—can be a key to helping teens to thrive. But how do you make these practices accessible for teens, so they can develop a level of comfort with their own bodies? Come see how it’s done!
Join us to learn about this groundbreaking work. Bring your questions. Find out more about Susan’s Embodiment in Education™ trainings. Get a demonstration of this ground breaking work.
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This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event. This event will not include CEs.
About The Embodied Teen
Designed for educators, therapists, counselors, and movement practitioners, The Embodied Teen presents a pioneering introductory, student-centered program in somatic movement education based on over 30 years of working with youth and young adults. The practices help students reconnect to their sense of self, cultivating both self-assurance and self-care. Students learn the basics of anatomy and physiology, and unlearn self-defeating habits that impact body image and self-esteem. As they recognize their commonalities (such as that we all have a heart, lungs, and skeleton within us), students develop compassion for themselves and others. Just as important, they also begin to accept and appreciate their diversity. These core social-emotional skills are essential in building more inclusive and collaborative environments.
Learn to empower teens as they navigate the volatile physical and emotional challenges they face during this vibrant, powerful stage of life. In the words of Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, “Susan Bauer offers educators a dynamic curriculum with clear guidelines for helping adolescents discover ways to enliven their sense of self, recognize and accept the diversity of others, and establish a base of lifelong habits for well-being.”
Gaining the capacity to facilitate somatic movement practices—in a way that is specifically adapted to the unique needs of adolescents and young adults—can be beneficial to professionals in many fields.
Come learn more and bring your questions!
Presenter Information
Susan Bauer, MFA, MSME/T, RSDE is a dance/somatic educator, the founder of Embodiment in Education™, and author of The Embodied Teen: A Somatic Curriculum for Teaching Body-Mind Awareness, Kinesthetic Intelligence, and Social and Emotional Skills. A Fulbright Scholar, she has taught for over three decades in the U.S and Asia, informed by her extensive background in dance, Body-Mind Centering®, and Authentic Movement. She has a private practice as a Registered Master Somatic Movement Therapist, has served on the Board of Directors of ISMETA (International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association), and offers a 300-hour Embodiment in Education™ Teacher Training Certification Program for professionals.
Susan has taught at middle school and high school levels and served as faculty at such higher education institutions as Denison University, CIIS, John F. Kennedy University (JFKU), and University of San Francisco (USF) in the U.S, as well as at Taitung University in Taiwan. She has contributed chapters in several books, including Dance, Somatics, and Spiritualities; Embodied Lives; and Essays on Authentic Movement, Volume 2. Susan holds an MFA from the Department of World Arts and Cultures at UCLA and an MALS degree in Dance and Movement Studies from Wesleyan University.
She began her study of Body-Mind Centering® with founder Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in 1984 and has continued her studies with her in-person and online over the years. Other somatic disciplines in her background include study of Ideokinesis with Irene Dowd and Experiential Anatomy with Caryn McHose and Andrea Olsen, along with Laban / Bartenieff Fundamentals and the Feldenkrais Method. Susan served on the Board of Directors of ISMETA (International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association) from 2012 to 2015. Her unique approach in working with individual clients integrates Authentic Movement, somatic movement education, and meditation as a basis for in-depth, conscious personal transformation.
Susan’s passionate vision of a more holistic model of education—inclusive of movement and body/mind awareness—fuels her quest to support the well-being of adults and youth alike in these challenging times.
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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.