This Spotlight Series Event is brought to you in partnership with Rubenfeld Synergy Method.
Body awareness in role-play deepens the client's therapeutic work and helps them experience desired changes. This experiential workshop gives you the unique opportunity to engage in role-play, body scan work with self-touch, and the use of the empty chair technique in your client sessions.

Presented by Judy Swallow, MA, CRES, TEP, LCAT
Co-Director of Hudson Valley Psychodrama Institute
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event. This course will not include CEs.
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method ® is a way to combine bodymind awareness with talk and touch. Psychodrama is a way to gain deeper understanding through role play. These two forms of bodymind therapy work well with each other.
This workshop invites you to experiment with first yourselves and then with each other to enhance awareness of present situations and to try on possibilities of alternatives. Included will be a facilitated body scan with self-touch and imagery. An experience of non-habitual activity takes us beyond ‘known’ boundaries. Empty chair work allows for expression of personal thoughts and feelings; then role reversal allows for responses and awareness of ‘the other’ we hold inside. We end by sharing our discoveries of how we can share these skills with our clients.
The Main Points of this Workshop:
- The body has a lot to teach us if we listen with respectful and non-judgmental awareness.
- The body/mind is activated in the here and now.
- Awareness is first necessary to allow for change.
- Direct expression frees up energy.
- Reversing roles allows for widening awareness.
Participants will Learn:
- How to do a body scan with self-touch and imagery
- How to stay in the here and now (present tense) while using the empty chair psychodramatic technique.
- How to role reverse and stay in the present tense
- How to assess any bodymind differences from the roles taken.
Presenter Information
Judy Swallow , MA, CRS, TEP, LCAT
Judy Swallow has been working as a practitioner and teacher of both psychodrama and Rubenfeld Synergy ® for over 40 years. She is a co-director of the Hudson Valley Psychodrama Institute, which serves both national and international students. She is also a founding member of Playback Theater, now practiced worldwide. She enjoys the interface of different bodymind modalities in her work.
Rubenfeld, Ilana. (2000). The Listening Hand: Self-Healing Through the Rubenfeld Synergy Method of Talk and Touch: Bantam Books.
Blatner, Adam. (1996). Acting-In: Practical Applications of Psychodramatic Methods: Springer Publishing Company.
Dayton, Tian. (1994). The Drama Within: Psychodrama and Experiential Therapy: Health Communications.
Rivera, Toni Luisa. (2015) The Propelled Heart: Moving from Injury to Insight: PHP Publications

About the Spotlight Organization
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® (RSM) is a powerful and proven healing modality, with a 50-year history of using the wisdom of the body to provide transformational healing. Combining intentional, respectful, listening touch with verbal processing creates a dynamic integration of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. READ MORE

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.