This Spotlight Series Event is brought to you in partnership with Integral Somatic Psychotherapy
Join Integral Somatic Psychotherapy® founder Raja Selvam as he shares a modern scientific basis for all somatic modalities.
These days, there is unprecedented interest in somatic interventions among mainstream psychotherapy professionals. In spite of this or perhaps because of it, CE organizations are increasingly withdrawing CEs for somatic approaches they used to approve on a regular basis, without offering clear reasons for the change in policy. Interestingly, mainstream modalities with neither scientific bases nor adequate outcomes research continue to receive CEs under a vague rule that they are used by a large number of mental health professionals.
A number of research findings in cognitive and affective neurosciences in the past twenty-five years have revolutionized our understanding of the central role played by the body in cognition, emotion, and behavior. This body of knowledge offers an adequate modern scientific basis for all body psychotherapy approaches, something that most mainstream psychological approaches lack. In this presentation, we will look at some of these findings, see how they constitute a solid scientific basis for somatic psychology, and explore how they could be used by different somatic psychology modalities to support their scientific validity.
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The Main Points of This Workshop:
1. Recent scientific findings on the important role of the body in cognition, emotion, and behavior
2. Recent scientific findings on the neurophysiology of cognition, emotion, and behavior
3. Recent scientific findings from the paradigm of embodied emotions
4. How these scientific findings together offer a solid scientific basis for all somatic psychology and body psychotherapy modalities
5. How these scientific findings can be used by different body psychotherapy and somatic psychology approaches to develop a scientific basis for their methods
Participants will be able to:
1. Cite two recent important scientific findings on the neurophysiology of cognition, emotion, and behavior
2. Cite two recent important scientific findings on the important role of the body in cognition, emotion, and behavior.
3. Cite two recent important scientific findings from the paradigm of embodied emotions
4. Describe how these recent scientific findings offer a scientific basis for all body psychotherapy and somatic psychology modalities
5. Describe how these recent scientific findings offer a scientific basis for one specific body psychotherapy or somatic psychology approach.
professional trauma training, and the developer of Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP) with the practice of embodying emotions as its coreclinical strategy. He is the author of the 2022 book The Practice of Embodying Emotions: A guide for improving cognitive, emotional, and clinical outcomes. His work is informed by multiple body psychotherapy approaches (Reichian Therapy, Bioenergetic Analysis, Bodynamic Analysis and
Somatic Experiencing), bodywork systems of Postural Integration and Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Jungian and Archetypal psychologies, Kleinian and Intersubjective schools of psychoanalysis, cognitive and affective neurosciences, quantum physics, yoga, Polarity Therapy, and Advaita Vedanta (s spiritual psychology from India). Dr. Selvam has taught for twenty-five years in nearly as many countries on five continents.

About the Spotlight Organization
Integral Somatic Psychology (ISP) considers every approach to psychotherapy as valuable and understands them all as components of a broad unifying framework built on Eastern and Western psychologies. It offers clinicians from diverse therapeutic modalities the possibility of increasing treatment efficiency through greater embodiment of all the bodies that constitute the psyche.

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These exclusive webinars are brought to you by the USABP and its proud educational and training institute member organizations.
These live webinars are for Psychologists, Social Workers, MFTs. Counselors, Somatic Practitioners, Body Worker and other Health Professionals.

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.