This Spotlight Series Event is brought to you in partnership with Neuro Systemics.
This event will include our special Overtime!
Overtime allows attendees to continue to ask questions and invite conversation on the event material, other related inquiries, or cases after the formal event ends.

Presented by Boaz Feldman
Founder, CEO & Faculty of Neuro Systemics
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event. This course will not include CEs.
There is significant clinical evidence showing that the most potent element of therapy is the quality of the relationship with our client(s). This relational dynamic is significantly more important that any therapeutic technique! Therefore, it is essential for us to expand the ways in which we are present with our clients. The agile therapist is able to dance with the flow of nervous system states in their clients that are (i) present and (ii) potentially accessible. This can be achieved with a range of attitudinal postures, which we can train ourselves to embody. “Relational somatics” techniques help our clients access and embody these postures durably.
In this workshop we’ll review basic nervous system dynamics and provide a comprehensive mapping of all the essential attitudinal postures. We’ll get to see the embodied live in a demonstration, and have time for practice.
The Main Points of this Workshop:
- The quality of the alliance between the therapist and the client is the most potent therapeutic factor, science tells us
- Our therapeutic presence is our most important tool to attune to our clients’ moment-to-moment nervous system shifts
- The agile therapist has an embodied a range of attitudinal postures, 9 in total
- Combined with “Relational Somatics Techniques”, this high-level of attunement with clients enables them to embody these attitudinal postures
- “Agile Presencing” potentiates clients’ healing, resilience and daily life functioning
Participants will Learn:
- Agile presencing techniques of “revealing” and “resonating” to build an effective therapeutic alliance with your clients
- A systems’ technique to bring presence to the relational space between the therapist and client
- How to practice with the full range of attitudinal postures
- To Skillfully bring your clients to the present moment in an attuned and regulating way
- Opening Announcements
- Presentation, experientials and/or demonstrations
- Q & A
- Overtime
Presenter Information
Boaz B. Feldman:
Boaz B. Feldman (MSc, SEP, FSP, PgD) is a pragmatic visionary, clinical psychologist, trainer, researcher and contemplative acting for worldwide positive change. A depression in his early 20’s led him to ordain as a Buddhist monk in Thailand, where he practiced meditation and studied the teachings for 3 years. He returned to Geneva, Switzerland to train as a clinical psychologist and led a number of psychological first aid programs with International NGO’s (UNOCHA, Médecins sans frontières, International Medical Corps), specializing in staff welfare. After missions in conflict affected regions (Afghanistan, Burika Faso, Mynamar) and low-income regions, he designed a 3-year CARE training program (Clinical Abilities for Resiliency & Empowerment) and founded NeuroSystemics, a Geneva-based NGO. Boaz studied the effects of compassion meditation for conflict resolution at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Affective Science at the University of Geneva, currently a research associate at Life Itself Research (France) and interested the link between inner development and societal transformation to strengthen democracy, ecological resilience and psychosocial empowerment.
Geller, S. M., & Porges, S. W. (2014). Therapeutic presence: neurophysiological mechanisms mediating feeling safe in therapeutic relationships. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 24(3), 178.
Geller, S. M., & Greenberg, L. S. (2012). Therapeutic presence: A mindful approach to effective therapy. American Psychological Association.
Baier, A. L., Kline, A. C., & Feeny, N. C. (2020). Therapeutic alliance as a mediator of change: A systematic review and evaluation of research. Clinical psychology review, 82, 101921.
Jolley, H. K. (2019). I’m human too: Person-centred counsellors’ lived experiences of therapist self-disclosure. European Journal for Qualitative Research in Psychotherapy, 9, 12-26.
Riches, S., Schrank, B., Brownell, T., Slade, M., & Lawrence, V. (2020, March). Therapist self-disclosure in positive psychotherapy for psychosis. In Clinical Psychology Forum (Vol. 2020, No. 327). British Psychological Society.

NeuroSystemicsTM is a Mindfulness-based methodology bridging ancient wisdom traditions, evolutionary neurosciences and systemic understanding to offer a multi-level integrative path to resilient healing, passionate living and awakening. We help therapists to build their introspective skills (Mindfulness, compassion) to embody robust therapeutic alliances, regulating their nervous system and strengthening new patterns of self-organised wellness with their clients, and extending their clinical expertise to work confidently with groups using a somatically-grounded approach. Join us on our next CARE training (Clinical Abilities for Resiliency & Empowerment) - it is a transformative 3-year journey to learn and practice essential life and therapeutic skills in the midst of a nourishing community. CARE graduates (NeuroSystemic practionners, NSP’s) can facilitate contemplative training and development, 1:1 therapy and group therapy with a focus on embodiment, somatic healing and transdiagnostic treatment. READ MORE

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.