This Spotlight Series Event is brought to you in partnership with The United States Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (USPBSP) - as featured in the book, The Body Keeps the Score.

Presented by Jim Amundsen, PhD
President of USPBSP
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event. This course will not include CEs.
This workshop will be a introduction to how PBSP structures work with developmental trauma. Included will be a brief presentation of some of the basic theory behind structure work and then a demonstration of a structure.
The Main Points of this Workshop:
- The anatomy of secure attachment (the 5 basic developmental needs)
- Ego formation
- Memory and consciousness
- Resistance as the occlusion of inputs
- Creating (virtual) healing memories
Participants will Learn:
- Understand how the ego forms out of human interaction
- How PBSP creates new virtual healing memories
- How to meet basic needs at the right time and with the right kinship
- 20 minutes for introductory lecture on the theory and methodology of PBSP
- 50 minutes demonstration structure
- Q & A for whatever time is left
Presenter Information
Jim Amundsen, PhD
Jim has been in private practice in St Paul, MN for 35 years. Before that he worked for 5 years at the Abbott Northwestern Hospital, Minneapolis, MN, in an outpatient pastoral counseling center as a pastoral psychotherapist and Director of Clinic Training. He was first introduced to Albert Pesso in the early 1980’s by his wife, Helen Gilbert, who is a now retired psychotherapist. Except for a 2-year break to finish his PhD dissertation, he had trained with Pesso continuously until Pesso’s death in 2016 (after Pesso received the Life Time Achievement Award from the USABP). After Albert Pesso’s death, Jim, along with his fellow PBSP Trainers, form the USPBSPA, which is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to training therapists in the PBSP method. He is currently President of the USPBSPA.
Winnette, P. & Baylin, J. (2017), Working with traumatic memories to heal adults with unresoved childhood trauma: Neurosicience, attachment theory and Pesoo Boyden System Psychomotor Psychotherapy, London & Philadelphia. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Grayson, J. (2016). Landscapes of the heart: The working world of a sex and relationship therapist, London & Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Pesso, A (2012). Presentations & lectures by Albert Pesso (1984 – 2012). Amazon ebooks.
Pesso, A, (2012). “Filling the holes-in-roles of the past with the right people at the right time,” International Body Psychotherapy Journal, v. 12, number 2, pps, 62-87.
Amundsen, J, (2004). “What PBSP can teach psychoanalysis,” European Psychotherapy: Scientific Journal for Psychotherapy Research and Practice. V.5, pps 105 – 118.

About the Spotlight Organization
The United States Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (USPBSP), a non-profit membership organization of Psychomotor teachers, practitioners and learners dedicated to training psychotherapist and allied professional the PBSP method. Albert Pesso and Diane Boyden-Pesso developed PBSP after spending years observing how human emotions were expressed in body action and in speech. READ MORE

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.