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Intersections of SE™ - The Subtle Body: Insights from the Yoga Tradition

  • 17 Jan 2023
  • online

January 17th, 2023
11:00 AM- 12:30 PM MST

Registration & Details

ALL attendees must register to participate in the webinar.

How to Register:

Event Summary:

In the yoga tradition, the subtle body is a structure composed of energy which interpenetrates the physical body. In this webinar, Joann will present the anatomy and physiology of the subtle body as described in the Upanishads, a collection of classic Hindu texts. The subtle body underlies the practice of yoga postures and breathing techniques for trauma healing, as well as for spiritual development. In the healing realm, it is intimately connected with autonomic nervous system. Because of this, the skillful use of this energy by a therapist who is familiar with its functioning, can aid the client in self-regulation. Knowledge of it can guide the therapist in choosing the most appropriate, trauma-sensitive yogic interventions for a particular client, and in avoiding practices which might be dysregulating and/or retraumatizing.

The participant will:

1) Gain a working knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the subtle body, as described in the Upanishads.

2) Explore it's dynamics in the application of two specific yoga postures and two breathing practices.

3) Learn the factors to consider when choosing the best yoga practices for a particular client.

4) Learn precautions in administering yogic practices to clients.

5) Experience their own subtle energy flows in sample practices taught in the seminar. 

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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