This Spotlight Series Event is brought to you in partnership with the International Institute For Bioenergetic Analysis.

Presenters include Diana Guest and Garet Bedrosian. They are both IIBA International Bioenergetic Analysis Trainers.
This event will be recorded and available for members and non-members who register for this event. This course will not include CEs.
Chronic tension and unconscious emotion create fixed patterns of behavior. The strong expression of emotion is not enough for transformation. Catharsis is the release of emotional tension resulting in the purging or purification of the emotions. Occasionally people experience a spontaneous breakthrough of feeling, which feels transformative, and for a short time, they experience the joy of feeling more open. Clients may express strong emotions in a workshop or even a session without connecting and understanding the meaning. Unfortunately, this does not provide lasting change. How do we facilitate lasting change in our clients? What prevents us from providing the holding environment for strong emotional expression? What does it mean to be in service of the client for their healing process?
In this workshop, there will be a video demonstration of a client session. In this video, you will see work with strong emotions, the release of chronic tension, movement of energy as well as cognitive integration necessary for transformation. Through clinical analysis, Diana and Garet will discuss the energetic flow of the session.
The Main Points of This Workshop:
- Introduction to the core principles of Bioenergetic Analysis
- Video demonstration and clinical discussion of a Bioenergetic therapy session
- Discussion of touch literacy in psychotherapy
- Discussion of the integrated use of catharsis
- Therapist use of self in support of the client’s energetic flow
Participants will learn:
- Learn how the titration between following and directing the client’s energetic expression facilitates the movement toward integration.
- Identify four elements of the therapeutic process that are essential for lasting transformation.
- Learn how informed touch can facilitate the expression of emotion in service of integration.
- Learn how cathartic expression, energetic flow, and relational support moves the client from a frozen state of defense to a more complex state of being.
- Welcome
- USABP Announcements
- Presentation, Demo & Experiential
- Q & A
- Overtime discussion (after the event formally concludes)
Presenter Information
Diana Guest, MFT
Retired Psychotherapist from private practice, IIBA faculty
Masters in Clinical Psychology
Certified Bioenergetic Therapist
Certified EMDR
Diana Guest, MFT, CBT, a certified Bioenergetic therapist, is the past president of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis and is currently on the IIBA board of directors. She is an IIBA International trainer and has done trainings and workshops in the United States, Europe, Brazil, Argentina, New Zealand and China. She is the coordinating trainer for the Southern California Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, New Zealand Bioenergetic Society and 2 China training groups. She has been the keynote speaker at regional and international conferences and is a published author of many articles and 4 books. Her latest book A Guide to Becoming Grounded: For somatic therapists and Individuals is now available on Amazon. She is retired from her private practice of 28 years and continues to teach and provide consultation. She lives in San Diego, CA.
Garet Bedrosian, LCSW
Psychotherapist in Private practice and International faculty for the IIBA, and faculty for IMAGO
Masters in Social Work
Certified Bioenergetic Therapist
Certified IMAGO therapist
Master Facilitator Equus Coach
Garet Bedrosian, LCSW, CBT, CIRT, has been a certified Bioenergetic Therapist since 1997. She is a trainer in the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis and a local trainer for the Southern California Bioenergetic Institute. She has been a keynote speaker and workshop presenter at various local and international conferences and also provides therapy and workshops to the Bioenergetic training group in China. Garet is also a member of the Imago International Faculty and presents The Imago Getting The Love You Want couples’ workshop, Recovering Our Connection for couples with addictions, and The Keeping The Love You Find Workshop for Individuals. She is also a Master Facilitator Equus Coach and co-facilitates healing work with the herd on her ranch in Ramona, CA. Garet has been in private practice since 1986.
Guest, D., Parker, J., & Williams, S. L. (2019). The development of modern bioenergetic analysis. Journal of Body, Movement, and Dance in Psychotherapy 14 (4). 264-276.
Johnson, S. (1985) Characterological Transformation: the hard work miracle. Norton & Co.
Lowen, A. (1975) Bioenergetics, Penquin Books.
Schroeter, V. & Thomson, B. (2016) Bend Into Shape: Techniques for Bioenergetic Therapists. Psycho-Sozial Verlag
Tasche, J. (2021) Self-regulation and psychodynamics in Bioenergetic Analysis, IIBA Journal (31). 59-78.

About the Spotlight Organization
Rooted in the work of Wilhelm Reich and founded by Alexander Lowen, Bioenergetic Analysis is a specific form of body-psychotherapy – based upon the continuity between body and mind. Bioenergetic Analysis basically combines a bodily, analytic and relational therapeutic work, based upon an energetic understanding. READ MORE

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We look forward to seeing you at this premiere event.