Facets Of Focusing - Online Summit
Watch at Your Convenience
Once again, we’ve combed through our archives of the many engaging people who have offered workshops, lectures and classes over the last several years. We’ve curated a collection which will give you a broad experience of many facets of Focusing and Felt Sensing.
You'll get 12 videos for 12 days! All 12 videos will be available to you for the whole 12 days. All will inspire you with the many ways that life and society can break free from preset patterns.
Presented by The International Focusing Institute
April 14-25, 2022
The International Focusing Institute is delighted to offer our second Facets of Focusing Online Summit!
Once again, we’ve combed through our archives of the many engaging people who have offered workshops, lectures and classes over the last several years. We’ve curated a collection which will give you a broad experience of many facets of Focusing and Felt Sensing.
You'll get 12 videos for 12 days! All 12 videos will be available to you for the whole 12 days. All will inspire you with the many ways that life and society can break free from preset patterns. See the selection of videos below.
We are offering this Summit during the week of Easter/Passover which we know will be a week off for many of you. This might be a time when you have more leisure to watch these videos and to connect on Zoom conversations.
The Summit includes two Zoom conversations each day at opposite ends of the day, to accommodate all time zones. We hope you’ll attend as many of these as you can. The Zoom sessions are unscripted opportunities for you to share reflections on what you’ve watched with other participants in the Summit. We are in the process of inviting the video presenters to see if some of them can join us for these Zoom calls. When we have those details, we will let you know.
After the Summit, these videos go back into our archives, so don’t miss this opportunity!
We warmly welcome you to join us for this exploration of the many Facets of Focusing!
Robert Lee, Ph.D. is a Focusing theoretician and innovator. He is an international leader in developing Focusing trainers, Focusing Oriented Psychotherapists (FOT) and Coordinators (who are authorized to teach trainers and FOT's). He led the Advanced Certification Weeklong at the Focusing Institute in New York for 7 years. A licensed psychologist, Lee has developed a new model for teaching focusing (Domain Focusing), he has developed a theory and practice for overcoming stubborn problems (Changing the Unchangeable through Domain Focusing-aka Macroshifting). He has developed a comprehensive practice for working with difficulties in felt sense formation (Elusive Felt Sensing). In psychotherapy, he has developed special methods for using focusing with anxiety and depression and with couple and group psychotherapy. He has developed cross-lingual focusing partnership which allows people with an imperfect common language to still have focusing exchanges which work. He has developed a method for language acquisition using focusing. He served on the Board of The Focusing Institute during its transition beyond the founder stage. For many years he served on the board for a consortium of humanistic and transpersonal graduate psychology programs, CDPP, which was inspired by Clark Moustakas, a close colleague of Eugene Gendlin.
Joan Lavender, Psy. D has studied Focusing since the 1970s and integrated it with the Relational School of Psychoanalysis. She loves to write about this work and to mentor therapists who are expanding their clinical skills in this direction. She is a founding member of the Focusing Oriented Relational Psychotherapy Program in New York City (now called EPP-Experiential Psychotherapy Program) envisioned and created by Lynn Preston. She is very grateful to her EPP colleagues for their creativity, intellectual and emotional nourishment. When she is not seeing clients in NYC, she is learning to slow down and take in the beautiful countryside alongside a lake in Connecticut.
Website: JoanLavender.com
Dana Ganihar, M.Sc., teaches Focusing and the Philosophy of the Implicit, explores the deep potential of Focusing and the process model for diverse fields such as science, architecture and Buddhism.
Dan Schachter, M.A., is a Clinical Psychologist, Focusing Coordinator and a Somatic Experiencing practitioner and supervisor. He teaches Focusing Oriented Therapy (FOT)and the Philosophy of the Implicit.
April 14 - 25 , 2022
Watch at your convenience! All Videos available for the full 12 days!
Cost: Regular Price $80 Modified Price $40 Lowest Price $20
Contact The International Focusing Institute with any questions: Phone: (845) 480-5111 Email: elizabeth@focusing.org