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Oceania Focusing Roundtable

  • 10 Feb 2022
  • Online

The Coracle On The High Seas: Focusing As A Navigational Guide

In this Roundtable, we will use the image of the coracle on the high seas as a departure point for our investigation into how we can use our own stories, experiences, Focusing Presencing and the support of each other in connection as we navigate the high seas in this time of multiple transitions and upheavals.

Presented by The International Focusing Institute - Andrew MacDonald and Sue Burrell

February 10, 2022

A coracle is an ancient small, round-shaped boat, its wooden frame covered in animal skins. In this Roundtable, we are imagining ourselves as the coracle, our skin and sensory perceptions connecting us, like the coracle on the ocean, to the vast, constantly changing environment in which we live.

In times of transition and change, the territory we must navigate is the unknown, the new, what is sometimes called the Mystery. There is no map - the path is being created as we go.

In Focusing as we explore our inner space, we usually close our eyes, and look to the body, to explore the more, the unknown.

Andrew and Sue in their own exploration found the image of the coracle on the high seas really resonated for them as a metaphor for how it feels to find our way in challenging and often confronting new situations.

Andrew will use this image of the coracle on the high seas as a departure point for our investigation into how we can use our own stories, experiences, Focusing Presencing and the support of each other in connection as we navigate the high seas in this time of multiple transitions and upheavals.

We will consider the following questions, using our Focusing skills like scouts to sense into new terrain. We will be sensing into the implicit intricacy of the situations or paths we feel led to explore, or which are emergent between and among us.

What if we choose to go out and meet the Mystery, the Unknown?

Where are we going, or where is life leading us?

Can we trust the ‘current’ that carries us, and the winds that drive us?

Are our different experiences connected and of service to each other?

Each of us will focus on our own meeting with the Mystery, the Unknown, and find a way to share in a way that fits our journey. We will sense into the implicit intricacy of the situations or paths we feel led to explore, or which are emergent between and among us.

Andrew MacDonald hosts consciousness groups for Pathfinding in the new wilderness" of our day. His book Evolutionary YOU is about welcoming the outsider and finding a way to tell our truth where we are. Andrew became a Focusing trainer in 1995 and lives near Ottawa, Canada. Subscribe at to get key ideas delivered to your inbox.

Sue Burrell is a counsellor and Focusing Trainer with a background in education. She has trained in Jungian Archetype and Dream Pattern Analysis with the Assisi Institute (USA). Sue co-hosts the Sydney Changes Group, which meets in person and via Zoom on alternate months. All welcome. Details can be found on TIFI website at


Thursday, February 10, 2022 from 3:00 pm PST - 5:00 pm PST

Location: Online via Zoom

Cost: Free for members of The International Focusing Institute

Registration: Contact The International Focusing Institute with any questions: Phone: (845) 480-5111 Email:

Registration link:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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