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Body Mapping with Natan Daskal

  • 3 Mar 2022


By exploring our anatomy experientially and artistically, we connect more deeply with our bodies, creativity, and lived experience.

Presented by Tamalpa Institute

4 Thursdays: Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 31, 2022

Each part of our body is unique: each has developed specific functions, moves in particular ways, and has its own stories to tell and dances to dance. In this series, we focus on a new area of the body each week. For each body part, we study anatomy and body mechanics, we explore its movement somatically, and we allow its wisdom to express through drawing, creative writing, and dance. By exploring our anatomy experientially and artistically, we connect more deeply with our bodies, creativity, and lived experience.

Learning objectives for this series:

1. Identify and embody various parts of the body through experiential anatomy

2. Use the Tamalpa Life/Art Process to make connections between artmaking and lived experiences.

3. Draw on methods of somatic and expressive arts pedagogy as applied to health, embodiment, and creativity.

Natan Daskal, MA, RSME, CMT, is a dancer, somatic educator, bodyworker, and is a core faculty member at Tamalpa Institute. Natan’s background in theater, dance, design and fine arts combine with his love of nature and personal development under Tamalpa Institute’s approach to learning and living artfully.

4 Thursdays: Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 31, 2022 | 10-11:30AM PST |ONLINE | $65/series

Registration deadline is March 3, 8:30AM PST


1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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