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CARE Online Training Information Session

  • 20 Feb 2022
  • Online

NeuroSystemics: Living Well - Durable Resilience for body, mind and relationships! Join Boaz for an engaging hour to learn all about our amazing 3-Year Neurosystemics CARE Training, which closes registraion on March 3rd 2022. In this Information session, we'll focus on the profound benefits for ourselves and our relationships of Resilience—the 3rd letter in our CARE acronym. Come learn how we will develop this awesome power of Heartfelt Living on this one-of-a-kind training.

About the Information Session:

Combining wisdom traditions of Mindfulness, leading edge neuroscience and systemic understanding, NeuroSystemics offers an integrative scientific pathway to handle a range of conditions including trauma, depression, anxiety and addiction.

This FREE open-public Information Session will focus on presenting the transformative 3-year CARE training, answering your questions about the CARE training, and share some keys for resilient living.


This Information Session will help you to:

Understand the structure and content of the CARE Training in detail.

Answer your questions about the CARE Training.

Explore your current area of growth.

Is the CARE training for you?

Therapists, clinicians, psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists: learn to work with the body, integrate your tools in a transdiagnostic framework, build solid group facilitation skills, include attentional and emotional regulation, explore psycho-spiritual practices.

New or experienced meditation practitioners and MBSR-MBCT teachers: deepen their practice with a bio-psychosocial framework to integrate the impact of social and societal influences on individual psychological and somatic levels.

Corporate and community leaders and human resource managers: develop social intelligence practices, deepen attunement to others by becoming more sensitive to somatic, affective and cognitive processes.

Social workers, yoga teachers, health-practitioners and educators: learn to create safe environments for learning and engaging optimally, understand nervous system functioning to support resiliency and empowerment

Professionals in the helping professions and NGO’s: empowerment and inspiration in tackling social and environmental crises and injustices, prevent burnout and tackle stress optimally, engage in the mutual nourishment.

*The NeuroSystemics CARE training is certified by the United States Association For Body Psychotherapy (USABP)

Event Page:

For more details about the CARE Training:


Boaz B. Feldman, Faculty

Boaz is a practical visionary, an experienced psychologist, contemplative and therapist trainer acting for worldwide positive change. He has worked in numerous humanitarian contexts, trained in Mindfulness as a monk and at university in MBSR/MBCT in Oxford/Bangor and now teaches Dharma in the Western Insight Meditation Tradition. Boaz is the co-founder of NeuroSystemics, and feels passionate about his engagement in the Extinction Rebellion movement.

Date: 20 February 2022

Language(s): English

Time: 10:00-11:00 am PST / 7-8 pm CET

Cost: FREE


1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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