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Our Horses, Ourselves: Body-Mind Practices to Deepen Connection with the Horse

  • 14 Sep 2021
  • online

a 6-week online class

Tuesdays 6:30-8 ET

Cost $120

September 14, 21, 28; October 5, 12, 26

Many of my students or clients have questions that are not about their riding, or training, but about the nature of their relationship with their horses. For example:

What do I want from my relationship with my horse?

Why do I experience the same issues from one horse or instructor to another?

What other perspectives might I include to expand my experience with horses?

How can I better understand what my horse is communicating?

Horses often do not have a voice or a choice in their work, their housing, or their care. If they do not fulfill the ambitions or wishes of their owners, they can experience abuse, abandonment or even death.

This class challenges the belief that the horse is our property, and has to "respect" us, that we are the "alpha". What we are learning is that this so called "natural" dominance model can perpetuate abuses that may be subtle or gross - usually rooted in hierarchical beliefs about power over, rather than the powerful reciprocity of listening and physical/emotional co-regulation.

How often do we as humans can find ourselves in the "kill pen" of our own experiences, misinformation and habits - reacting instead of noticing how our behaviors are perceived by other beings, both two and four-legged.

This class is for those who would like to become more attuned and easeful with their horses. Attunement is a bodily, emotional sensing of another. It is empathetic - an experience of connectedness and reciprocal resonance. What we will learn is how the feeling, understanding, and expression of the horse can shape the relationship, and that bodily listening to the horse allows our own expressive, improvisational, playful spirit to emerge and flourish.

Using guided touch and movement practices, we will:

Use the conscious experience of our moving, breathing bodies to deepen connection with the horse.

Cultivate a practice of listening, softening and opening to the wisdom of the horse.

Develop a feeling of softness and connection in all aspects of our relationships.

Expand confidence and ease in your ability to communicate with movement and touch.

Each week you will learn embodied practices - fresh ways of awakening the body and developing authentic, grounded relationships with our equine partners. You will also have the opportunity to discuss specific concerns that you have about your relationship with your horse.


1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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