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  • 10 Jul 2021
  • zoom

From Collective, Generational and Family Trauma To Individual Trauma and Beyond

Principles of Healing from Trauma

with Siegmar Gerken PhD Bio:

Online • Saturdays: June 12 • June 26 • July 10, 2021

Time: California 9.30 - 11am • 6.30 pm - 9 pm Central European Time

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In this integrative and multi-disciplinary approach to trauma you will learn to recognize and differentiate the multi-layered tapestry of traumatic experiences.

Traumatic situations in early or later phases of life can lead to a protective withdrawal (numbing) or to the distortion of reality (dissociating). These conditions have a strong influence on the forming forces of the personal development and the coping mechanism of how a person lives the daily life. Traumatic experiences are then often becoming unrecognized ‘frozen patterns of history’ manifesting on the emotional, somatic and cognitive level.

This program supports you to increase our capacity for:

  • harmonious self-regulation
  • deep contact to yourselves
  • secure attachment and effective communication
  • the natural free expression of your life-force

Read Siegmar’s article: Healing Individual and Collective Trauma:

Workshop 1: June 12, 2021

Trauma Experiences and their Effects on the Body, Psyche and our Fields of Life

Traumatization and Trauma - theoretical and practical foundations for a comprehensive understanding of Trauma including body, breath, movement, expression, healthy boundaries and supportive communication as resources and the application of Core Evolution Principles in the understanding of life.

Workshop 2: June 26, 2021

The Social Brain - Expanding the Realm of Understanding

Every person is part of a society, family, profession, institutions, religion, traditions, culture, and other systems. Therefore, we also have to recognize the social and collective dimensions of trauma and its impact on a person’s life.

The survival on our planet is not any more determined just by physical power, but by empathic listening, communication and by uniting our intelligence for the well-being of all life.

Workshop 3: July 10, 2021

The Coherent Self

The Practice of Coherence enables you to reconnect and strengthen your Ground of Being, to stabilize your field and to be able to give direction to your thoughts and energy in life. Siegmar will also present his Coherence research and will lead you into the experience how to direct your energy and intention and to create a stable healing environment.

This integrative approach to trauma honors the essence of a person as an inherent quality and attends to the person’s process with professional knowledge, care, research, competence, intuition, empathy, mindfulness and presence. - so that we can unite our qualities and forces, create and celebrate our community and address and support our personal life, our society, ecology and the environment and strive for peace and freedom.

Registration Info: Early registration discount!

Each seminar is 2 hours and 30 minutes and can only be booked together.

US $ 125.- or Euro 111.- if registered and paid by June 1, 2021.

After June 1, 2021 the enrollment fee is: US $ 148.- or Euro 135.-

Join people on the path of Energy, Love and Consciousness and explore Mindfulness, Body-Awareness, Empathic Sharing and Listening, Personal Processing, short lectures, Meditation and more - from the individual to collective dimensions, from Neuroscience to Quantum Physics.

We address the spectrum from Developmental to Collective Trauma and the larger Trauma Matrix:

  • to strengthen re­si­li­ence, em­pathy, com­­pas­­sion and the wis­­dom of the Body-Mind Field
  • to address the spectrum from Developmental to Collective Trauma, and the larger Trauma Matrix
  • to reg­u­late your body- and nervous sys­tem, vagal tone and further memory-integration
  • to foster mindfulness, awareness and consequently co­her­­ence
  • to act with the clarity of em­bod­i­­ment, pres­ence and inner lead­er­­­ship
  • to connect, communicate and find the place of common good for all life

In Core Evolu­­tion this takes place on the phys­ic­al, emo­­tion­al, cog­n­it­ive and spir­itu­al / con­­s­cious­­ness level and ultimately leads to the heal­ing of In­di­vidu­al, Fam­ily, Gen­er­­a­­tion­al and Collect­ive Trauma.

Integrate Your Past • Be in the Presence • Shape Your Future™

It takes re­search, ex­per­i­ence and prac­tice, to raise the aware­ness of how we hold pat­terns of our per­son­al his­tory and the Col­lect­ive Con­scious­ness in our Body-Mind Field. This pro­cess of re­cog­ni­tion and in­teg­ra­tion is com­plex. This is where the in­­teg­rat­ive, body-ori­ented and mind­­ful­­

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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