As a helper, a professional therapist or clinician, it's essential to find ways to support oneself. This course will offer your essential practices, reflections and support yourself!
4 weeks of Compassion, Awareness, Resiliency & Empowerment for myself!
- Quality me-time!
- Live & fun interactive lectures
- Effective self-CARE tips
- Short daily practice videos
- Live mindfulness practices
- Learn to self-regulate emotions and your nervous system
- Relax, enjoy & go deep
- Accessible anywhere
Presented by Boaz Feldman (Clinical Psychologist), NeuroSystemics Co-Founder
And also Presented by Heath Wilson (Psychologist) & Dream Mentor Team
Mar 02, 2021
Mar 27, 2021
Frequently asked questions
What's NeuroSystemics?
The purpose of NeuroSystemics is to contribute to the evolution of the human species by delivering high quality clinical & personal development trainings for individuals, groups & organizations to CARE: Compassion, Awareness, Resiliency & Empowerment.
Together we go further.
How could I go deeper?
2 possibilities:
- Join a resiliency circle, our ONLINE group process to build an empowered sense of self in groups!
- Join our online CARE training starting on October 1st 2021! It is a deep and transformative journey to learn and practice essential life and therapeutic skills in the midst of a nourishing community of practitioners. Click here for more information!
Why self-CARE?
Am I my own best friend?
Do I always feel good?
Are my relationships super smooth?
If you answered "no" to any of those questions, this course will help you build skills to better regulate yourself in the midst of your busy life, work and relationships :-)
Who is this course for? Everyone.
Seriously, these basic skills of emotion regulation, somatic intelligence and relational resiliency should be a basic human right. At NeuroSystemics, we make this our mission!
And it's specially relevant for mental health professionals, human resource officers, social workers, personal development aficionados, meditation lovers, parents and educators.
Presenter Bio
Boaz B. Feldman, PgC, SEP, MSc
NeuroSystemics Co-Founder & Faculty
Boaz is an experienced psychologist, keynote speaker and trauma trainer acting for worldwide positive change. He has worked with numerous international organisations (UNHCR, UNOCHA, WHO, Doctors Without Borders) in a variety of humanitarian contexts such as conflict-affected regions (Afghanistan, Burkina Faso), low-income contexts (Eastern Europe) and natural emergencies (Thailand).
Trained in Mindfulness for over 15 years, Boaz first ordained as a Buddhist Monk in Thailand, and then studied at the University of Bangor. Based in Switzerland, he has been assisting therapist trainings in Somatic Experiencing and taught as the main faculty in Europe for Organic Intelligence. Boaz is currently undertaking a 3-year silent meditation retreat (with some breaks!).
Boaz was the main European faculty for somatic psychology approach Organic Intelligence, and assisted at multiple Somatic Experiencing Trainings.
Add'l Presenter Bio
Heath Wilson, BA, SEP, OIX
NeuroSystemics Associate Faculty
Working over 25 years, Heath weaves his expertise as a psychologist, trauma healer, rolf practitioner, craniosacral therapist, enneagram consultant, dating/relationship coach, and has been trained in Somatic Experiencing. Heath has a long-standing Vipassana meditation practice and has completed several 10-day retreats. In Germany, he runs his 5aspects® center, where Body, Sexuality, Heart, Mind and Spirit can heal, grow and flourish. He leads Noble Man® and Beyond Resilience® groups as well as trains women in self-defense. Heath leads professional trainings for therapists in personality psychology based on the psycho-spiritual model of the 9 Types of the Enneagram. His aim is to transform people’s lives for sustainable social and environmental change. He’s also a happy vegan for 33 years.