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Polyvagal Co-Regulation Class Series for Practitioners - Part 1

  • 28 Jan 2021
  • 4:00 PM
  • 18 Mar 2021
  • 6:00 PM
  • Zoom
Presented by
Beth Dennison MA in MFT, SEP, LMT

JAN 28 - MAR 18, 2021


For Therapists, Teachers, Coaches, Somatic Practitioners Learn to use Co-Regulation to offer your clients and students deep, meaningful connection online. Meet them nervous-system-to-nervous-system. Co-Regulation practices mitigate the burnout that so many practitioners face. We people need people. Co-regulatory relationships cultivate the collaborative and anti-oppressive environments we all need these days. Get more connected, engaged and embodied with the people you see online.

Beginning January 28, 2021 8-week class series. Thursdays, 7-9pm ET 

Learn to apply polyvagal principles to feeling connected online and in person. Body Up! Co-Regulation expands our capacity to support others, build sturdy relationships and stay regulated, without getting overwhelmed or burnt out. These skills are useful and essential now, personally and professionally, and will continue to be applicable when we are in physical proximity with others again. 

Text or call to register today 413-313-6192 

In this 8-week class series, learn collaborative Body Up! Co-Regulation skills to calm down, energize, or get connected with others, on purpose, when you want to online and in-person. 
~ Track threat and safety in your polyvagal nervous system. 
~ Connect with others while staying connected with yourself. 
~ Find boundaries that allow you to get closer and still feel safe. 
~ Explore simple antidotes to shame. ~ Shift out of threat responses and stuck places, with a partner. 
~ Help others re-regulate without depleting yourself. ~ Access new capacity for ease and vitality. 
~ Learn safe practices to use with clients, students and groups. When we co-regulate we use our connection with others to shift emotional gears as we want and need. We tap the evolutionary wiring of our nervous systems to regulate together. 

Enrollment limited to 10 

Price: all 8 classes for $160 per person (includes a copy of The Body Up! Co-Regulation Handbook) 

All classes will be held online via Zoom Registration and more information at

Contact Beth Dennison: or 413 313 6192

Beth Dennison MA in MFT, SEP, LMT Beth brings decades of teaching, psychotherapy and study of neuroscience to designing learning experiences that rewire our brains for connection and co-regulation. She is a pioneer whose professional and personal life has positioned her to make a much needed contribution to remedy the loneliness, isolation, dysregulation and failure to cooperate that plague modern western culture. Beth’s handbook, Body Up!: Nourish Your Nervous System and Your Relationships with Body to Body Co-Regulation, is a seminal work in the fields of embodiment and applied interpersonal neurobiology. With the pandemic, she has developed some very effective ways of doing Body Up! Co-Regulation online. 

Her background and education include Somatic Experiencing, Marriage and Family Therapy, Bodywork and Peer Counseling. She completed her Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training (SEP) with Peter Levine in 2003 and assists in SE Advanced trainings. 

Beth has a lifelong history of cultivating embodiment and a high capacity for clear, organized thinking. She has applied this rare and useful combination to healing developmental trauma, finding efficient antidotes to shame, and creating effective strategies to rewire our brains for co-regulation and embodiment, in therapy and in life.

At the Center For Body Up! Coregulation, Beth puts new information from neuroscience to the test of embodied practice. Her workshops on Polyvagal Theory and Co-Regulation teach participants how to tune in to their own nervous system and connect generously and appropriately with others. She creates safe environments for people to reveal themselves and learn to co-regulate. She maintains a private practice, teaches and supervises practitioners.

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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