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SPECIAL. Live Participatory Radical Aliveness Process Work with Ann Bradney

  • 17 Sep 2020
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM (PDT)
  • Zoom


  • Members don't pay

Registration is closed

This USABP Spotlight Series Event Produced in Association with the Radical Aliveness Institute is Presented by Ann Bradney

Join Ann Bradney, CPRA for an afternoon/evening of participation, demonstrations, live work, Q&A and fun! This will be an opportunity to work with Ann on any issues of your choice.

Workshop Description

Come prepared to participate (with other attendees) and to witness Radical Aliveness work with Ann Bradney, Founder of the Radical Aliveness Institute.

Learn about RA Principles and Process using this non-expert model. This webinar will be alive, fun, and engaging.

Bring your curiosity, your questions and anything you are interested in exploring, including questions and concerns on how to work with polarization and conflict.

Key Take-Aways

   Experience ways to work with sensations to interrupt patterns
   Learn how to be creative with the body online
   Learn about the importance of “not knowing” in a complex world
   Learn to support clients in making a choice to change their minds

About Ann Bradney, CCEP, CPRA

Ann Bradney, CPRA, is the Founder and Director of the Radical Aliveness Institute.

The Radical Aliveness model is a distinct approach to working with groups and individuals that addresses healing on the personal, interpersonal, and systemic levels. RAI’s mission is to train committed individuals to be courageous leaders and influential change agents, acting with flexibility and sensitivity in any environment – to come alive to their authentic selves and awaken the radically alive leader within.

Ann leads workshops throughout the year at retreat centers including Esalen, Omega, and Hollyhock, as well as the 2 and 4-year programs at RAI. She teaches and conducts training internationally including the Beyond Words Organization working for peace in Israel. 

In the past 6 years she has co-directed 2 International RA Programs in Nairobi Kenya.

Radical Aliveness Institute is approved by CAMFT as a Continuing Education Provider for MFTs and LCSWs.  

Learn More about the Radical Aliveness Institute

Check back as new information on our events happen regularly and updates are ongoing. 

These exclusive webinars are brought to you in part by the USABP, its proud members and sponsors.

These live webinars often include demonstrations, video and slide presentations, experiential exercises, Q & A discussions, insights from attendees, presenter shares about their personal journey and inspirations,  and much more.

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Registration is in three steps. Get the details below.

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Apply your $45 dollar registration fee to your full membership and save. This is an introductory one time special offer.

For a little more money paid to become a member - instead of an event registrant - you can participate in 12 plus upcoming webinars FREE, get access to CEs, receive our peer reviewed global journal twice per year and get access to our library of training - lectures, research, member case studies and much more.

REGISTRATION is in three steps:

1) Register first on the USABP website (click the register button on this page), and then

2) Register at Zoom too. Use the Zoom link that we will email to you after you register with USABP (click the register button on this page to begin registration).

3) Once you register with Zoom.  Zoom will send you your login link.

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Houston, TX 77055


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