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Pilgrim SoULL, Weekend 3 - Racine, Wisconsin

  • 8 Oct 2020
  • 11 Oct 2020
  • Racine, Wisconsin

The Nature of Community

SHORT SUMMARY: Students put learning about individuals and relationships together to explore larger systems of energy: families, groups and communities. Common group energy forms; the leadership of these forms; group identity and conflict; individual roles within groups; and the role of communities in our understanding of life purpose will be explored. Students will look at how communities impact individual development and relationship processes, and elements of wise and sustainable communities.

Presented by: Jeanne Denney, Director, School of Unusual Life Learning (SoULL)

Presented on:


EVENT DESCRIPTION: The School of Unusual Life Learning (SoULL) is a multi-level somatically focused program about human life which helps you take your own life and work to a new level of depth and presence. SoULL’s primary task is to connect human helpers, healers and creatives with wisdom teachings sourced from the natural world so that they first recognize themselves and others as natural and find radical applications of this awareness. We live in much greater separation from Nature in our time than any other time in history. We seldom recognize ourselves as being actually a part of it. We fear change and death to extraordinary degrees, and resist the natural changes of our bodies, psyches or relationships. SoULL is a remedy for this distress that powerfully changes student’s outlooks on their own life and how professionals approach their human service work.

Level 1 - Pilgrim SoULL is a 100+ hour program that runs (generally) from spring to fall. A primary goal of Pilgrim SoULL is to teach students to recognize the deep, energetic patterns within the life of the human being regardless of culture or race. It teaches how life energy naturally shapes us through every stage of bodily life, including its end. I call this our common human “Life Language”. It presents radical insights, not only on individual human life, but on relationships, community, and the deep, intrinsic connection between them. In its essence, Pilgrim SoULL is an initiation which teaches about birth, death, all that is between and after, the body, energy, how we grow, change, connect, release, die and love.

Level 1 takes place over three residential weekends with distance learning and group dialogue in between.

Weekend 1: THE NATURE OF BEING HUMAN is offered twice this year, in two locations. See our additional advertisement for registration about these events:

STONY POINT CENTER in Stony Point, New York: April16-19, 2020

DEKOVEN CENTER in Racine, Wisconsin: May 14-17, 2020

Weekend 2: THE NATURE OF RELATIONSHIP: July 9-12, 2020 is being offered in Wisconsin only. See our additional advertisement for registration about this event.

Weekend 3 THE NATURE OF COMMUNITY : October 8-11, 2020 is being held at the DeKoven Center in Racine Wisconsin.

Presenter Bio: Jeanne Denney is a transpersonal and somatic psychotherapist, educator, a hospice worker, healer, and author of The Effects of Compassionate Presence on the Dying. She works in many venues to help people fearlessly embrace a life which includes aging and dying. Jeanne has spent years at bedsides, contributed pioneering ideas to somatic psychology, death and grief work, and been deeply involved with creating the Art of Dying projects in New York City. Her insights on energy and the body through aging, illness, and dying are derived from a wide lens of human experience and deep understanding of our mortal journey. Visit for more on Jeanne's work.

EVENT LOCATION: DEKOVEN CENTER, Racine, Wisconsin: October 8-11, 2020

COST: Registration before June 1: $750/weekend. Registration after June 1: $800/weekend

REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: It is recommended to register for Weekend 2 and 3 before June 1, 2020 to secure your spot.


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