Event Title: Sex and Shame - ONLINE
Event Subtitle: Helping Clients Create or Restore a Life-Affirming Sexuality
Presented By: Sheila Rubin LMFT, RDT/BCT and Bret Lyon PhD, SEP
Short Summary:
Sexuality is a vital, defining part of our identity. We are at our most vulnerable when we experience sexual feelings—therefore we're the most prone to feeling shame. In this workshop, we will offer tools you can use to help clients talk about, explore, and heal the sexual shame that can arise at any stage in the life cycle—and help them towards a life-affirming sexuality.
Event Description: Sex and Shame – ONLINE
Helping Clients Create or Restore a Life-Affirming Sexuality
A Workshop for Therapists and Other Helping Professionals
With Sheila Rubin LMFT, RDT/BCT and Bret Lyon PhD, SEP
ONLINE via Zoom
4 Fridays: November 8, 15, 22 and December 6
10am–1:30pm Pacific Time
$350 full price / $325 with full payment by October 4
Special price for interns
13 CE credits available (See website for details)
CAMFT CE provider #134393
Sexuality is a vital, defining part of our identity. We are at our most vulnerable when we experience sexual feelings—therefore we're the most prone to feeling shame. We are subject to sexual shaming from early childhood, when we are most vulnerable to moral judgments from family and society—and to boundary violations from family members and those older than us. Entering our teenage years, we long to be attractive to others and try desperately to "be cool" and fit in. As adults, we seek a partner and try to balance the constraints of monogamy with sexual adventure. In our mature years, our ability to function sexually diminishes and our faces and bodies are no longer as we remember them.
In this workshop, we will offer tools you can use to help clients talk about, explore, and heal the sexual shame that can arise at any stage in the life cycle—and help them towards a life-affirming sexuality.
There is no prerequisite for this course. It can be taken by itself or as part of a sequence.
Repeating Event: This is a multi-day event.
Number of days for the event.: 4 days
Day 1 Event Date: Nov 08, 2019
Day 1 Event Start Time: 10:00 AM
Day 1 Event End Time: 01:30 PM
Day 2 Event Date: Nov 15, 2019
Day 2 Event Start Time: 10:00 AM
Day 2 Event End Time: 01:30 PM
Day 3 Event Date: Nov 22, 2019
Day 3 Event Start Time: 10:00 AM
Day 3 Event End Time: 01:30 PM
Day 4 Event Date: Dec 06, 2019
Day 4 Event Start Time: 10:00 AM
Day 4 Event End Time: 01:30 PM
TO REGISTER, please visit the Schedule page at www.CenterforHealingShame.com.
For more information, call Sheila at 415-820-3974 or email Sheila@HealingShame.com.
For details about our complete training program in Healing Shame, visit our website, where you can also check out articles and free Healing Shame webinars.
The Center for Healing Shame is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists to sponsor continuing education for MFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and LEPs
Cost: $350 full price / $325 with full payment by October 4
Event Location: Online
Registration Instructions:Register on our website
Web Link for Registration:https://healingshame.com/new-events/2019/sex-and-shame-fall-online
CEU Information:13 CE credits available