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Dreams Demystified: An online course on the clinical use of experiential dreamwork

  • 20 Oct 2019
  • 3:00 PM
  • 27 Nov 2019
  • 6:00 PM
  • Online

Dreams Demystified: An online course on the clinical use of experiential dreamwork is presented by Dr. Leslie Ellis

Short Summary:

In this two-part online course, participants will learn the fundamentals of experiential dreamwork based on the most current research and neuroscience -- which make a compelling case for including dreamwork in your practice. Format includes succinct presentations and live dreamwork demo sessions and Q/A sessions. Topics include theories about why we dream, understanding the language of dreams as embodied metaphor, kinds of dreams and a simple road map to working effectively with any dream.

Event Description:

In your work as a therapist, do you sometimes feel stymied and wish for creative inspiration to deepen the therapy process and help clients move forward? Dreams are like a wise and trusted supervisor who reliably points toward what matters most to your clients. Most therapists say they don’t work with dreams because they lack training and know-how. This course, based on A Clinician’s Guide to Dream Therapy provides up-to-date theory and simple techniques to help you explore your client’s dream life with confidence. You will see for yourself how dreamwork accelerates and deepens the process of therapy, engaging your client more deeply and ultimately improving outcomes.

Part One covers the fundamentals: current research that builds a strong case for working with dreams, what dream research tells is that makes the case for dreamwork even more compelling, some basic ideas about the possible reasons we dream, and how these relate to the process of psychotherapy. We will also cover how to introduce dreams in your practice, how to recall and record dreams, and will go through all of the most common experiential dreamwork practices in use by therapists today.

Leslie’s online dream course is incredibly well put together – comprehensive, elegant and thought provoking. Personally I loved the overview it gave me. What was new for me was some of the dream/brain information. I was also introduced to some new approaches with which I was not familiar. It is great to be given new threads to pull in. I have felt very engaged with the material and have loved the way it has reanimated my dream work in my office.

- Louise Mina, Clinical Psychologist, Cape Town, South Africa

I loved the course! Leslie’s presentation was clear, superbly presented, and the format easy to navigate. Her manner & voice are easy to listen to and engage with. The course offers a reassuringly solid foundation and great practical information on working with dreams. Shaila Patel, RCC, Coquitlam, BC

Facilitator Bio:

Dr. Leslie Ellis is a teacher, author and psychotherapist. She is currently offering online dreamwork instruction based on her book, A Clinician’s Guide to Dream Therapy. She also offers individual dreamwork sessions and training in somatic approaches to psychotherapy. Leslie has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and a Masters from Pacific Graduate Institute. She is vice president and a Certifying Coordinator with The International Focusing Institute.


Online course portal opens Oct. 20. Live sessions run every Wednesday from Oct. 23 to Nov. 27 starting at 3:00 pm Pacific and will be recorded. Bonus sessions will be added for EDT and Europe time zones.


$347 ($100 off until Sept. 16)

Event Location:


Registration Instructions:

Sign up online at the link provided or at

Web Link for Registration - Copy:

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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