The Felt Sense-Polyvagal Model of Emotional Regulation-Addiction: Cross Cultural Focusing Explorations
Presented By Jan Winhall from The International Focusing Institute
In English with Spanish Live Translation by Interpreter Victoria Stanham
Short Summary:
Jan Winhall has developed a model for understanding emotional disregulation and addiction, The Felt Sense/Polyvagal Model. Polyvagal Theory is a new way of understanding our autonomic nervous system. From a Polyvagal lens we see compulsive and addictive behaviours as self-soothing/self-harmful ways to survive when we aren’t able to calm ourselves. These behaviors do not come from sickness: they come from a natural bodily response to threat and a wired-in mechanism of survival.
Event Description:
The capacity to ground ourselves, to feel safe and regulated inside our bodies, is perhaps the most fundamental skill that we can achieve in a lifetime. Some of us are lucky and we learn these skills and the felt sense in our bodies from our loving care-takers; some of us have this capacity early on in life but lose it with experiences of pain and suffering; others spend the better part of their existence trying to create this safe nest in which to grow and heal. Together we will explore how stress and traumatic experience prevents and/or disrupts our capacity to be grounded. We all have ways of coping that we would like to change. When needed, these ways become addictive or compulsive behaviours that are profoundly enticing coping strategies
Jan Winhall has developed a new model for understanding emotional disregulation and addiction called The Felt Sense/Polyvagal Model. Polyvagal Theory gives us a new way of understanding our autonomic nervous system, the part of the body that monitors our safety. From a Polyvagal lens we see compulsive and addictive behaviours as self-soothing/self-harmful ways to survive when we aren’t able to calm ourselves. These behaviors do not come from sickness: they come from a natural bodily response to a threat and a wired-in mechanism of survival. The Felt Sense/PolyVagal Model (FSPM) addresses these behaviours where they live: in the body.
Facilitator Bio:
Jan Winhall has been working as a Focusing Trainer and Focusing Oriented Therapist for 35 years. She developed a training called Focusing Oriented Trauma Therapy and a model called The Felt Sense Experience Model for working with emotional regulation. Jan wrote a chapter in Emerging Practice in FOT and is currently writing a book about the Felt Sense/PolyVagal Model of Addiction. She is the Director of Focusing On Borden, a dynamic Focusing community in Toronto where they teach Focusing and Focusing Oriented Therapy.
In Spanish:
Jan Winhall ha trabajado como Entrenadora Focusing y Terapeuta Orientada en Focusing desde hace 35 años. Desarrolló un entrenamiento llamado Terapia de Trauma Orientada en Focusing y un modelo llamado el Modelo de la Experiencia de la Sensación Sentida para trabajar con la regulación emocional. Jan escribió un capítulo en Prácticas Emergentes en FOT y actualmente está escribiendo un libro sobre FOT. Jan es la Directora de Focusing On Borden, una dinámica comunidad de Focusing en Toronto donde enseñan Focusing y FOT, y se cuidan mutuamente en parejas de Focusing.
Repeating Event (live and recorded):
This is a multi-day event. Each week builds on the next. Available live or from recording. See it live to interact with presenters and community.
Number of days for the event: 3 days
Day 1 Event Date: Sep 13, 2019
Day 1 Event Start Time: 3:00 PM
Day 1 Event End Time: 5:00 PM
Day 2 Event Date: Sep 20, 2019
Day 2 Event Start Time:03:00 PM
Day 2 Event End Time:05:00 PM
Day 3 Event Date:Sep 27, 2019
Day 3 Event Start Time:03:00 PM
Day 3 Event End Time:05:00 PM
Cost: $40/$75/$100 (pay what you can)
Event Location: Webinar
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