The USABP Webinar Series and The Somatic Therapy Center Present:
Six Transformative Healing Strategies for Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma Illuminated through the Use of Touch.
For over 35 years, Somatic Therapy Master Teachers Joe Weldon and Noël Wight have been training practitioners to touch people and transform lives. They specialize in the art and science of touching, talking, listening and tuning into the wisdom of the body.
In this webinar, they will share with you six transformative strategies for working with clients suffering from anxiety, depression & trauma that have been illuminated through their use of touch. The soma can teach us important and often disregarded information about what is needed on the pathway to healing- information that can not come from talking alone. The body needs to be touched to be known. It is by this knowing that we devise and develop healing strategies.
Anxiety, depression, and trauma all occur in the body and affect the nervous system. Touch provides a clear and direct pathway to the misfirings and crossed wires they create. It also offers the possibility to rewire the ANS to a neuroception of safety and establish an embodied sense of wholeness.
Touch also gives access to holding patterns and habitual firings that once recognized and acknowledged can slow the speed of anxiety, the weight of depression and the immobility of trauma. Touch restores the essential movement of the being that dwells within the body.
What is Transformative Touch?
For over 30 years, the founders Joe Weldon and Noël Wight, have been touching people and transforming lives. Their work, Transformative Touch, is the touch of gentle, gracious guidance. It is an approach that combines touching with their hands, touching with their hearts, and touching with their words. Transformative Touch is a conversation that fosters and forges a healing dialogue in which the client fully participates- body, mind, heart and soul.
Transformative Touch connects knowledge with experience through the nervous system and creates the space for the soul to be inhabited by the body and the body to be inhabited by the soul. Our soul is our deepest identity- our unique blueprint. Through Transformative Touch we invite the natural inherent essence of our clients back to the fore creating more balance and harmony in both their inner and outer lives.
About the presenters:

Joe Weldon, Co-founder of the Somatic Therapy Center, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Master Somatic Therapist with
nearly 40 years of teaching people from around the world to become somatic practitioners. Having given over 50,000 individual sessions,
he is an experienced guide in the art of Transformative Touch. Joe has taught at the School of Social Work at the University of Pennsylvania
as well as at Villanova University. He is a true believer in the innate wisdom of the whole being and the healing power of humor.
Noel Wight is a Master Somatic Therapist and a Co-Founder of the Somatic Therapy Center who brings over 30 years of experience to her work. Together with her husband, Joe, she has presented workshops at Omega Institute, Esalen, as well as at various conferences. She is passionately committed to helping people connect what’s happening in their bodies to what’s happening in their lives allowing them to heal from both physical and emotional pain. "Touch brings you home to your Self” is her guiding mantra. Whether seeing individual clients, presenting workshops or training practitioners of Transformative Touch, Noel provides a clear beacon of light and compassionate presence on the journey to their fullest self.
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