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Tamalpa Experience with Natan Daskal (Bay Area Dance Week FREE Class)

  • 29 Apr 2019
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • Berkeley, California

Tamalpa Experience with Natan Daskal  (Bay Area Dance Week FREE Class)

Date: April 29

Time: 2PM-4PM

Location: Finnish Hall, Berkeley, California

In the Tamalpa Life/Art Process®, movement and life are intertwined. Our bodies communicate our life experiences through movement, and this movement has the potential to connect us with the creative forces within. It can also open us up to new ways of expressing what lives inside of us.

In this Life/Art Dances workshop, we begin with a dive into the internal landscape of the sensorial body using guided somatic-based movement as a source for creative exploration and self-discovery. The dances that arise from these movements will be further explored using drawing and creative writing. This creative use of various modes of expression enlivens the conversation between body, imagination, life experiences and art making. This process creates the opportunity for you to make meaning from movement, and to uncover connections between your dances and your life experiences.

   No dance experience needed. Art supplies provided.

Natan’s background in theater, dance, design, fine arts, and environmental studies combine with his interests in architecture, social justice, and personal transformation to come together under Tamalpa Institute’s approach to learning and living artfully. Over the years Natan has also worked as a teaching assistant to Anna Halprin in her public workshops and classes is on faculty at the Tamalpa Institute. Natan studied ballet at the Joffrey School in New York City, received his BFA in Communication Design at Parsons the New School for Design, and is a MA candidate in Education at Goddard College where he is studying the intersection of somatics, creativity, and community education.

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1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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