Early Enrollment extended until February 8, 2019 !
For practitioners and participants interested in Somatic Psychology, and Body-Oriented Therapy who want to experience and learn more about gentle, safe and nourishing touch.
CoreSoma® For Women

March 9 + 10, 2019 • Mendocino, California
with Cornelia Gerken, CMP, ECP, HP
Explore Below the Thinking Mind
The Living Matrix of our Conscious Body-Mind Field
The CoreSoma program is for every woman who would like to deepen her personal life process. It also addresses body-oriented practitioners, since it connects the emotional-cognitive level with the somatic level and opens the experience of the Unity of Being. The direct nourishing and healing touch is an essential tool in this process.
It is my intention to lead you into direct and conscious contact with the somatic feeling and intelligence of our body-mind field. The roots of our psyche and much of what we attribute to our thinking and understanding are deeply embedded in this somatic realm.
CoreSoma opens the door to expand our self-awareness beyond identification with our thinking and to sense our somatic matrix. This perception connects us with what is alive in us and gives us the chance to rediscover ourselves.
Current research highlights the importance of our early and ongoing non-verbal but embodied experiences. At the beginning of our lives and in the early stages of development, touch is existentially necessary for healthy development, a maturing nervous system, the feeling of "I am" or "I exist", and the emotional experiences of trust and attachment. The experience of being loved and loving is primarily conveyed through touch in the first months and years, forming an implicit sense of ourselves and relating us to the world.
Thus the direct work with the body-mind field through touch is enormously rich to balance neuro-physio-emotional deficits and to heal and deepen with experiences of trust, bonding and love.
There are parts of us that do not speak the language of mind and will. To be heard, these parts depend on a different kind of contact, communication and presence. When these needs are recognized, the body often only needs mindfulness and awareness to integrate fixations created in the past (unfulfilled moments in our early development or traumatic conditions) and to find answers and new forms of being and acting in the present.
Through our perception of the body-mind field we can open these fixations and restructure and rewire ourselves, be it in the muscular and structural embodiment, the emotional regulation or our plasmatic qualities of the subtle fields. Here we enter the endless cycle of absorbing information, whether external or internal, listening to our organismic response and shaping our reactions with intention and presence. In principle, we promote the flow and exchange between the impulses rising from our inner being, our thinking, our intention and will, creating a field of coherence.
In this flow we often experience contentment and joy, rest and accept what we perceive as streams of love that connect us to our essence and spiritual self.
With many years of teaching and practice, Cornelia's work offers a level of mastery in this field.
Unit I: March 9 + 10, 2019 in Mendocino, California.
- Introduction to the basic concept of the body-mind field;
- Tuning into the different levels of consciousness (body perception, feeling, thinking,
- Perception of these levels in others;
- Touch as basic human need and regulation of the nervous system;
- Touch as contact, communication and presence;
- Touch as an interpersonal, social expression of relationship;
- Therapeutic, practical and technical aspects of touch;
- Verbal and non-verbal body dialogue;
- Interaction of impulses, energy and movement;
- Matrix of grounding and relationship;
(all touch is administered fully clothed).
Times: Saturday, March 9: 10 am - 7:30 pm; Sunday, March 10: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Fee: $ 275.- Early enrollment extended until February 8, 2019
$ 320.- After February 8, 2019
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your work. The light you have tapped into is working miracles on those you touch. K. Armstrong, Body-Oriented Therapist
Cornelia's CoreSoma program was without a doubt the most profound experience of my life.
S. Sharlet, Dr. Chiropractic