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End of Trauma Intro

  • 30 Jan 2019
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Conference Call

Hi - I’m Steve Hoskinson and I’m the Founder, CEO, and CCO of Organic Intelligence®. CCO stands for Chief Compassion Officer, and I’m here because I want to share my groundbreaking work in compassion. For almost 20 years, I’ve taught thousands of trauma therapists around the world a safer way to heal from stress and trauma. And now, I’m branching out to share those same tools for the benefit of anyone who wants to understand what trauma really is— and how readily it can be healed. It’s The End of Trauma!

When we talk about easing our suffering, increasing our happiness, or improving our quality of life, we really need to look and work from where change begins - our biology. We are, firstly, not a psychological being, but a physical being, a biological being... This is where the rubber meets the road. Through Organic Intelligence, I teach how to listen to and learn the language of the biology. I show you how to fully cooperate with how your brilliant system wants to improve itself, grow itself, and heal itself. 

On Wednesday, January 30th, 6:00-7:00 PM PDT, join me as I share with you what’s in our 8-week, End of Trauma Course. In the course, I’ll break down the step-by-step method I’ve taught at international conferences, to trauma therapists, and to leading academics around the world, and guide you as you learn and incorporate these tools into your life. (Webinar Replay available with registration)

​​​​I will help you — as I’ve helped thousands in my worldwide teaching— to grow your resiliency, and get you moving toward the life (and maybe even the career) you feel you are here to lead.

Be sure to check out that video I made above— and begin your learning now!

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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