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MEMBER GROUP: Creating the life and love you desire

  • 4 Sep 2018
  • 4 Dec 2018
  • Shrewsbury, Massachussets

Please join us for this small group process.

We will use Core Energetics’ techniques to help connect with the self and with others in an aligned way, while strengthening self-awareness, and body consciousness. Using movement, breath work and interactive therapy, we will explore the energetic blocks in the body that hinder self-development. Core Energetics’ is founded in Bioenergetics bodywork with an added spiritual component. It has been successful in treating depression, anxiety, and trauma. Bodywork with consciousness creates a rich experience unique to the individual. Core Energetics’ is a pathway to the True Self.

The group will meet the first and third Tuesday of each month beginning in September in Shrewsbury, MA.

The cost is $40.00 each group ($80.00 per month.)

In this group, you will learn:

  • What your body structure reveals about your patterns of relating to the world, and what blocks in the body keep you from living your deepest purpose. 
  • What your higher-self aspects are and how these aspects can help to create the life and love you want. 
  • The connection between mind, body, and spirit and what keeps you from achieving wholeness.

The benefits of group process:

  • Accelerates personal growth.
  • Provides a support system.
  • Creates a reparative relational experience.
  • A cost effective way to experience a powerful growth opportunity.

Space is limited so please contact Anna Smith as soon as possible to reserve your seat and to schedule your intake interview at 508-735-3838 or

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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