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CONFERENCE: Embodying Wholeness - The Healing Power of Emotions

  • 31 Oct 2018
  • 4 Nov 2018
  • Essex, MA 01929

Fall Bioenergetic Conference

Experiences from our past can wound us physically and emotionally. These experiences restrict our capacity for satisfying relationships, diminish our vitality and limit our sense of wholeness. The impact of difficult early life events becomes structured in our bodies and blocks us from living with a sense of ease. This inhibits our ability to take risks, to move toward pleasure, and to maintain boundaries reflecting self-respect. Understanding the source of these restrictions, combined with safe and appropriate emotional expression can help restore health, aliveness and an ability to connect deeply with others. 

In the context of a supportive community through Bioenergetic exercises, talks, discussion and group process we will explore together the healing power of emotional expression which can lead to a greater sense of wholeness. The event is structured with small groups based on experience level with Bioenergetic Analysis. The groups provide an opportunity for learning and for personal growth. We invite you to join us!

Embodying Wholeness: The Healing Power of Emotions

Essex Woods, MA Meeting Center & Retreat

Oct 31 - Nov 4, 2018

To register and for more information go

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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