THE 25th IIBA International Conference
The title of the Conference "A bioenergetic view of love, healing, connection and authenticity" highlights very relevant themes in a world which is changing too fast. People's lives are undergoing profound changes they may not understand. In many countries there are precarious economic and social conditions and the expectations for the younger generations are uncertain. People's inner landscapes have also changed, even more precocious forms of narcissism are present and pervasive, and traumatic attachments destroy the possibility of secure connections.
All this invites us to reflect, to update our therapeutic practice in continuity with our theoretical model. Bioenergetic Analysis has much to say and to offer both from a therapeutic and from a sociological perspective.

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Therapeutic work with clients - body to body - can resonate in deep and positive ways we don’t always recognize. What we do recognize however, is that many of us go to IIBA conferences to renew loving connections with our bioenergetic colleagues. We take part in the search for authentic insights and we learn new therapeutic interventions that help us heal old wounds.
How is it that Bioenergetic Analysis can provide the riches revealed by the words love, authenticity, connection and healing? Alexander Lowen defined and wrote about these riches in his many books. Many others developed his work by integrating it with the new knowledge from affective neuroscience and attachment theory. Today, innovative theories from social psychology add to the picture.
We need to better understand that what takes place, out of consciousness and at the energetic and relational level, can form the most potent source of a client’s change. After all, when a mother resonates body to body with her baby’s emotions, the baby’s brain begins its long developmental journey towards the formation of an authentic and social sense of self. The powerful body to body connection of sexuality sustains this formation from young adulthood to old age.
At our 25th IIBA International Conference we will want to affirm that both somatic communication and authentic loving connection help us pass on the best of human nature to others.
We have built a program that explores the Conference Title:
We have chosen Keynote Speakers of international reputation who can challenge us to deepen our reflection on the formidable social and political issues that are at the forefront in the world today. These issues challenge our attachment relationships, not only with each other, but with the whole ecosystem.
Luigi Zoja: The Other as a Potential Enemy
Even the most normal thought is constantly infiltrated by paranoia. According to the statistics, as a form of mental disorder it is relatively insignificant. Whereas other forms of mental pathology exclude the individual from society, paranoia can assist in the gaining of great power, by providing the public with a scapegoat. The classic twentieth-century examples are Hitler and Stalin. Ever since the mass media have existed, they have had the great responsibility of combating this distortion, which is a cause of the worst evils, or of going along with it. In the digital world, theoretically the chances of achieving complete, objective information have increased enormously: in practice, however, the main thing that has increased has been confusion in the average citizen. It seems that knowing the other personally remains the best defence against indiscriminate hatred.
Darcia Narvaez: Companionship and Connection - Repairing the Cycle of Life for a Thriving World
Humans are born highly immature with much to develop neurobiologically after birth. To accommodate a needy offspring, humans evolved a nest that matches up with the maturational schedule of the child, providing the buffering needed to optimize development. Each human self-organizes around experience, especially in early life when neurobiological systems are establishing their parameters and thresholds. However, industrialized nations have degraded the nest, so much so that illbeing is spreading around the world. Baselines have shifted for child raising, what is considered normal child and adult behaviour promoting cultures that perpetuate suboptimal development. I discuss what humans need to flourish and how to repair damaged selves and communities.
For more information about all Plenary Sessions, Afternoon Workshops, Pre-Conference Workshops and special Training Days for future Certified Bioenergetic Therapists, please visit our website: or e-mail to