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USABP Alliance of Somatic EducatorS

Membership Types and Opportunities

Our Educator Membership gives your organization presence in a global somatic community committed to advancing somatic psychology, body-mind psychotherapy, and embodied practices. Our national and international USABP advocacy and outreach spans over twenty-nine countries, reaching beyond the United States to include Europe, Canada, South America, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. 

USABP Somatic Educator Membership Types

Official membership is granted to organizations that are engaged in body-mind integration and support the mission and goals of the USABP.

Universities and Colleges offering Masters and Doctorate degree programs with somatic specialization that prepare students for state licensing and professional clinical practice. Annual membership dues = $500

Somatic Training Institutes offering stringent in-depth programs leading to Practitioner Certification in their specific modality. These training institutes are established, recognized leaders in somatic education guiding our field forward with innovations in body-mind approaches. Annual membership dues = $500

Somatic Training Organizations offering short-term specialized trainings in a variety of body-mind integrative practices for which they give Attendance Certificates. Annual membership dues = $500

Embodied Coaching Programs introducing concepts that take into account relational and systemic somatic principles and address the body-mind connection. Annual membership dues = $500

Join Us

USABP Somatic Educator Opportunities

1. Website listing 

Your website listing includes:

• Summary page with your logo, introduction, program overview, registration details, and a link to your website.


• Dedicated full page for your program descriptions and recruitment. We drive targeted traffic links from over 17 of our website pages to help you recruit participation in your programs.

• Promotions and discounts for your programs shared in the members-only section, highlighted in the USABP newsletters, and in direct communications to members.

Email your offerings to

2. Official USABP Somatic Educator Recognition and Certification Seal 

You receive three button files—white, B&W, color—to choose from and place on your website with a linkback to your USABP page. The button provides SEO strength, opportunities, and authority.

3. Posting in our Events section 

Our social media presence will drive new audiences to the Education and Training section that promotes your upcoming events. 

Submit your events using the members-only subpage Event Submission form

4. Webinar participation 

Your participation in one of our monthly co-branded webinars will spotlight your organization.
Our webinars:

• Are open to the public and publicized to our 9,000 followers mailing list.

• Allow you to present your theory and treatment advances to colleagues.

• Recruit new somatic professionals seeking to advance their skillset.

• Your facilitator receives a one-year complimentary USABP membership.

 Action items and timeline available in the appendix below.

5. Publication Opportunities

• The International Body Psychotherapy Journal (IBPJ) Published in association with the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP), the Journal covers the spectrum of academic developments, evolving clinical practices, and interdisciplinary viewpoints within the field of somatic psychology and body psychotherapy.

Included in your membership, you are invited to participate as an author, peer-reviewer, or book reviewer.

Learn more at:

• Viewpoints — blog at USABP

This member-driven blog spotlights therapeutic questions and solutions, shares opinions, raises public awareness, and contributes to shaping our national mental health policy. Viewpoints helps members and the general public stay current with the world of somatic psychology and body-mind integrative practices.

For the Viewpoint mission:
For additional Information: 

• Newsletter—published bi-monthly 
Priority access to advertise in our emailed monthly newsletter 

• Members - only section 
Post articles, video clips, book chapters, and interesting information about our field.

6. Resources

Share the free resources you provide. Your resources can be listed in the following locations:


• Your landing page

• Dissertations and Research invitation:

7. Biennial conference

You receive a booth discount and special mention in the conference program.

8. Sponsorship opportunities 

Opportunities to sponsor upcoming events, conferences and publications.

9. Programs for your graduates and alumni's professional growth and success

Membership provides free extended education* to support your graduates and alumni’s professional efforts. We are working to grow the demand for somatic therapy,  find-a-therapist placements, referrals, networking, and SEO for practitioner websites.

*Extended education includes event listings, member-only discounts, access to 12+ education events per year, access to our events archive, and more.

Join the USABP Alliance of Somatic Educators

USABP provides an important tool for cross-pollination — 

a focal point from which the vital contributions 

of somatic psychology and body-mind integrative therapies

can take their place on the world stage.

Join Us Today!

membership INCLUDEs SPecial recognition

The Field of Body Psychotherapy continues to grow. Discovering new ways to bring healing and transformation to clients and society.

Our Award events honor the many positive contributing milestones in our history. And from time to time it is in special order that we take time to honor a few individuals in particular.

We are pleased each year to present Award Recipients to honor them and all that they represent in our industry. Join us at our next Award Ceremony.


Since its inception in 1998, the USABP has made it a priority to honor the people who have made somatic psychology, body psychotherapy, and body/mind practices what they are today: acknowledging our history is extremely important in our identity as an organization.

USABP lifetime achiement award

At each USABP conference a body psychotherapist has been recognized for their lifetime achievements specifically in the field of body psychotherapy by impacting the field, contributing to the body of knowledge, expanding the audience, mobilizing the community, and support of the field at large. 

Click here to view Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients 

Alice K. Ladas Research award 

For Outstanding Research Advancing the Profession of Body Psychotherapy and Outstanding Research Advancing the Profession of Body Psychotherapy by a Student the USABP offers two research awards at each conference. Click here to view the Alice K. Ladas Research Award

Click here to view recipients of the  Alice K. Lada Research Award.


Learn from distinguished Institutes that meet USABP standards.

1321 Antoine Dr.
Houston, TX 77055


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No part of this Web site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the United States Association for Body Psychotherapy. 

USABP is a nonprofit membership association dedicated to developing and advancing the art, science, and practice of Body Psychotherapy.

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